
You Done Fucked Up

Walking down the street while whistling Asami was wearing a mask over her face along with aviator glasses. Multiple criminals ran back and forth with multiple of them screaming out orders. "Uri was killed at the Den, we need to find the one that killed him!" Listening to them as she continued to walk she thought to herself.

'They're tearing this place apart to find me and I ended up losing my favorite place to drink for the third time this month…' However, not everyone on that street was passing her by. Walking just a few feet behind her the same boy who was talking to All For One had his eyes glued to the back of her head.

Due to it mostly being a night out he perfectly blended into the crowd thanks to his height and Holding one of his hands out to his side two of his fingers began generating electricity. Starting as mere sparks the electricity being generated began to grow in intensity. "The hell…" Being zapped slightly on the men passing by the kid saw his pants were slightly burned.

It was as Asami was walking that the expression behind her mask and her gaze behind the aviator's changed. Glancing behind her she suddenly turned around pulling a knife hidden in her pants. However, the knife ended up stabbing nothing but air with no one being behind her. "Crap everyone moves out of the way!"

Someone who happened to be paying attention to the sky saw a black-haired boy in the air waving lightning in the sky like a whip. The lightning cast a blue light on everyone down in the street and Asami immediately turned her attention upwards. "Well aren't you fast." With no concern for the people around her, the boy aimed his shot mid air before firing.

Traveling at blinding speeds the lightning shot towards the ground causing everyone in the surrounding area to not only be shocked but for the pavement to explode. "Shit quirk user is fighting!" As scorched bodies fell to the ground along with the debris from the explosion the boy landed on the ground but saw Asami was nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile, Shirei who was searching the street's couldn't find her anywhere. He had already put together Asami would be All For One's target but he didn't know which way she had gone. 'Of course, it doesn't help that it's already midnight.' He was disappointed in himself that he let Asami walk away without keeping some way to track her.

I mean just the fact that she is being chased by All For One should have been a big enough flag for him but it slipped his mind. 'Ok think if I was being hunted down by half the city and an assassin where would I be.' Thinking Shirei suddenly heard the sound of a distant explosion. Turning his head towards it he saw blue lightning shooting into the sky before vanishing.

"Damn that's some serious firepower wonder who's trying to kill who."

"Never seen a lightning-based quirk before. That would definitely burn the shit out of someone."

"Well, I'm not going over there anyway."

The people around Shirei talked amongst themselves and began walking in the opposite direction of the blast however Shirei immediately took the sign. 'Well normally I would be thanking God or something but sadly they are the main reason I have to do this shit.' Breaking out into a sprint Shirei began running in the direction of the explosion.

Unlike the robotic bodies, you would see in a movie or something he was actually fast. As he ran he could use his predictions to avoid the crowd in the way making him reach the end of the block in seconds. 'Let's just hope either of them is dead when I get there.' Back on the street both the black-haired boy and Asami were on everyone had cleared out.

"Well, kid you've used Lightning and Earth so far any other surprises you got for me?" Panting heavily Asami tried her best to crack a joke but she was seriously out of her league at this point. Standing a few feet from her the black-haired boy spoke to her in a cold tone. "Come with me or else I'll make you."

Listening to him Asami took off her mask revealing a weary smile before replying. "I can safely say that bolt of lightning would have killed me so you're not very good at the whole kidnapping thing." Ignoring her words he shifted his foot which made the ground in front of him suddenly rise into the air.

Pulling back his arm the boy punched the rock sending it flying forwards towards her. Rolling to her right Asami dodged the boulder as it continued to fly into a building behind her. 'Well this isn't good…' Her back was quite literally against the wall as she tried to look for an escape. "Just give up you can't beat me, especially with that type of qui-"

Before he could finish his words he felt someone kick him directly in the stomach. Lifting his body off the ground he was sent flying in the air before regaining his balance. Spinning in the air a wave of fire shot from his legs and hands slowly his fall before landing again. Asami on the other hand peeked on who had saved her.

Prett- I mean Shirei?" Seeing Shirei, Asami walked up to him peeking at his face. "Did you come to save me? Didn't think I left that good of an impression?" Hearing her joke even in this situation Shirei shook his head while keeping his focus squarely on target. [Data has been compiled. Adding to Local Database… Loading Biography…]


Name: ???

System Type: Avatar Based

Age: 14

Host Type: Reincarnator

Abilities: Fire Bending (Avatar), Earth Bending (Avatar), Lightning Bending (Avatar)

Universes Travelled: Avatar (More are possible.)

Threat Level: 6 (Based on current information.)

"Well, that's new." This was the first time he had seen someone's threat level above five along with that they were a damn hybrid bender. "You mean the fact we're going to die here or that he's about to attack us?" Turning his eyes away from the Biography Shirei was surprised that Asami was right.

Less than a second after her saying so the boy began releasing a barrage of punches and kicks shooting out balls of fire each time. Quickly both of them ducked at nearly the same time as the flames from the fireballs flew over them. "Ok, Asami I'm going to need you to not freak out while also helping me out."

