
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · 映画
24 Chs

Tex the Hutt(Edited)

As Tex and Wenda unload the weapons, the peggats, and supplies into the Sandcrawler, Zaki stood aside trying to be as invisible as possible. He didn't break anything, he has trained most of the time, but when he saw how hurt Wenda was and the marks on Tex, he decided to be a good boy and wait patiently. As he waited, Zaki begins to enter in meditation which was noticed by Tex senses.

Tex: He did it. Now that would be a pain in the ass for me...at least he begins to mature a little.Wenda go rest in the shuttle .You need it.

Wenda: Roger that ,tough guy.

Tex: Now let's see. Battle results

[Combat Finished:Result:Victory]

[Reward : Two skill points]

[Note:Tough fight for a tough guy]

Five hours later, Wenda come back.

Wenda: I'm ready.A little sad that you didn't come to me,but it's ok.

Tex: Good ,now follow me.

Before they arrived at the shuttle, Tex spoke to one of the droids that he managed to repair to notify Zaki that they are in the city. Of course, Zaki will be informed when he regains his consciousness.

As for the droids,Tex used one skill point to level his Technometry to level one giving him knowledge on how to repair simple droids or complex droids that aren't that damaged.Last night he managed to repair three droids.One was left to guard Zaki while the last two were coming with him.While the last point was put in Soresu.

Inside the shuttle, Tex decided to drive the shuttle inside the settlement to where they found it.

Wenda equipped a heavy blasters(Machine gun). The droids were equipped with blaster rifles and they wore Trandoshans armor for extra protection.

Fifteen minutes later they landed the shuttle on the landing pad.

Tex decided to let the shuttle unprotected as it was an abandoned place. Together with his droids and Wenda, Tex walked towards the cargo bay#6 to save the Jedi.

Along the way, they were stopped by some guards, but with his Jedi mind trick, Tex managed to make them leave.

When they arrived at the cargo bay, Tex saw a bunch of people wearing Mandalorian armor. They definitely looked like Mandalorians with the armor on them, but the test will begin shortly.

Tex decided to walk with Wenda while the rest of them would ambush the Mandalorians when they would saw Tex signal.

As the duo walked in front of the Mandalorians, the mercenaries become alert. One of them walked in front of Tex and pointed his rifle at him.

Mercenary: Go back and I'll forget that you have the guts to walk here.

Tex: Really now. So you won't make the deal. Well, that's unfortunate. Have a good day and wait for the Hutts to hunt you.

The mercenaries were scared when they heard Tex. The one that just spoke rudely to Tex, kneeled and plead for forgiveness.

Tex played hard and begin to demand things from them like how can he be sure that the package was really a Jedi or if they aren't buying time for some plan.

The mercenaries begin to panic and they succumb to Tex demands. Two of them walked into the warehouse and ten minutes later they brought a female Mirialan that looked very sick.

Tex: What happened to her? She looks sick.

Mercenary: Nothing sir, it's just a precaution. She is dangerous so we had to weaken her.

Tex: Nevermind, where is her weapon?

Mercenary: Well, about that...her weapon wasn't mentioned in the deal.

Tex: I will pay double if you add the weapon.

Mercenary: Pleasure to do business with you.

After they discussed the price, the mercenaries brought the lightsaber outside so that Tex can see it.

Tex had waited for this moment for over fifteen minutes and now that they took it out their hideout, Tex didn't hesitate to attack.

He grabbed his lightsabers and slashed one of the mercenaries. His droids begins to fire at the mercenaries as well.

Meanwhile, Wenda commanded the droids to terminate all of the mercenaries.

What happened next can't be called a battle as it was just a massacre. None of the droids was hit. Tex managed to get unscathed as well only the Jedi stood there looking at the carnage.

Tex walked in front of her to help her stand up. She didn't refuse his help, but she was still ready to fight.

Seeing this, Tex smiled at her high alert persona.

Tex: You know that I just saved your ass right?

Mirialan: You just signed your death when you helped me. The Hutts wouldn't let this slip.

Tex: You don't need to worry about that. Now, what should I do with a Jedi?

Mirialan: What do you mean? Aren't you a Jedi yourself?

Tex: Nope. I'm more like a grey Jedi, but I don't learn from one, but that's enough information about me.

Mirialan: That didn't clarify anything. You fight like a Jedi, but you aren't one. Then why did you save me?

Tex: Apparently you took care of my apprentice a while back, before the whole slave thing.

Mirialan: The little Togruta? He's still alive?

Tex: Yes he is. I found him and that's how I become his guardian.

Mirialan: What are you going to do with him?

Tex: Train him, of course. He can't go without any training. He would be an easy target.

Mirialan: You are pretty strange for a grey Jedi. Well I didn't ask for your name and I don't believe that I spoke to mine, now did I?

Tex: No.

Mirialan: I'm a Jedi knight and my name is Flivi Za.

Tex: Tex Fett. Wander and Mercenary.