
Soulmate to a Kage

In the world of Kishimoto a single person could raze continents with a few hand signs. Kaida died in her old world before being brought to Kishimoto's world by fate. In her second life she wants to be ordinary in every way. She doesn't get that with a Soulmate that became legend before death.

Mikaelson14Hayley · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

The Good Life

Long ago, when humans were first created, they had four arms, four legs, and a single head with two faces, or the rare three faces, six legs, and six arms. Back then, humans were powerful, fearless, and even dared to threaten the Gods.

In fear of the human threat, the oldest God split them in half as punishment for their pride and hubris.

These new creatures lived in pain and misery. They did not eat or drink for days, not caring if they died. The God of healing could not bear to see their pain, so they healed and reformed their bodies. The humans longed to find their souls and physical other halves.

The God of healing gifted humans a chance to find their other halves. On their tenth year walking the earth, the first words their soulmate(s) says to them will be written on their skin in a design representing their soulmate.

"Kaida, just know that soulmates don't always mean happily ever after," Daichi said as I slid off the couch to put my book away.

"You say that every time you read me the story." I put the book back on the bookshelf, looking over my shoulder at the older man.

"And I'll continue to say it until the day I die!" He scowled at me while I raised an eyebrow.

"Tch. Come on, girly. We got a shop to run." He clicked his teeth, walking towards the door.

I skip out the door with my bag just to push his buttons.

I was smiling in success as he huffed and grumbled about adopting me. Jumping the last five stairs, I land lightly on my feet before running to the front of the store that held the displays. Crawling up the side of the counter –that separated the store from the crafting studio in the back– I plopped down on the stool too high to reach.

"You're getting too good at that," Daichi grumbled as he restocked the front of the store.

"I learned from the best, Gramps." He growled in my direction, but I only gave him a Cheshire grin.

"I won't have to deal with you in the morning anymore since you'll be starting at the Academy tomorrow." I look away, pulling out the list with the orders to be picked up or made. "Now, where is that Demon grin of yours, girl? Is being a ninja so appalling to you?"

"No, I'm just not excited to be with children." I hand over the journal when he reaches for it.

"I better not have your teacher complain about you sneaking out. If you get bored, don't leave evidence." I give him a mock salute before pulling out a book to read.

I had just finished the book about known metals and their properties when the bell rang, signaling a customer.

A group of four walked into the shop. The three pre-teens scattered while the young man headed straight to me.

I thought he wouldn't be as good-looking as the show made. Man, it feels like he can see through me with his intense blue eyes. I set my second book on the counter and grabbed the journal to look for his name.

"Are you supposed to be looking through that?" Minato asked as he leaned against the counter.

"Is the sky blue and grass green?" I asked sarcastically as I put his packaged kunai on the countertop. "One hundred and thirty, Blondie."

Minato stares at me, not moving to pay me. Getting uncomfortable, I snap my fingers in his face. "Stop being a creep, Blondie, and pay me."

"Right, sorry." He pulls out his wallet and hands me the money, careful not to touch me.

"A pleasure doing business with you, Blondie." I purred, smirking at how Minato shivered and took a step back.

"Stop messing with him, you little demon." Daichi smacked the back of my head, nearly making me hit the countertop.

"Where is your sense of humor, old man?" I resisted the urge to rub the spot he hit as I returned to reading my book.

"How are you doing, kid? Are your little minions driving you up the wall yet?" Daichi asked as the kids walked up to the counter.

"I think I got it handled, Daichi. Thank you for making these. I can't wait to test them." I let Daichi move me so he could ring the kids up. "If I may ask, could I get a look at the book?"

"What book?" Rin and Obito asked as Daichi pulled out a thick aging book.

Rin opened the book flipping the pages slowly so everyone could see the pages filled with weapons drawn out in great detail. All of the older designs were bulky and the same things. As the pages continued, the designs changed slightly to include more variety. The most recent sketches were very different. They looked through the whole thing ending on the sketch of Minato's kunai.

"Wow! The last ones looked so cool! Did you draw them, old man?" Obits asked, flipping back a few pages to examine the broad sword.

"I couldn't draw a stick figure to save my life." Daichi snatched the book back, locking it away again. "Don't you have training or a mission to do?"

Minato's eyes snapped to the window, and he frowned. "We're late for a mission debriefing."

"What?!" The three kids yelled before they all ran to the door.

"Again, thank you for your hard work." Minato bowed, glancing at me before leaving.

"What was that about?" Daichi asked, and I shrugged.

"I didn't do anything." The skeptical face Daichi gives me makes me pout. "I didn't. He's your friend. Why don't you just ask him what's wrong?"

Daichi just grunts before going back into the back room, leaving alone in the shop.

"What a drama queen."

So don't own anything besides my character. This is going to be fun! Leave comments if you'd like.

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