
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · アニメ·コミックス
27 Chs

Chapter 25 : Meow

"Hello Pedestrians!!" Spider-Man shouted as he swung over the heads of the people walking on the roads of New York.

It had been two weeks since Loki's attack. People were traumatized at first. Fearful of what had happened and what was going to happen. But as more and more information about the event was coming to light, the people were finally able to breathe.

Other than the Massive battle itself, the idea of 'The Avengers'. So-called 'Super-heros' forming a team and working together was something that attracted the world's attention too.

It didn't take long for the world to give various types of reaction about the newly formed Avengers. For common people to United Nations itself. Everyone had something to say about Avengers.

Some people were still afraid but it didn't take long for SHIELD to release a report and an interview of Captain America, Where he himself confirmed that Avengers was not aligned with any organisation and works independently.

Nobody knew Wolverine had gone of to. Or wether Thor will ever come back. But that was all for the future.

Right now, The biggest news was that The Amazing Spider-Man had returned. Better than ever.

Peter was really enjoying this feeling of being able to put on the mask and go out in the daylight to help people. It felt like a burden has been lifted off his shoulders.

"Robbery happening in an Jwellery store near Grand Central." A voice came out of the ear piece which was linked to the radio channel the Police used. Peter was happy that his old toys were still working just fine.

He dropped down near the Jwellery store. There he was met by None other than

Officer Gordon. He had become the new head of NYPD. Taking Stacy's place.

"Spider-Man? It's good that you are here. Now get to the work." The Officer said while taking a whiff from his cigaratte.

"Sir. Yes sir." Spidey gave him a military salute and then jumped up to the roof of the store. It was surprising really. He had at first thought that Gordon would be angry with Spider-man, considering How Gwen was hating him even though only because of a misunderstanding.

"It's alright. I've seen the Post-Mortem report and i know how George Died. I don't know who told The Stacy's such wrong news but you don't have to be afraid. Atleast I'm not against you."

That's what Gordon has said. And it meant a lot to Peter.

He landed in the store from the Window on the backside of the store.

"Hand's Up Bug." Suddenly three men aimed their guns at him and Spidey stopped.

They started to walk towards him but right then a big banner that was hanging on the ceiling suddenly fell down on top of the three men.

"Uh..... Wow. Maybe Lady luck is on my side today buddy." Spider-Man sent web strings at their guns and pulled them away from the men.

Two more men came from the side to attack Spider-Man but the hero threw Web-bombs at them which webbed them up. And just like that, The Robbery was stopped.

He took all the five men and walked out of the store before throwing them all at Gordon's feet. "Here's your delivery sir."

After that he posed for a photographer and then swung away from the scene. Soon after that he landed on top of the rooftop of a Tall building which gave a great view of Manhattan from the top.

He looked at the scenery and exclaimed. "It's gonna be Great day. I can feel it. I'll wrap up the day patrol after one more round around Hell's kitchen."

"Ummmmmmmm.... That's the best ass I've ever seen babe." A woman's sensual voice came from behind Spider-man and hewas startled how his Spider-Sense didn't warn him about anyone.

He turned around immediately only to come face to face with an old acquaintance. Before him was One of the sexiest women he had ever seen, biting her nail as she continued to look at him or rather his muscular body with a glint in her eyes.

Felicia Walter Hardy, Aka The Black Cat.

Peter had met the sexy girl with cat fetish once before. It was an accidental, very scandalous but emotion incident.

Felicia Hardy had stolen some papers from Police department and illegally freed a prisoner out of the prison. Spider-Man had tried to stop her from stealing but she had slipped from his hand. After that he had intercepted her path during the prison break but then stopped himself when he found out that The Black Cat was only a young teen girl, not much older than him . And the prisoner she was helping escape was her own father, Former thieve Walter Hardy. He was dying but Felicia didn't want him to die in a Prison and at least let him spend his final moments with his family.

