
Prologue― Life


Darkness, I was overwhelmed with darkness. That darkness was one that:

I could not touch nor feel.

I could not taste nor smell.

I could not see nor hear.

I am merely a consciousness without a vessel to hold it.

I cannot physically feel, however I can sense things. I can sense when something is wrong, and I have a general sense of what direction I am going. I have never experienced anything more than that and that makes me unsure if I am capable of sensing positivity or if it truly is just that I have never experienced it yet.

―In this dark world, this universe there exists nothing.

―This world is a sad one. One where life does not exist.

―Well, that's not exactly true. If this world truly is infinite, how can one know that?

―How does one measure infinity?

I had no answer for my own question. As I traveled forwards, trying to find an end to my question and to this infinite void. My movement slowed down. It was as if I or whatever I was inside of was being cushioned by something. I continued forward trying to press through It sensing that something was wrong.

For some inexplicable reason, I felt attracted to the force slowing me down like it was pulling me towards it, but still not letting me get closer than I already was.

My curiosity is what pushed me forward. I increased the speed of which I was going, pushing through the force that held me back.



Something I did not understand occurred and the darkness I had grown used to became light. No, it didn't become light, rather the I was sucked out of the darkness I had been inside for so long. The vacuum sucked me into the light and the darkness was no more.

As I do not have any do not have any physical feelings to describe the sensation I could not describe the sensation of being sucked into the light, however as soon as I had entered the light something rather unusual happened.


I felt an abnormaly heavy pressure being placed on me and it was at that moment I understood.

―I have a vessel.

I could now see and feel reality warped in on itself. The intensity of the two clashing together was immense, darkness and light spiraling around each other. The Light overpowered darkness, causing it to take shape of a mare marble in the in the light. The marble descended elegantly towards me.

As I came in contact with the marble, I feel its fragility and at the same time I collapsed due to my inexperience with a vessal.

I fell down on the surface ■■■■ first.


My stumble left me rather embarrassed regardless of there being no one there to witness it.

My gaze fell towards the surface.

The light reflecting off the white surface allowed me to look at myself.

I thought my appearance to be quite amusing.

I slowly raised myself up to look at my entire vessel.

As I stood there naked my lower half looked to be quite different compared to my upper half.

Looking at my appearance I let out a chuckle.

I do not know how long I had been standing there staring at myself, however I stood there way longer than I could ever have imagined.


I quickly remind myself of the marble I was holding as if protecting it

I unfolded my ■■■■■ and inspected the marble I was holding.

My eyes widen in shock as I realize what it is that I am holding.

"T-this is… the universe."

What I held was the universe, the finite universe.

I felt terrible. I saw the destruction I left behind after crossing to this realm. The thing I had been inside of was broken into 5 big pieces with other smaller pieces floating around the bigger ones.

I looked around me, looked at me and came to the conclusion that I could bring life to that lifeless universe.

After I came to that conclusion, my vessel started moving on its own. I wrapped my ■■■■■■■■■ around the universe and transferred my life force to it. I sat there for a long time when I finally saw something happen.

When I caught eye of what I had made, the life I was responsible for making something strange happened to my vessel.

My vision blurred and I started to tremble; an unknown liquid was pouring from me.

I am so happy, for an excruciatingly long time, I have been all alone, with no one to hold dear to me, with no one holding me dear. I felt an indescribably happy emotion, I could not help, but lay down in relief.

The emptiness and the coldness I had withing me was now filling up with the warmth of life. A life that I had created.

I was laying down on the radiant surface. Knowing that I am not alone anymore I closed my ■■■■ and with care I embraced the finite universe.

Im not that great in english so there might be some spelling mistakes, but i hope you like this novel and have a fun time reading it.

Luqhacreators' thoughts