Idora Dea was a member of the hero's party that observed the hero's Journey from beginning to end. She was with him when he grew up, and she was there when he was selected as the hero. She was there when he defeated the demon lord. Her contribution to the fight was not inferior to his, but what awaited her at the end wasn't praise, it was scorn. As a withering flower at the end of her life, she didn't regret a single decision, but right before she could pass on to the land of the dead, a blue window appeared in front of her... Seeing the blue window, her memories returned, a sly smile creeping on her face. This wasn't her first rodeo. In fact, this was her second chance at life, one that was about to end. But, a choice was offered to her. To reincarnate, or to let nature play its course. The choice was obvious. Giddy like a young child, she chose to reincarnate to her favourite fictional world. Destination? Gensokyo, Touhou.
My life was a life of infinite glory and fame.
That's how my life would be described if someone had to write the first sentence of my autobiography.
It sounds too grand? Does it come off as arrogant? Am I not getting ahead of myself?
Pffft-. Do you think so?
Would you still think so if you knew my story?
My name?
Nah-. The name of a withering flower at the end of her life isn't anything worthwhile to know.
Anyways, where was I? Right, my life story.
Being born in a tiny remote village, I had nothing to my name but my cuteness. I was a cute child, but it wasn't much more than any other child.
Spending ordinary days, I grew up as any other child did. Run around, fall on my face, and eat dirt. You know, things children do. Though, I'd need to admit that I was quite the tomboy.
While the village girls looked at the village boys in disgust as they rolled around in dirt and mud, I was right with them, getting my dress dirty.
Playing around, laughing, and having fun, it was only natural for us to share the dream of being the hero who would defeat the demon lord and save the world.
But that is where my part of the hero's tale ends.
One day priests and paladins of the holy order arrived at our village to perform the coming-of-age ceremony, or at least that was their stated purpose.
Everyone instinctively knew that this round of the coming-of-age ceremony was something special. This time a high priest was checking each blessing we young children got.
After all, the war against the demonic forces was taking a turn for the worse, and people hoped for a hero more than ever.
But, it was more than clear that the priests weren't hoping for much. After all, they went through countless other little villages until now, and not one had a candidate worth calling a hero.
That was until they checked my childhood friend. As he put his hand on the crystal ball, a bright light engulfed the surroundings, with the descent of the goddess announcing that he'll accomplish great things in the future.
With a clear sign like that, the holy order had to take him with them to prepare him for the journey ahead.
I felt none of that. I was happy for my friend, elated even. Yet, I couldn't help but feel lonely once he left. So, barely a year after my childhood friend left the village, I set out after him to the capital.
I wasn't hoping for anything. By now, we two would have lived in two completely different worlds. My childhood friend, now known as the hero, would be surrounded by girls much more beautiful than me, accompanied by companions infinitely more reliable than some village girl.
I didn't hope for much. All I wanted was to confirm that the one I spent my childhood with was doing well.
Well, and as expected, he did well. He shone as bright as the sun, spreading joy and kindness to everything around him. The people loved him, and his companions around him all gave bright smiles as if it was the height of their life.
Seeing him be well and happy was good enough for an ordinary village girl like me. He was the picture of a hero.
Sadly, I underestimated the dangers of the capital a bit. Mainly the lesson that I shouldn't walk into dark alleyways.
As if my story was just ticking every cliche a hero story needed, I was kidnapped by some random thugs. What followed was my childhood friend noticing the events and going after us before finally rescuing me.
I still remember those moments clearly.
"Hey, are you alright?"
"Yes, I am fine."
That was a lie. Of course, I somehow twisted my ankle. The story wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Of course, the attentive hero he is, he immediately notices and tries to support me. But before anything could develop between us, his harem and companions barged in, being and looking all concerned that he ran away again, that he should take care of himself more, that the hero should be more careful, etc.
His harem at that time consisted of a blond, human saintess; a green-haired, elven archer; a grey-haired, masked, dark elf assassin girl, and a red-haired, glasses-wearing little sage.
