
Chapter one

               CHAPTER ONE 

 Hattie had just finished up for the day and she was feeling weak and tired as usual. Mr willow won't let  her hear the end of it about how much he hated his wife. It  was her job but she found him rather annoying. He kept going on and on about it. Hattie kept looking at the time to signal him that time was far spent but his constant nagging knew no bounds.

  She had finally finished sorting her desk, she folded her coat, on it written " Doctor Hattie" and then she dropped it on her brown desk, straightening it out with her hands to avoid wrinkles. No one would want a doctor that looked unkempt.

She slipped her legs into her heels. she had pulled it off earlier because she felt uncomfortable but she could not help to stop wearing heels. It was Westin's fashion taste and she had no say in it.

She grabbed her bag when she heard  a knock on the door.

" who is it this time?" she half yelled

The door opened to a worried looking woman in her 40's. She went over to a sit and held her hand to her chest as if trying to calm herself down with her eyes wide open. She looked really terrified

 " Mrs Aida. What's wrong?" Hattie dropped her bags and went over to her, she cupped her chin with her palm and lifted up her face to look at her.

  "did you see anything?" she asked again. It seemed like the poor woman was still trying to catch her breath and process something. In another words, she looked like she just had a physical encounter with a ghost. Literally

  " Doc... Doc.." she paused as she swallowed hard  " Doctor patrick" 

  " Yes tell me what happened, you are really scaring me" Hattie panicked

  " The news, he is dead" Aida said as tears flowed down her cheeks

"What! what news" Hattie said shakily as she grabbed her phone, she could barerly hold the phone, she had an app for news. she was not the Tv type. she wanted something handy

Her hands trembled as she read the news accompanied with a video.

His body was found in his basement of his house, he was tortured and stabbed to death.

 Hattie stepped a few steps back. She was really trying to process the whole thing

'why?' she thought

'Mr patrick did not deserve to die. Why him of all people. Why was he killed when there are a lot of bad people in this world?. Even though he was going to die, at least not in a very brutal way.

This was not the first death  recorded in  the past two months. As a matter of facts, five people including  Mr patrick were brutally killed and the police had not caught the killer. 


  Mr patrick had been acting strangely lately and Hattie was going to ask him if he had any challenge tomorow but hearing the news really broke her down

 She did not know how to feel, scared, angry or blank?

She felt angry because her Mom was killed the same way and the killer was never found. Why do bad people have to get away with everything. Her mum's killer might still be walking the earth.

She felt scared, she couldnt help but feel scared. She had always leaved in fear all her life.

She wiped out the tears on her cheeks, she didn't realise that she had been crying. 

Mr patrick really meant alot here.

 "What are the police saying about it?" Hattie asked but she already knew what they will say. That was what they always said 

 " they are working on it" Aida replied shakily 

"Of course" Hattie said with disgust, she grabbed her bag and went for the door. She needed to get home and clear her head.

Her house wasn't far from the hospital so walking down to her house was not a problem.

She had to borrow her car to Westin for his trip. She had no problem with that anyway since she did not go out much.

She stepped out of the hospital gate, bent her wrist to check the time

"11:24?" she gasped, she had not stayed that late at work before but there were too many appointment today.

It was drizzling. She really hated the way the road was so lonely. She tried walking fast, judging from the weather, it was going to pour hard.

She began to regret not staying with Aida in the hospital, it was her shift anyway. She walked asking herself why Mr patrick was killed. It was stupid to ask but she couldn't help but ask.

Suddenly she felt scared and sick of everything. She really needed a hug and someone to comfort and tell her that everything is going to be alright. 

After about 3 minites of walking, she looked back and saw a young man dressed in black with a black face cap. She felt scared as they were the only ones on the road.

She increased her pace trying to calm her self. He  probably just loved black, she consoled her self inwardly. Judging from the killings happening, she couldn't help but panic

She made a right turn hoping she will get rid of him but he still followed her. He was slowly catching up with her. It was dark so she could not make out his face.

She did not want to take any chances so she further increased her pace.

 The rain was pouring down heavily now, her hair and cloths were drenched with rain. She kept looking back at the man who was still following her.

