
Chapter 1

I was six when it all went down, strange structures now known as pillars, arose from the earth, five on each continent including Africa, A few days later 85% of humanity was wiped out.

No one saw it coming on the first arrival there wasn't any signs, major countries in each continent sent troops to surround the pillars. On day three the pillars were explored containing artifacts and weapons. How ever a day after that, strange creatures of different sizes and shapes swarmed out the pillars. In just 3 days 50% of the world's population was gone the most dangerous of the beasts were practically bullet proof and destroyed multiple militaries. Another 2 days past and now 85% of humanity was destroyed.

It's been 10 years since then and the remaining have built communities some having high grade defenses, others not so much. And I was lucky to be in a large community within what used to be South Africa Pretoria, is now called the Nota Proteas Community, that controls a large portion of the area that currently houses 20 000 residents and growing.

My mother is one of the lower ranking officials which is one of the reasons I made it in here, I'm now attending the Academy of Nota in the southern District. The previous Government fell after the invasion, and now there are pockets of human settlements all over. Withing the former province Gauteng there are 5 major Groups ours and four others that control other areas.

And of course, there are skirmishes here and there for resources and so on. As for the Academy well, the education is decent showing us what we need to know like basic survival, the different classes for the creatures we call Ligards, due to their thick scaly skin and mammal like bodies.

Ligards are put into 4 tiers the first tier are lower Ligards which are creatures that simple ammo can beat, second tier require slightly more powerful weapons, tier 3 mostly explosive or High-grade gear can deal damage, then finally is tier four not even nukes work against them. Russia and the US destroyed half their countries trying after all.

But this is where school teaches us about the weapons and artifacts within the pillars, for some reason the material that was used for the weapons within the pillars can cut through even Tier three Ligards but apparently the weapons absorb energy from its wielder some going as far as needing blood pacts. But these weapons are rare and there are few wielders.

Today we were supposed to go to Mr. Hoffmeier's class for woodwork, the academy is strict with its rules and conduct, the students need to walk-in straight-line formations and even do drills in the mornings and afternoons.

My class was on the way walking to the class in silence. Only our footsteps could be heard in the hallway. We marched till we could smell the faint aroma of freshly cut wood. At the end of the hallway stood a stocky short man with a thick beard, he wore a blue button shirt with Jeans.

The class stopped with the class lead a girl called Lisa stopped turned on her heel and faced the man "Class E5 present Mr. Hoffmeier!" She declared, Lisa has always been a respectable student with high grades and lots of friends. Different from me, especially in looks, she had brown hair that was tied up and a delicate face with a nearly hourglass shaped body she was practically also fit.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to swiftly turn, I sighed when I saw it was just Adam. Adam has been my friend since the early days of attending the academy, he had orange hair as well as olive green eyes, he wasn't fat, but he wasn't lean either.

"What is it?" I whisper, this idiot is always bothering me at the wrong time "Your collar" Adam whispers back, I look down to see my Uniforms collar was crooked. I quickly fixed it and checked the rest. I wasn't any better than Adam I was mostly Skinny with some fat here and there I wasn't as tall either, I had short Dark brown hair with Brown eyes.

After looking over myself I nodded with approval before leaning slightly back "Thanks". I didn't hear any reply in return I didn't need to. Mr. Hoffmeier seemed to have finished greeting with Lisa and stood aside welcoming each student "Meneer Jan, I hope today you will have your ears open?" Mr. Hoffmeier said, I gave him a small smile and replied, "Yes sir, I promise that I will pay attention." Mr. Hoffmeier simply nodded, and I walked in the class, it wasn't a small class.

Several long wooden planks lay row upon row at the back of the class while more used wood sat at the front some were projects from other classes while the rest was simply scrap. I went to the back of the class near the large window, I stood behind my seat, the desks were long each having three chairs behind them at my desk stood myself, Adam and a guy named Jake who had a large build, his arms were practically the size of my thighs, he had over combed blonde hair and eyes that almost seemed silver. In each group there are 15 to 21 students, in our group we have 15. And within this group we have three girls and 12 boys.

