
Stained Sampaguita

作者: _aoutoria
連載中 · 702 ビュー
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What is Stained Sampaguita

WebNovel で公開されている、_aoutoria の作者が書いた Stained Sampaguita の小説を読んでください。...



Vergessene Legende der blutigen Blume

"Lebe diesmal das Leben, das du willst." Eine unvergleichliche Attentäterin, Codename: Hua, hat ihre Karriere schon als Kind begonnen. Ihre Missionsbilanz war perfekt, und jeder, den sie für ihren Feind hielt, starb, ohne zu wissen warum. Als der Krieg zu Ende war, wurde sie in eine Anstalt geschickt, wo sie streng überwacht wurde. Der behandelnde Arzt gab ihr einen gewöhnlichen Wuxia-Roman zu lesen. Nachdem sie die Lektüre beendet hatte, brach eine Lawine los. Als sie aufwachte, hatte sie sich in Nan Hua verwandelt, die junge Frau einer mächtigen Militärfamilie aus dem Roman, den sie gelesen hatte. Das Mädchen war auch die Verlobte der ehemaligen Hauptfigur, die sterben würde, weil sie die Liebe der Hauptfigur behindert hatte. Wer würde es jetzt, da sie die Macht übernommen hatte, wagen, sich in ihrer Nähe so anmaßend zu verhalten? Sie würden nie erfahren, wie sie so unglücklich endeten! Aber... Hauptfigur, was treibst du dich in ihrer Nähe herum? Solltest du dich nicht auf den drohenden Krieg und die Rettung deiner weiblichen Hauptfigur konzentrieren? Warum versuchst du stattdessen mit allen Mitteln, sie zu gewinnen, ach? ... Die Geschichte spielt in einer fiktiven Welt mit einer ähnlichen Kultur wie im alten China. Tritt dem Diskurs bei, um mit dem Autor und anderen Lesern zu chatten: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... P.S.: Diese Geschichte ist auch bei Amazon veröffentlicht, wenn ihr sie dort lest, lasst bitte eine Rezension da. Dankeschön ^^ ... Sequel: Astralblume [in Arbeit] ... Andere Romane: -Blumen blühen auf dem Schlachtfeld [vollständig] - Unter dem Schleier der Nacht [vollständig] - 7 Pfad der Lilien [auf lange Pause] - 1 Jahr des Beginns [vollständig] - Villain Lady [vollständig] - Wissenschaft und Fantasie [vollständig] - 2 Jahre des Neubeginns [vollständig] - Die stille Kaiserin [in Arbeit] - Die kleine Katze des Schurken [in Arbeit] ... Folge mir auf IG: @sora100518

Sorahana · 歴史
153 Chs

Limitless Online

Raven lived a life of luxury ever since he was born. He grew up with a caring father in London, his whole life he didn't have any complaints. His father owned multiple five star hotels around the world along with a fee other businesses. Money wasn't a problem, it never was. They had more than enough. However, what happens when his closest friend convinces him to join a VRMMORPG game, Limitless Online. A game with endless possibilities. You will never run out of things to do playing the same, as the name suggests, and that was the whole point of it. A game where you can do anything as long as you have the time, imagination, and skill. Unfortunately for every other player in the game, Raven was the lucky One Millionth player to join the game after two weeks of being released. That earned him a special class and race no one else in the game as, now he's going to go pillage villages, kill other players, burn cities down, and chill with his friends. "It's your fault that this happened, I hope you know what?" "How is this my fault! You destroyed that city, not me! I was just there, watching from the sidelines." "Didn't you get like a dozen levels from blowing up one of the buildings that killed a lot of players, NPCs, and cows. The poor, poor cows." "We don't talk about that." "If you say so Mister Pyromaniac. You're a damn Elf of crying out loud." "Hey! That's racist." "No, it's the truth my pointy eared pyromaniac friend." ——————————————— •English is my 3rd language so there will be some mistakes here and there, I apologies in advance. {(Cove is not mine. If the creator of it what's it removed then please let me know and it will be done)}

FallenEclispe2 · ファンタジー
13 Chs

My Careful Lover — (Moved to a New Link)