Asami looked confused, took the 'SZ-Mk1' from its holster, and threw it at her. "Wait, you're giving me your gun? What about you? And what did you mean about don't freeaa-" Asami's words trailed off as Shirei disabled his human coating revealing his real body. "Tha… That actually explains a lot…"

With his fake clothes disappearing as well they revealed the weapon he had been dying to use since arriving. "Alright time to deal with you." Shirei pulled the 'PR-2' rifle off his back. It had a similar design to the SZ however being a rifle it has one defining feature.

The boy's System began throwing out warnings and alerts left and right as he stared at Shirei. [Warning: Powerful Unknown Force has been detected.] 'Something the System doesn't even know about? The hell is going on, this wasn't in the cannon.' Before he was even given time to think Shirei had already lined up his arm causing an immediate response.

Making his arms form a cross in front of him two large pillars of rock shot up forming a shield. And with that Shirei held down the trigger as the gun let loose a spray. Rapid pulses sounded out from the muzzle of the gun as multiple shots flew directly toward the rock shield. Each shot that hit knocked off chunks of the shield until the boy was forced to retaliate.

"Asami the moment you get an opening shoot him in the legs I need him alive." Still being in shock Asami lightly shook her head as she brought herself back to the task at hand. Shirei put the rifle back on his back before charging forward. The black-haired boy quickly punched the large shield of rock in front of him causing it to suddenly move.

Sliding across the ground like on a railway Shirei didn't panic as he bent his knees and jumped into the air. Leaping over six meters into the air he cleared the skating rocks. Seeing this the boy was prepared to counter moving to his strongest ability lightning bending. Gathering lightning in his finger's he aimed at Shirei who was approaching his fist raised.

However just before he could fire Asami had already lined up her shot. Pulling the trigger the shot was a lot faster than the rifle's and went straight through his leg. "Geha!" Grunting due to the pain his arm veered off track as the lightning shot from his fingers went just to the right of Shirei who had his fist raised mid-air. 'It's not gonna hit!'

Not being able to react in time Shirei landed on the ground and activated the modification he had installed. Electricity coursed through his arm to his fist before his punch landed squarely on the boy's face. The impact caused his face to cave in slightly as electricity flowed through his body, zapping him.

With one final push, he was sent flying into the air before landing back-first onto the ground sliding briefly. "Geh…" Grunting the black-haired boy slowly sat up flinching occasionally as blood began to drench his pants around the wound. Looking at Shirei in the distance he spoke. "Who the hell are you… "

Something like this would definitely be in the original MHA he couldn't wrap his head around what could possibly be happening. 'First I have put in an earlier era of MHA and now this shit. I was planning on growing strong enough under All For One to kill him and then I could take over his place… But this thing is going to kill me before I can do any of it.'

Shirei didn't reply right away as he held up his right arm to his side. "Even if I told you it won't change what I have to do. Your way too dangerous to be left running around in this universe." Like in the last universe Shirei's hand began to morph as one finger at a time began to turn into syringe-like appendages.

[Beginning System Extraction…]

Looking at Shirei the black-haired boy's heart began to race. 'This Universe? Shit! Was it sent by another System user or something? They must be trying to get rid of me because I'm like them? I can't let this thing kill me!' So many questions ran through his head as he placed his hand on the ground as he slowly crawled away from Shirei.

Asami who was watching from a distance seemed to have realized something.

"Shirei to your right!" Warning him ahead of time Shirei turned his head to the right just as the building to his right began to shift. The concrete shot out like a javelin straight towards Shirei who quickly moved forward to avoid getting hit. "I got you!" Hearing the black-haired boy speak Shirei was zapped with electricity seemingly freezing his entire body.

The black-haired boy continued to use lightning bending to electrocute Shirei increasing the voltage the moment he saw it was effective and Shirei froze. Asami on the other hand was preparing to shoot the black-haired boy despite Shirei saying he needed him alive but stopped when something like a laugh echoed from Shirei's body.

[N.O.G.B Energy Supply Increasing… 35%]




Shirei slowly began to move as his head looked towards the black haired boy. Immediately seeing Shirei was still moving the black haired boy felt his heart sink. And in turn the sensors of Shirei's body began to grow brighter as he spoke. "You done fucked up." Continuing to walk through the lightning the black haired boy began to shake.

"Stay back dammit!" Losing focus the lightning bending slowly began to turn into a stream of fire not halting Shirei's advance whats so ever until he was directly in front of him. "No…" With no more talking Shire used his free hand to grab his arms pointing the fire away from him as he used his other to stab him directly in the chest.

"Geh!" Immediately a similar scene occurred as purple energy with less transparency than from before began to flow into Shirei's body. [Warning: System has been breached immediate action is advised!] The black haired boy heard the sound of the System giving him a warning as his memories from his previous life began to fade.

"Get off of me…" Grabbing Shirei's arm he tried to pry himself away but to now avail. [Warn- Warni- Sysss... System Error…] Giving off one final notification the System suddenly went quiet as the black haired boy fell unconscious and Shirei retracted his hand letting him fall to the ground.

Seeing it was finally over Shirei felt mentally drained, not noticing as Asami walked up from behind him with a confused look on her face.

"What the fuck just happened."

Sorry about not posting for this for a bit was trying to rewrite a few chapters I had premade including this one so had to take a moment.

Aizen_Dleitchcreators' thoughts