If this was your typical childhood friend, nobody, farm girl swooning over her childhood friend who is now a hero story, I would have felt ashamed facing him. Unconfident in meeting the eyes of those powerful existences that defended humanity from certain doom. Retreating with a broken heart.
But I wasn't.
"What the fuck are you talking about! Isn't that the ideal image a hero should have! Having bravery that borders recklessness, foolishly charging ahead into enemy lines, facing his enemy along with his companions, saving the world! A hero thinks of others first and himself second, trying to do the right thing without wavering. Yet, despite that, he still listens and reflects on his actions, taking accountability. Isn't that what a hero is all about!"
I never mellowed out. I was still the tomboyish girl I was a year ago. Something that I won't change about myself.
After my outburst, everyone had their eyes on me, the girls about to lash out, but of course, I butted in before they could speak.
"Gasp-. Oh, I see what is going on. You aren't really concerned- No, let me word it in another way. You are concerned about him, but secretly, you don't want him to change how he is. After all, that is one of his traits that made you all fall for him."
Mixed reactions. One was blushing furiously, another was acting all TsunTsun, and yet another just turned her head away.
Yet, it was all obvious. Without exception, every girl in this room was head over heels in love with the hero. Every girl except for me.
I casually spoke out to my childhood friend while everyone in the room was still shocked about how I guessed the general atmosphere of the party immediately.
He said, not so sure what to say to me.
"You are a bonafide hero, huh? I heard the news long ago. You just returned from defeating the first heavenly king, didn't you? Let me guess, his last words were: "I am the weakest out of the four. The other heavenly kings you'll face in the future are much stronger than me," as you dealt the final blow, right?"
He laughed, answering...
"How did you know?"
I just did. After all, this wasn't the first time recorded in history that a hero had to defeat a demon lord. I was happy for my childhood friend. Delighted that he could follow his dream like that.
Standing up, I toughed out my twisted ankle before handing him a little charm our village gave me with the hope that I would give it to the hero.
"Man, you are living our dream. The village helped me make this little charm. It carries all our hope and prayers for you. Hope that you'll make it through your journey without sacrificing anything about yourself. I thought it was lame, but it turned out well."
Casually handing him the charm over like that, I said goodbye before leaving the scene without looking back.
My childhood friend was the hero. A fact I couldn't be prouder of.
What? I am acting cool, despite my childhood friend rejecting my advances and leaving me in the sand for girls much hotter and more powerful than me?
Did... did we listen to the same story?
Do you have sand in your ears? Besides, I am not finished with my story yet. I mean, yeah. It sounds like the end. I also thought it would be, but as fate plays turns, it turns out that this wasn't my last appearance in the tale of the hero.
You see, the blessing I received at my coming-of-age ceremony was "little songstress."
A blessing can evolve if you train and use it enough, changing it into one with a higher rank.
Working in the capital, opening and growing the inns with the songs I wrote and sang. The music I wrote was beloved by anyone who heard it, gathering the attention of even nobles and royals. In the end, it even gained the attention of my hero childhood friend.
I stood at the crossroad of choosing between two blessings. "Voice of Heaven" and "Voice of the little canary."
"Voice of Heaven" was a blessing you receive when your songs and music were approved of by the heavenly gods themselves. Getting the right to use divine music and in this world, only divine music has the right to carry divinity in them, representing the voice of the gods and not being inferior to the Saintess in any way.
It was clear which choice I had to make.
I chose "Voice of the little canary," a blessing on the same level as "little songstress," maybe a bit higher.
Now you might ask why I made such a stupid decision.
Simple: It was suspicious. Why was a blessing of the lowest rank appearing when I was about to approach the peak a singer could reach with their blessing?
So, I chose it. Immediately I lost my job, place, and reputation in the capital for making such a stupid decision. If things continued like that, I would have no choice but to live as an outcast living on the streets who had to prostitute herself to survive.
But of course, as a hero should do, he shielded me, protected me, and even took me in as a member of the party, much to his party's dismay.
They all called him things for taking in someone foolish like me who chose to throw away sky-high glory like that. Of course, he could take him getting called things, but he snapped when they started to say anything about me.