New link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-careful-lover_26209843705402605 "What do you want from me?" Moon stared right back at him with her hands crossed in front of her chest "Isn't it obvious already?" "it is not because I still don't get why you did what you-" "I want you, simple" Moon let out a dry laugh. "I have already made it clear to you that I am not interested in any boyfriend-girlfriend complicated mess." This time around it was Ocean who chuckled "I see. I was hoping to take baby steps with you, but it seems you are in a hurry. Marriage then." "I am not interested in marriage either. I don't want to marry" "What a pity" He shook his head with a smirk playing on his lips "Are you scared that I won't love you enough? Well, I promise to love, respect and cherish you till not even death can do us part. I promise to make love to you anytime you want-" "You are crazy" She shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know if that is the right response to a wedding vow even though we both know that I am crazy about you. Pick a date for the marriage as we would be going to see your people tomorrow" "The date is never" Moon expected him to get angry over her response but he just grinned innocently at her "You are a funny girl. I will let you sleep over it as I would be expecting my response after we visit my useless in-laws tomorrow. Goodnight my sweet rabbit teeth neighbour." before she could say another word he pecked her lips and walked away with a broad smile

stranger2_no1 · 都市
13 Chs

The Oresteia (Modernized)

All three of the great Greek Tragedians have written plays about the bloody chain of murder and revenge within the royal family of Argos. Yet theirs is in fact not a story of tragedy, but rather one of redemption. As they move from darkness to light, from rage to self-governance, from primitive ritual to civilized institution, their spirit of struggle and regeneration becomes an everlasting song of celebration to be heard throughout the ages. Forming a discourse set against the emergence of Athenian democracy out of a period of chaos and destruction, the Orestian plays are compelling stories of the tensions between our obligations to our families and the laws that bind us together as a society. In the beginning, we witness how a king’s decision to sacrifice his daughter and turn the tide of war inflicts lasting damage on his family, culminating in a terrible act of retribution. In the aftermath of regicide, we behold how a son must set out to avenge his father’s death by committing a most egregious sin. In the end, the sinner is tormented by supernatural powers that can never be appeased, but ultimately finds redemption and ends the curse on his house once and for all. Woven through all of this is the story of a friendship so close that it elevates itself to brotherhood - Where the blood of the covenant is shown to be indeed thicker than the water of the womb. In this very brief twelve-chapter modern rendition of the Orestian plays, I have chosen to place my focus mainly on the lives of the characters Orestes and his best friend Pylades. The chapters, each around 2000-2500 words, are split up evenly between them in first-person narrative. I hope that you will come to enjoy reading this heartwarming story, but more importantly, that you see how the conflicts portrayed in the story, whether human or institutional, are still much very relevant to our societies today. Note on Sources: The details of this story is very loosely based on The Oresteia by Aeschylus, who was one of the three great Greek Tragedians (though this story is not a tragedy). And I mean very loosely. Other sources that I referenced for detail and inspiration are Mythology by Edith Hamilton, Electra by Sophocles, and Iphigenia in Tauris by Euripides. You may also find that I have quoted some of these works, and others (such as Shelley's Ozymondaeus), without citations (average of 1-2 such quotes per chapter). I did this because I do not have the ability to describe certain scenes nearly as well as some of those writers. If you read a particularly beautiful piece of prose here, chances are it's probably stolen lol.

HAXX0RZ · 歴史
17 Chs


"Kalas" is an engaging and intriguing web novel that features a unique female protagonist with a strong personality. The story revolves around Kalas, an ambitious and daring woman, who becomes the feared villain in the business world as the head of one of the largest technology companies in the world. Contrary to common clichés, Kalas is not just a main character, but a captivating antagonist who defies traditional expectations. Her fierce determination, sharp intelligence, and extraordinary leadership skills have propelled her to the top of the technology industry, where she rules with an iron fist. The plot of "Kalas" explores the secrets, rivalries and betrayals that permeate the high-tech business world. As the story progresses, we realize that Kalas's seemingly impenetrable reputation is just camouflage for her own scars and a mysterious past that she keeps hidden. As Kalas builds empires and faces countless challenges, her journey connects with exciting encounters with equally fascinating characters. There are intense rivalries, surprising alliances and forbidden passions that add a captivating touch to the plot. "Kalas" delves into the dark side of ambition and power, exploring themes such as morality, business ethics and the price of domination. The story not only features surprising twists, but also delves into Kalas's complex psychology, leading readers to question their own beliefs about villains and protagonists. With its gripping narrative and a distinctive female protagonist who defies stereotypes, "Kalas" is a web novel that delves deep into the mind of a villain determined to bring the corporate world under her control. Prepare to be surprised and fall in love with a story full of intrigue, power and shocking revelations.

Emerald_Net · 都市
10 Chs


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