The reason why there are less girls than boys? Well, it's called an academy for a reason, in fact this academy is more of a military academy which explains the intense discipline and rules.

Now mostly boys attend this school, but girls can too however they aren't here to be soldiers like the boys, the academy also teaches us about medical aid as well as other things in which the girls mostly learn. Our community is against the idea of women being soldiers but of course they allowed the girls to help with other things within the military like medics, communication, supply lines and so on.

But recently they've allowed certain groups of students that have girls be allowed to be soldiers, however it's not official and is only so far, a kind of testing the waters. It's still not liked by the higher ups. But the female leaders within the "council" are stubborn.

Mr. Hoffmeier entered the classroom once everyone was behind their desks, everyone remained standing until Lisa stamped her foot and saluted the rest of us followed suit "Group E5 sit!" She commanded, everyone pulled back their chairs and sat down keeping their backs straight. Mr. Hoffmeier glanced around and nodded in approval.

He then walked to the black board at the front of the class. "Today we will be learning about wooden barricades, now who can tell me what uses these barricades have?" He asked while drawing a 3D version of a wooden box with an entrance point as well as a large open window.

One of the boys lifted their hands, it was a black boy by the name of Thabo, he was the tallest student in our class and as well as the son of the Proteas military Core. "Sir! Barricades provide temporary coverage and can also protect us from the elements, but most ammunition can go through the wooden walls." Thabo answered, Hoffmeier smiled "Yes that is true just because your behind or inside a wooden structure don't ever think it is bullet proof." He said clapping his hands.

He then grabbed several planks each thicker than the other. "How ever depending on the thickness of the wood some bullets can be blocked. Sometimes it's also wise to use anything more solid behind or in front of the wood." Hoffmeier then pulled out a thin metal board. "It's not guaranteed that it will stop you from getting hit through the wood but its better than nothing but remember only use what is available! If there is something better than wood use that to make a barricade!" He said putting the metal board next to the planks, "Now the other use for barricades is to stop oncoming vehicles as well as living things such as a large herd of animals or people." He spoke a bit of enthusiasm in his voice.

The lesson carried on for an extra 30 minutes where we learnt about more uses for wooden structures as well different ways to cut wood. We worked in groups of three building small barricades and other projects till the bell rang for recess. "Good Job everyone, you may all leave single file to the field." Mr. Hoffmeier said packing up his papers.

We left and marched our way to the field. The academy was large the old library building at the center of it all other large buildings surrounded it, but these building were new, old houses were demolished so this academy could be built. Its impressive what humanity can accomplish in 10 years we broke down a lot of buildings so we could build a new.

The field was as large as 6 ruby fields. With an obstacle course on the far left on the field, other students were already out going into their groups talking and eating about their day. Adam came to me along with a girl and boy from our class the girl's name was Tracey while the boys was Thomas. Both of which are my other friends. Tracey is Lisa's cousin, and share some resemblance, she has short brown hair with a freckled face which didn't fade her beauty. She has a smaller body that Tracey but attractive, nonetheless. Thomas was short and skinnier than me and wore glasses, he was somewhat of a nerd he had dark blonde hair and a pointed nose as well as noticeable slightly large ears.

Tracey was the first to greet "I heard that your collar was crooked!" She exclaimed, I looked at Adam in betrayal. This Idiot! I sometimes wonder to myself how we are even friends. He shrugged as if he couldn't have done anything however, I also can't blame him. Tracey is sort of an older sister in our group.

Thomas simply nodded his greetings and pulled out a notebook and pen and started writing. Thomas was never really one to talk much but still hung out with us, I don't even know why Tracey hangs out with us. "Look I fixed it alright! Don't go galloping into rage, okay?" I say, but she put her hands on her hips and looked at me with a judging expression which slightly made me cower under it.

But she didn't speak of it any further "Did you guys hear about the news?" Adam asked, we looked at him expectantly, but he didn't say anything for a while till Tracey got impatient "Well? Spill it out already!" She shouted.

