
sorry this is not a story

Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 3.9K ビュー
  • 2 章
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What is sorry this is not a story

WebNovel で公開されている、Hibashka_Nasu の作者が書いた sorry this is not a story の小説を読んでください。...



Modern Ancient

``I’m still hungry.`` He walked through the desolate halls of an ancient ruin. ``Father you were wrong. . .`` He’d stumble clutching onto one side of the wall. ``Friend, it’s not here at all . . .`` He’d look down the hallway. It looked like an eternal void he felt as if he reached out it would suck him up and devour him. . .his torch began to flicker the only sense of light that he had in this place. ``I’m going to die.`` He said in a weak voice talking to himself in his finale moments. . . Leaning up against the wall he looked up at an ancient symbol of omega. .. ``With all the technology in the world. . and I die of what. . .starvation?`` He took out his novel and took a pen as well. . . ``I don’t care anymore. . . My dreams had been killed the moment they took me in. . .`` He heard a thud at the end of the hallway, he looked slowly to the side and began to get up. . . ``That would be a better death than getting killed in a hallway.`` He saw two red eyes down the hallway stare at him, ``I think that is the sound of the void. . .`` air rushed toward him quickly and he felt a sharp pain in his gut. . . ---------- What if a god from the past revives itself and goes to the future, in a world filled of highly civilized men and women how would he handle himself in there? Well we are going to follow Revan overcome the troubles of being a modern day god with his very old and dark powers. --------- If you want vote for me

wade0509 · アクション
2 Chs


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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