Saying something only a protagonist would say. He said, "I don't mind you insulting me, but I won't forgive you if you insult my best friend."
It seemed that he had the misconception about me that I tried my best to get his attention back by improving my blessing.
At that time, I didn't mind that he had that misunderstanding, even if he thought about me wrongly. After all, he was the hero. The world revolved around him.
Seeing the argument devolve, as they respected him and the decisions he made but couldn't accept me into the party as I would be just deadweight, I stood up. Facing everyone.
"Let me perform a song. The strength of my blessing might have been reduced to the lowest rank, but I am still the real deal that caught the eyes of the country with my voice alone."
Of course, everyone once again shook at how bold I was. Boldness that even rivaled that of the hero. But that's how I was and still am.
I could never hate anyone. I was never jealous. I was never envious. Nor did I take pity or carry resentment. After all, my motto in life was to never do something I would regret.
I lived every moment of my life to its fullest. Never hesitating, never scared, never intimidated.
As those feelings and emotions were conveyed in my song, my blessing got maxed out almost immediately.
"Voice of the little canary" evolved into "Soul Idol," a new blessing branch. One that had yet to be discovered.
My songs and music could move and manipulate the very essence that made a living being out. In some ways, it was a blessing equal to or maybe even superior to "Voice of Heaven."
Of course, every member of the hero party was surprised to see the scene play out. The scene as light descended upon me in the seven colors, transforming my shabby appearance and dress. A colorful dress that shone in the seven colors, as my presence was strengthened, pulling everyone's attention towards me, as my very nature enveloped the area.
In a way, right now, at that moment, the world didn't revolve around the hero but me.
At first, everyone still wondered what my capabilities in a fight would be. My blessing might be one of high rank, but it didn't sound like one that would be fit for battle.
Yet, it turns out they were wrong. As I sang on the battlefield, my songs filled the souls of allies and enemies alike.
Invigorating and buffing everyone who could hear my voice or my playing. Healing, strengthening, energizing, even weakening and attacking. Nothing was beyond my magic. With my addition to the party, we reached the demon lord's throne within 3 years after I joined his party.
1 year of my childhood friend growing, 1 year of me growing, 3 years for us to reach the demon lord.
We defeated the demon lord within the breathtaking time of just 5 years. Faster than any hero before ever did.
Engraving our names as the strongest hero party in history.
Of course, our hero ended up marrying most of his female companions, the country's princess, etc. His male companions also found partners in a flash and started building comfortable lives.
Yet, I remained single. Of course, the considerate hero and childhood friend he is, he offered to marry me.
He even offered to me that I could be his first wife. After all, my contribution to the extermination of the demon lord wasn't inferior to his.
If I wasn't there, it would have taken him as long as the other heroes to defeat the demon lord. Between 30 to 60 years, even the first hero took 12 years to defeat him.
I was a star shining as brightly as the hero did. Even the name of my blessing reflected it.
"Voice of the Stars"
A voice akin to a cry from the soul of the stars.
Of course, I declined. I learned throughout my journey that my voice wasn't meant for one person. It was meant for humanity. Just like the hero's life was meant for all of humanity, but now that he got to retire a bit early because of my interference...
"It seems that I get to continue our dream of being a hero, isn't that so. Mi-s-ter He-ro."
That was the last time I got to see him.
Holding my word, I lived my life on as a hero. Helping people in need, encourage them with my songs, and fight enemies much worse than the demon lord.
Poverty, disease, hunger. Enemies you couldn't fight with a blade, enemies much more powerful and threatening than the demon lord.
Singing my soul out. Quite literally. You see, the stronger the buff, the stronger the positive effect, and the more it drained my soul.
Weakening me until I lost my presence, the shine that naturally pulled everyone's gazes at me.
So, here I sit now. In a dilapidated apartment, void of any light. Filled with trash and mold to the brim, it was all I could afford with what I had left.
If I had to say anything. I don't regret anything I did. It was a fulfilling life.
As I sat there in my corner, my senses slowly started fading more and more.
Slowly taking my last breath, I was sure this would be the last and final time I would fall asleep.