
SSS-Rank Villain's Domination

This is a world of the future, a world that is highly developed yet devoid of morals, rich yet the majority of people are below poverty. Hypocrisy is a must-have for any elite who want to stay in their class. Invisible evil envelops the entire world. However, above all evil, there is an evil that in a short time terrorizes everyone. *** Discord: (https://discord.gg/4hkjAaMwqJ)

Dark_Crow1111 · ファンタジー
16 Chs


"Sure!" Levi, who was now in the figure of Dark Crow, immediately agreed with the middle-aged woman's plan.

He gave the signal to Cecilia to kill Charles.

The woman didn't even think before taking action. However, she did not move.

When her hand moved, a very ferocious black lion suddenly appeared right behind Charles.

It was huge, almost three meters tall. Its eyes were red, looking bloodthirsty.

It opened its mouth directly and then tried to bite Charles' head.

The man couldn't even move as the aura from the lion made it seem as if his heart had stopped beating.


Apparently, he could speak. His expression looked like he wanted to compromise again.

This made Cecilia glance at Dark Crow, asking for his opinion on whether she needed to stop or continue killing the man.

At the same time, the middle-aged woman looked worried because if Dark Crow canceled his intention to kill Charles, she would be in serious trouble because Charles would definitely not let her live easily after her obvious betrayal.

However, Dark Crow gave Cecilia a sign not to stop.

Levi of course had his own considerations.

The middle-aged woman might be a traitor, but her ambition was not like Charles'.

She would only betray when there was really no other choice.

However, Charles with his ambition would definitely keep thinking of ways to betray.

He was not a suitable person to partner with.

Since Dark Crow wanted Charles dead anyway, the black lion naturally didn't stop.

In an instant, Charles' head entered the lion's mouth.

The next thing was for the lion to bite Charles' neck until his head separated from his body.

However, before even blood gushed out, the lion swallowed Charles' entire body.

One gulp from the lion made Charles disappear from the world without leaving even dust.

Kane's eyes became blurry from the sight. His body was instantly covered in sweat. The young woman by his side even fainted immediately.

In a short time there was suddenly something so big happening.

"What's your name?" Dark Crow didn't seem to feel any emotion. He asked the middle-aged woman.

"My name is Vannesa, and I hold the position of Finance Director of this company," the woman replied, not only saying her name but telling Dark Crow her title, obviously wanting to convince him more.

"So how are you going to help me control this company?" asked Dark Crow again.

His tone was somewhat colder, reminding Vannesa that she could be dead right now.

Personally, Levi was rather unsure if this would work because Charles was not an individual without a family.

The company had indeed been passed down to him since he had won the competition, but if he died, his brothers would take over since he did not have an heir yet.

The middle-aged woman took a deep breath before she replied, "Charles and I sometimes had sexual intercourse until I eventually became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy who is now three years old. This is something that Charles did not know because he thought the baby was my and my husband's son. However, I know that the baby is mine and Charles' son, I even have DNA test evidence. As long as we hire the best lawyers, and bribe the prosecutors and judges, my son can be the heir, and I as his mother will be the temporary guardian who will manage my son's estate."

Vannesa looked like she was carrying a sack full of stones as she said all this.

Her breathing was labored at times.

She was not only talking about her secret, but also her shame, that she was a woman who had an affair with her boss who was practically younger than her.

When it's a woman who has an affair, it's always a shock for the men.

Kane stared at Vannesa in disbelief.

Maybe Kane didn't think that Vannesa would have such a wild side behind her calm demeanor.

The thing is Kane knows Vannesa's husband, they are even good friends.

He's a successful man who has now taken the helm of the Arsenal State-owned power company.

He and Vannesa seem to have a deep connection.

Unfortunately, Vannesa is really having an affair.

Kane wonders if it is Charles who is very skillful in seducing Vannesa or indeed Vannesa who accepts Charles easily because she also lusts for him.

All in all, even Cecilia looked at Vannesa with an interested gaze.

"Does that mean you're going to tell your husband about your affair?" asked Cecilia with a quiet laugh.

"Any storm will pass, there's nothing to worry about," Vannesa replied.

She was surprisingly calm when she said that.

"You might get divorced by your husband," said Cecilia, seemingly curious to know more about Vannesa's reaction.

"That's not a scary thing," replied Vannesa, even calmer.

At this point, Cecilia could only shake her head.

There already seemed to be no love between Vannesa and her husband, which was why the woman could have an affair.

Kane came to the conclusion that their seemingly deep relationship was nothing more than a show.

After that, Dark Crow who hadn't spoken since Vannesa said her plan finally spoke again, he said to Cecilia, "help her take care of all this."

"Sure!" Cecilia looked happy as she accepted the task.

"What about this fatso?" she asked while glancing at Kane.

Instantly, the fat middle-aged man trembled in fear.

"Please don't kill me, I will definitely keep this secret, I will also do anything for you!" He pleaded with Dark Crow.

"He can leave," Dark Crow replied.

"And you don't have to keep a secret," he added as he glanced at the man.


He disappeared after saying that, leaving Kane and Vannesa confused. They didn't understand what he meant by his decision.

Did he want everything that happened here to spread?

Kane looked at Cecilia with eyes asking her to explain what the Dark Crow meant.

For that matter, Cecilia didn't mind explaining it to Kane.

"You should understand, he wants the world to be frightened by his story. However, you better not say anything about his connection with Hell's Smile or I'll slaughter your entire family and then cut you into a thousand pieces."