Adam smiled nervously. "Hehe sorry, they're going to do a selection for the three new blood pillar Artifacts." He said we all stood straight. The five pillars in Africa were all given names, the one between the old Zimbabwe, Botswana and South African border was called the Blood pillar cause a tier 4 creature caused the most casualties on the continent in its rampage from the south towards the north.

But when it first emerged it basically brutally painted the pillar with blood. The Pillar itself was still dangerous even without the tier 4 there. As the blood attracted multiple Ligards near it. Getting anything within that pillar was not easy. "What are the artifacts?" Tracey asked. Adam smiled widely "The first is a shield which seems to look like a spartan shield! And the second one is a large combat axe!" He said stretching his arms wide. This was good news for our community as it would increase our strength even further.

These weapons are capable of slicing through Ligards armor like butter. Researchers are still not sure what material it is made of. But it can't be destroyed, nor can these weapons be melted down. "What of the last one?" I ask as Adam only mentioned two. Adam scratched the back of his head "They didn't say but there's a rumor going around that it's a blood pact weapon." He said he's voice growing smaller, all four of us didn't say anything even Thomas stopped writing in his book to look up at Adam.

Blood pact weapons were just as bit a mystery as everything else. After all, only 6 have been found. And it was said that it only makes a blood pact with a compatible host, anyone else who tries dies a horrific death.

Adam then signaled me with his eyes to move to the side. I glanced at Tracey who seemed lost in thought. I moved to the side leaning towards Adam "It's going to happen in district 1 at the old Highschool, want to go there and see if they reveal the third artifact?" Adam whispered. It seemed like a good idea, it's not every day you see an artifact in person and its only in the district next over.

I nodded a yes and Adam smiled before leaning away "Anyways other than that what do you guys suppose is up with the increase in patrols?" He asked. Thomas was the one who answered, "Apparently there's reports of large Ligard movement happening near district 6's walls." He said in a small voice, Tracey was next to speak. "I also heard the same apparently they've deployed dark protea squadrons to deal with it." She had a bit of worry in her eyes. And rightfully so, members within the Dark protea squadrons handle all the most dangerous missions, sometimes even assassination. Most members carry artifacts which enhances their abilities or even gits them some. This can range from speed, strength, hearing, smell, sight, and flexibility.

As for gifted abilities it ranges from Concealment, healing or regeneration, element wielding, and so on. But nothing too overpowered otherwise we wouldn't have lost so many people back then. Tracey's older brother is in the Dark proteas which is why she has worry in her eyes. I tapped her shoulder and smiled "Don't worry your brother is literally the third most powerful member!" I say which is true. Tracey smiles in return before shoved my arm away "I know that you idiot." She says turning around. We better hurry the bell will ring for home time soon." She said skipping away.

Adam watched before leaning in "How do they move like that in these uniforms man!?" He said, I shrugged and followed Tracey "Their uniforms are not as tight as ours." I say tilting my head.

We walked around some more talking about other topics and news till the bell rang. Each student ran towards their group leaders that stood at the edge of the field and stood single file in front of them. One by One the groups left, ours marched behind the others.

We marched till we reached the library, a man in a blue with yellow lacing uniform stood. Each student that passed stopped to salute him before going at ease and walk through the library. The library was also the reception with a fence in the front where student come and go. Our class also saluted the man before heading inside the library passing the reception area and out the doors where we all finally stretched.

It was 3 am which was around the time the academy releases its students. All the other students said their goodbyes to their friends and classmates before jogging away or running to their moms and dads. Me and Adam said goodbye to Tracey and Thomas.

Tracey ran to a limo where Lisa waited for her with an impatient face. Tracey lowered her head before entering. Thomas didn't have any parents besides his grandparents, but he didn't live far away and walked down the road till we couldn't see him anymore.

Me and Adam walked to a line of Bicycles where we had put our bikes. My bike was a BMX bike while Adam…Well I wasn't sure that he had it looked like it was homemade though with the body being thin and rims somewhat large with thick tires. We hopped on our bikes putting on our helmets. Adam then turned to me with a smile "District 1?" He asked, I sighed lowering my head before replying, "I don't see why not".

