
Moonlight Assassination

Eiji didn't lament any further. He stood up and took his sword stored in its sheath in a corner of the room before approaching the window and opening it.

Although he was on the first floor, jumping from such a height was easy for him. Therefore, he didn't hesitate and leaped, performing a roll upon landing to soften his fall. His room faced the garden, so no one noticed him.

And that's what he was currently seeking: discretion. He didn't want to be disturbed by anyone, especially not Ophelia or Tahrren.

He then attached his sword to his belt and headed towards the southwest exit.

Usually, the outskirts of the city were not guarded. But in recent weeks, with the repeated attacks, the Holy City ordered a few knights to ensure security. After all, without Hortux, the entire kingdom would be in danger of famine.

They were ordered not to let anyone in or out during the night to avoid any drama. If Eiji wanted to leave the city, he had no choice but to evade them.

Since the city was not surrounded by walls, it was easy for Eiji to sneak out unnoticed. Even though the guards were numerous, with three just for the southwest exit and several others patrolling, it was difficult for them to be constantly vigilant in such a vast area.

Eiji slipped into a vegetation-rich area and waited for the right moment. It didn't take long because, after only a few tens of seconds, the guards on patrol turned their backs and walked away.

He seized the opportunity and quickly ventured into the forest. He covered several hundred meters through the dense vegetation.

Unlike the northern part of the city, which housed many fields, the southern region was wooded and untouched for centuries, especially in its deeper areas. This choice was made out of respect for the saintess Ophelia and to honor her sacrifice.

Therefore, it was difficult for Eiji to find what he was looking for: a quiet place with enough space. After covering several hundred more meters, he finally arrived in a small clearing with a majestic oak tree at its center, towering several tens of meters high with a trunk as wide as ten men.

Eiji approached the tree and touched its bark. He felt a sense of revitalization as if the tree sought to comfort him by transmitting its energy.

He placed his sword at the foot of the oak tree and walked to the middle of the clearing. There, he sat down and began to meditate. Tonight, he was determined to master magic, even if it meant staying up all night.

After meditating for about half an hour to calm himself, he straightened up and closed his eyes. He focused intensely on his hand, gathering his mana within it. Finally, he visualized a small flame halfway between a fireball and an ember.

After circulating his mana for a few minutes, he finally released it and opened his eyes. Before him, in the palm of his hand, danced a small flame. It was small, indeed, but it was undeniably present.

Eiji, although happy to have finally been able to use magic, couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. What good was such a small flame in a battle?

He couldn't even throw it or do anything with it! It remained stoic yet dancing in the palm of his hand. It was just a waste of mana!

He sat back down with a smile on his lips and continued to meditate. Although disappointed, he didn't have to dwell on it. He achieved his objective: he had finally used magic! It was now up to him to train hard to master it.

But as the moon was high in the sky, and he had been meditating on the ground for over an hour now, he suddenly stopped, hearing the foliage rustling unusually around him. He scanned the surroundings, trying to catch a glimpse of something in the darkness, but in vain.

Hesitant, he slowly made his way toward his sword, still resting at the foot of the tree, a few steps away from where he had been meditating. With one eye on his sword and the other on his surroundings, he moved step by step, not yet knowing if there was any threat.

Although there were many animals in these woods, most were small and timid, and none could rustle the leaves so much just by moving. He feared an attack from the silver wolves that had been lurking in these woods for a few weeks. Some merchants had already been attacked by them.

Just as he was only a few centimeters away from his sword, a powerful jet of pressurized water was shot out from a bush. Surprised, he leaped backward and skillfully dodged the mass of water that passed only a few inches from his outstretched arm, reaching for his weapon. It was fast and powerful enough to easily rip his arm off if he hadn't dodged it.

He quickly rushed to his sword and gripped it tightly. He had nothing to fear from noise or sudden movements because his opponent knew where he was. Moreover, it was certainly not a beast he was facing. Only a human could have set such a trap.

But who? Who could want his life like this? The immortals? Impossible, he hadn't found a single trace of them. What advantages would they have in revealing themselves like this? Numerous questions crowded his mind as another wave of pressurized water was projected, this time from a different bush.

He dodged once again, and the water jet ended up hitting the tree behind him, damaging its bark for several centimeters.

Eiji took a deep breath before refocusing. "No matter who you are, your corpse will speak for you."

He swept his gaze over the bushes in front of him, but the moons provided little illumination that night. He changed his stance, lowered his center of gravity, and focused his strength on his legs.

After a few seconds of silence, another water jet appeared from a bush like a spear. But instead of dodging, Eiji rushed toward the attack. At the precise moment the liquid was about to hit his face, he lowered himself, evading it without stopping his momentum.

He kept running toward the bush from which the water spear originated, reaching it in record time. He frantically searched around the bush, unfortunately finding nothing and no one.

He clicked his tongue in frustration, shifting his gaze to the other bushes around him. He frenetically moved from one bush to another, not hesitating to deliver powerful sword strikes blindly.

After a few seconds of hunting that felt like an eternity to him, another water jet was propelled in his direction. However, this time the spellcaster was very close. He was so close that Eiji didn't have time to react. The water jet violently struck his chest, throwing him to the ground, gasping for breath.

Covered in scratches and burns, Eiji lay on the ground, overcome by an involuntary coughing fit.

"You bastard!" he managed to shout.

He heard footsteps nearby. The gait was slow and steady. His assailant approached and knelt beside him, blade in hand. Clad in a priest's cassock, his face was distorted by rage and bloodlust, displaying a disproportionate smile. Seemingly amused, he burst into psychotic laughter that irritated Eiji, who still struggled to move.

"At last! Thanks to you, we will be free! Thank you for being willing to die like this. Thanks to you, we can live! He will forgive us !"

The priest brought the blade close to Eiji's neck. Eiji did his best to move but only managed to take a few steps back and was quickly caught up by his assailant.

"Well, well. Where do you think you're going? Stay right here, my dear! Believe me. It will be quicker and less painful. I've grown accustomed to it over time."

Both panicked and consumed by rage, Eiji fiercely gripped his sword until it drew blood. As the priest brought his blade closer and began to thrust it into his neck, he felt a powerful heat in the palm of his right hand, the one holding his sword.

Swiftly, this heat began to absorb his energy, his mana specifically. The process lasted only a few tenths of a second. Finally, his sword burst into flames as if it were made of fire. Surprised by this manifestation, the priest quickly withdrew his blade and took a few steps back.

Still coughing, Eiji gathered all his strength to rise. He struck out at his adversary. The strike was slow, giving the priest enough time to step back and prepare a new water spear.

However, as Eiji's strike was nearing its end, a violent fire wave erupted from it, heading straight toward the priest. The priest rushed to cast his spell but in vain.

The fire wave, stronger, passed through the water. The significant amount of steam emitted propelled the remaining liquid in all directions, further injuring the young man. Finally, the wave of fire continued its course toward the priest. Taken by surprise, he couldn't dodge in time.

Engulfed in the flames, his cries of pain distorted the usual silence of the forest. After running frantically in random directions for several tens of meters, he collapsed, succumbing to his burns.

Eiji collapsed as well. Injured from head to toe and struggling to breathe, he endured each passing second.

After several long minutes, he heard a familiar voice echoing through the woods.

"Eiji. Eiji! Are you okay? By all the gods, Eiji! What happened to you?"

The young woman rushed to his side and placed both her hands on his body.

"Don't worry. I will heal you." Tearful, she gathered all her mana in her palms. "Don't worry! I will do everything to save you."

Eiji fainted at those words.