Spider-Man had stepped out of Black Cat's way and let her do what she wanted. He had kept watching over her and her family and had seen her father die and his funeral. After that He had talked with Felicia one final time and asked her to give up on the 'Black Cat' persona as it was too dangerous and bad for her since she didn't have any special powers except for a very special talent in Stealing and some good athletic abilities.

Felicia Hardy had promised him that she would do that as she was moving away from New York together with her mother. She had been really thankful that he had helped her instead of just catching her. She even went as far as to propose him before laughing out loud, calling it a prank.

And after that...

Well, she moved away. And that was the last time he had seen Felicia Hardy.

Until Now.

She was sitting on the railing with her hands fold below her chest. Pushing out her big assets even more. Her sexy Black outfit giving a really great view to anyone watching.

'Oh Boy. If she stretches a bit more, I fear they might just come out entirely..... No wait. What are you thinking. No horny. Focus Peter.' These were the thoughts going on in Peter Parker's head.

"Black Cat. Why are you here? Or rather why are you even wearing that Outfit again?" He inquired.

"Geez Spider. You have got no manners. No greetings? Not even a hello?" Cat didn't answer his questions.

"Sigh* Hello cat. Why are you here?" Spider-Man repeated his question.

"That's better. And as for your, Well, I'm obviously here to join the team." Black cat said as she got up such that now she was standing at the edge of the rooftop.

"What team?" Spidey was confused.

"The Avengers ofcourse. What you are in any other team too?" She said as if it was obvious.

"The What?" For a second he thought he had heard wrong then laughed a bit. "No, no. What gave you that idea? The Avengers is close group of Special individuals with special powers."

"Really? But from what I have been able to find, Two of the members, That red headed bimbo and the archer guy are very normal people." Black Cat countered his argument with her own.

"Well, for you information, Those two people are one of most highly trained individuals with a wide range of special abilities that most other people can't do." Spider-Man briefly described Clint's and Natasha's abilities.

"You know, I've got my own special set of super powers too darling." Black Cat pressed on.

"Yeah. Well you can be a reserve member. We will call you when we need someone to steal anything. Ok? Now get away from the edge and go back home. Pack that costume and Don't get involved in this hero-villain mess." Spider-Man said as he turned around and started walking away from Black Cat as the girl watched him go with squinted eyes.

Spider-Man jumped off the building and sent a web string at another building but it didn't work. His Web-shooters were not working.

"What? OHHHH FUCK NO AHHH....." He started falling down towards the ground. He tried to check his Web-shooters but the cartridges were still half full. He was still falling and soon was about to kiss mother earth.

But just a few seconds before he hit the ground someone grabbed him by his leg and took him up again. Spidey saw that it was Black Cat who helped.

They both landed on another rooftop. And Cat let go of Spider-Man. Spider-Man immediately started checking out his web shooters.

He looked at Black Cat again and asked ,"How did you get so strong?"

"I trained. And instead of questions you should be thankful that I saved your ass." She said as she flexed her biceps. And then she continued speaking. "You know what? Fuck Avengers. Let's form our own team together. The Black Spider. What do you have to say about that?"

"First, Thanks for saving my ass there. And second. Wow. Your naming sense is as bad as mine." Spidey laughed at her word. "But seriously Miss Hardy, I hope you will give up on your idea. It is too dangerous for you."Spdier-Man used her real name to put an emphasis about how he knew her real identity and can use it against her if she doesn't backs down.

"What do you think I've been doing? I've spent the past two years training. For this very thing. To stand together with you. I AM READY. BELIEVE ME." Black Cat exclaimed.

She has been training for two years? My god. She is too delusional. But I can't just let her go like that. Black Cat isn't one to back down easily. It would be double bad if she started to go alone to act like a hero.

"You know what? Alright FINE. We can team up." Things were calm for now and it would be better to just show her around and considering she has done some training and she was already strong before. Fighting normal goons and Bullies would be very boring boring for a girl like Felicia. It would be best if she got bored and quit. If not Spidey would have to plan for that scenario.