She kept on increasing her pace until she started running. She she did not want to look back again, she was too scared, she kept on running.

She felt relieved when she sighted her house.

She looked back and to her surprise the fellow was gone.

How stupid could she have been?. He probably was just living around the neighbourhood. She thought as she laughed inwardly.

She walked down to her house trying to steady her  breath.

'Silly Hattie' she thought

She stopped at her door step and reached for her key under the mat and opened the door.

She sure was exhausted, she locked the door and dragged her feet to her room, took a towel and dried her drenched hair.

It was too cold to shower at least that was the excuse she gave herself. Truth was that she was too tired to take a shower, even to prepare dinner so  she just changed to her nighties and hopped on the bed.

"Mr patrick" she said out loud and slept off.


"Mum, am home" she paused as she took out the groceries she bought at the store close to the hospital "you wont belive what happened at work today" she giggled at the thought of it.

"Mum?" she called out again.

'Did she step out?, She must have gone to Mrs Harder's house' she thought

She took out the chips she had bought from the store, she opened it and went over to the room to eat it. Chips had always been her favourite snack.

She opened her room door and met the shock of her life. The chips she was holding fell from her hands. she rushed to her almost disfigured Mother on the floor

Her face was burned, the burnts had the shape of a blade,  one of her eyeball was missing and she was dripping with blood from her body. She tried to find the source of the blood but there were too many stabbed wounds. It seemed like the killer tortured her before killing her.

"Mum!" She cried.


Hattie woke up, sweating profusely. This was not the first time she was having such a dream. Hot tears rolled down her cheek as she felt empty.

'When will it stop?'

She stepped out of bed to prepare for work when her phone rang. She  picked it up and it was westlin. she hesitated to answer it. she wasn't in the mood to take calls but she had to take it or else he would start going on and on about how she was  cheating on him. 

She have been dating him for the past 2 years. she did not want to feel lonely so when he asked her out she gave him a yes quickly.

Did she love him? she did not know, she stopped asking herself that question a long time ago 

Hattie knew that Westin loved her but she did not know how she felt about the whole thing.

" morning beautiful" the voice from the other end said.

" morning Westlin, you sound Happy".

"Yeah i am, am happy that i have to wake up and realise that i am your boyfriend everyday, that alone can make any man happy" .

" oh Westlin" she said with a smile " how are things over there?"

"Boring as fuck, you know how business trips can be".

"No i dont know how business trips can be" she said with sarcasm 

"Whatever" she could feel him rolling his eyes 

"So what are you doing now?" 

" making coffee, i just woke up, you know"


"What about you?" He asked 

" i just woke up too" she walked over to the kitchen to prepare breakfast " oh did you hear the news?"  she asked.

" no, what happened?"

" Mr patrick is dead, you don't know him but he was a doctor at the hospital i work"

"Woah what happened to him ?" 

"He was found in his basement dead" she trembled at the thought, she thought of how he felt knowing he was going to be killed. He must have been so scared .

" that's so sad" westin said with worry.

" well it's okay though, i just feel really bad, i wish the killer is found before he....." she was interrupted by a sound coming from the toilet 

"Hey Westin i will call you back"  she hanged up.

She went over to the toilet where the sound came from, she opened the toilet door and to her surprise, the toilet window was wide open. it was as if it was forced opened judging from the way the window was damaged.

'Strange' she did not want to make any assumption but it really looked like it was forced open by someone.

The thought made her shake. What if someone came through my window in the night, that means the person was here while she was sleeping.

'What if the person was a murderer?' she thought with fear

'No Hattie stop making any assumption, maybe its a cat". she said trying to calm herself. Hardly

"I will call someone to fix it tomorow" she said out loud 

She went over to the kitchen to make breakfast. just pancakes and and syrub.

She ate up, went to take a shower, after succesfully locking up the remains  of the toilet window.

About an hour later, she finished preparing and was about to take her bag when she saw a paper stuck to her wall.

She took the paper to read the content, it said





Please try and ignore the errors. I will try my best to spot all of them 

Please dm this whatsapp number, I would like to hear your thoughts concerning this story