Adam chuckled before kicking off with his bike I followed along. There weren't a lot of cars only the military and officials having those types of vehicles, so the roads were mostly empty besides the few men who were demolishing and rebuilding homes here and there. District 1 was only an hour's ride from the Academy so me and Adam cruised down the roads going faster now and then.

We reached the checkpoint to district 1 where a large wall was with one entrance.

The community was separated into 4 districts currently only district 1 and two have finished housing, plumbing as well as other necessities besides electricity which is mostly directed to military use like the wall's gates and security equipment. We use solar panels which were built on the walls interiors where the sun shines the most.

At each district wall is a Militant Outpost where soldiers check each citizens identity before allowing them to pass. We waited in the line which wasn't long and only waited around about three minutes before we arrived at the front the soldier up front looked at our uniforms before lifting his hands signaling us to show our identification. We did as we were asked and the soldier looked at the badges with a neutral face, he then handed our badges back before nodding and allowing us entry. The place where they would reveal the artifacts was not far and we reached the old high school, it's now called a gathering hall. Me and Adam put our bikes two blocks away from the hall before walking towards it. They won't necessarily show it to the public only to low- and high-ranking officials.

But Adam and I found a secret entrance around the hall where we used to always sneak in through to see what the grown up talked about which was mostly community improvement and security reports which was boring.

Adam looked around as we headed towards the fence, after making sure the coast was clear we lifted the unattached part of the fence and went under to the other side after wards we snuck our way to the back near the second building, but we immediately ducked behind a bush as soon as we saw a soldier standing near the window we were planning on heading to. The soldier wore a blue and yellow uniform sporting a Vektor R4 Assualt rifle.

This was strange for us since they never really put a guard here. "Did they put the artifacts in the large storage room?" Adam asked in a hushed voice. I shrugged "Not sure but we need a distraction so we can sneak past." It was at this moment where Adam pulled out a can and threw it over the wall. I looked at him dumbfounded 'does he think this is a cartoon?' I thought.

A large shout was then heard, and a lady appeared on the wall holding the can, and from the looks of it, the can hit her forehead which caused a red mark. She spotted the soldier and started shouting at him the soldier startled at the sudden outburst of the citizen and left his post to see what the commotion was about.

This gave us the perfect chance to sneak past and slide through the window. Inside we heard machinery and noticed that the storage room looked more like a lab. 'What did they do here?' I thought to myself when we were kids this used to be a dusty old storeroom that was now turned into a lab.

We continued our way on the catwalk, down below were armed guards and researchers going back and forth around a machine that had liquid and what looked to be two twin short blades the length of my forearms. They glowed a purple hue making them look mesmerizing.

Adam on my side elbowed me pointing towards two researchers on the other side looking at a screen which looked like data, we moved over and listened in on to their conversation "Those blades are highly unique Doctor Smith, but they are also dangerous we cannot do any more tests that could endanger anymore people!" A lady with light brown skin said with worry in her voice.

The man looked at her with disdain "Yes that is true, but these blades are essential to our community's growth within the Gauteng region!" Smith said crossing his arms "But we've already had 2 people die attempting to use them and both died Horridly." The female said, "Doctor Amelia I am head researcher here and I will not listen further after the "Show" we will carry on with testing" Smith said turning around.

Amelia slumped her shoulders before turning around to look at the screen with the data. It showed abnormal wave activity within the blades. It was now where a large shout came from one of the guards pointing upwards. "Oi you two get down from there!"

Ah crap, me and Adam started rushing as more shouts came and soldiers started following us. We hurried as fast we could until I heard a creaking sound ahead. I noticed the bolts ahead holding the catwalk were loose.

My eyes widened and I shoved Adam forwards just as the catwalk fell with me along with it. We were above the container that had the blades, the top was opened by one of the researchers that had a strange device. The next thing I felt was cold liquid covering the entirety of my body.

I then started to feel a sudden pulling force and pain stabbed my head and I saw two thin shaped objects float in front of me. And then everything went black.