'Anyway, Teaming up with a sexy Cat girl doesn't sounds bad either.' He thought as he finally fixed his Web-shooters.

"Come on partener. We are going on our daily patrol. A round around entire Manhattan. Let's go." And then they both jumped off.




Spider-Man and Black Cat went around the City beating up bad guys and stopping crimes for the rest of day. Felicia eagerly took the lead in the beating.

They had just stopped another robbery today. Well it was really easy for them since the robbers vehicles didn't start and they couldn't run away at all.

'Well, Isn't this day too lucky.' Spider-Man thought as he remembered all the other crimea they had stopped today.

Something similar had happened in most of those events. They didn't even need to try hard and the criminals were defeated just like that.

Black Cat looked really proud of her deeds. Well nothing wrong in that as she had stopped crimes and didn't cross any lines.

Not too much. Honestly, other than breaking a few bones and kicking a guy in the balls she had done a really good job.

"See that. We really do make a purrrfect team." She said a bit sensually as she looked at the Web-Head.

"Yeah, yeah. You are right. But instead of perfect I'll rather call it lucky. Or maybe those guys just had bad luck. All of them. Like seriously, It was hilarious." Spider-Man said as he dusted of some dirt from his suit.

"Hah, Don't you know Spider. Cross the Black Cat's path and you will cursed with bad luck." Felicia said as she started walking towards Spider-man.

Peter thought that maybe Felicia trying to hint something with that sentence. But simply brushed it off.

"That's a really cute catch phrase. Maybe I should make one for myself too." Spider-Man laughed a bit at his own joke and then saw her coming dangerously close to him. "Uh.... Cat?"

"Yes Spider. You do that, while I take care of things for you. Ok? Maybe after that we will be even better Parteners...." She walked up to him and put both her hands around his neck and one of her leg around his waist.

There nose and Foreheads touched through their masks. Spider-Man was stupified as he still had problem processing what was happening. After a second, Black Cat continued in a very Sexy tone. "..... Or Maybe Something More."

Spider-Man took an entire minute to process her words and for a few seconds thought of just kissing her right there. But stopped himself. He separated from her. "Uh...I...I think I should go for now. Welllll...See you later." Spidey stuttered trying to make a proper answer. And then Jumped off and swung away, running away like a mouse.

Felicia watched him leave and then smiled a bit. "No worries spider. The Cat will have her prize sooner or later."

She too then went back to her new home. It was a penthouse.

She got inside the house through an open window. It was dark all around. She lived alone here. Her mother was still in Europe. She switched on the lights and then took of her Costume and got naked completely.

And then, while still complete naked she started walking towards the bathroom and got inside the Bathtub that was full of milk.

I that big everywhere one would look, it would scream high class. The penthouse was full of lot's of Antics. But the catch was that all of them were stolen.

Yes. All of them. Felicia's special training had been to Steal something from all the rich houses in Europe she could find.

After spending a lot of time in the bathroom and cleaning herself with hot water. She finally got out clad in nothing but a towel.

Right then, The phone on the table started ringing. She looked at it and after a second of hesitation, Picked it up.

Someone started talking from the other side.

"Yes. I'm finally here. Back to New York." Felicia gave a reply to something the caller said.

"Yes. I have met him today."


"Yeah, Yeah. You don't have to worry about the deal. I remember it all too well."


"I told you I remember everything. You don't have to remind me every fucking minute." She snapped at something the Caller said.


"I know, I know. You will give me Super powers and In return I'll give you Spider-Man's blood and keep him off your tail. I get it." She looked thoroughly irritated by the caller.


"Ok. I understand. Now SHUT UP." After that she cut off the call and laid down on the bed.


[A/N :- New Arc, New Story. I'm sure people will like black Cat's inclusion to the story very much.]