
Chapter I

Chapter 1

My name is Kira, I'm 16 years old , I live in Miami, USA. I love reading novels, listening to musics, playing football and most of all I'm a Chelsea fan. My parents are Mr & Mrs Anderson I would say we are not rich but we are comfortable. We are a family of five ; my dad & mom and three children. I'm the last child and only daughter of my parent.

" Kira !! " someone called as I walked into my school compound.

I turned to see who it was ? It was my best friend Camilla . She walked to me smiling

"Kira, today is Jackson birthday party,hope you are going to make it' to the party?"she asked me smiling sweetly

"Certainly,why wouldn't I make it to my boyfriend party?I must be stupid if I do that".

Jackson is my boyfriend, he is the son of a wealthy influential politician but surprising he is my boyfriend. We have been dating for almost 2 months now. Camilla on the other hand is my best friend, she has been my best friend since we were in junior school.

Later in the day, I met Jackson he talked about his birthday party and how he wanted me to attend it, that he had a big surprise for me. All through the day, I was so delighted I could not stop thinking about the surprise Jackson had for me. I got home, buried my head into my books, so as to convinced my parents that I was really preparing hard for my exams.

Fortunately for me I was able to convinced them and when I told them that I wanted to attend a birthday party with Camilla they did not make much fused about it.

By four Camilla already arrived at my house she was dressed in a pink gown with a white sneakers . She packed her hair in a nice ponytail , she was really looking gorgeous. She helped me pick a dress it was a white gown that hugged to my body so much reveal ing my sexy shapes. She fixed my hair in an amazing way , I put on a matching heels, wore a makeup and took a matching purse. It really fitted me, my skin was glowing and my black long hair was shining.We left home to the party at 5pm.

Arriving at Jackson house (where the party was taking place) the place was crowded with guests. Camilla and I briskly walked into the party, I sighted Jackson faraway he was gorgeously dressed and he looked more handsome to before. Beside him was a pink haired girl she was clinging to him.

" That asshole !! A disgraceful slut she must be to cling onto someone boyfriend like that," Camilla muttered angrily. I was so jealous I felt like rushing to their side to rip off that girl hands from touching Jackson, but I remained cool like I wasn't bothered.

We walked to them but as soon as Jackson and as soon as Jackson sighted us he smiled mischievously.

" Kira you came," Jackson spoked out. I did not know if it was a question or a compliment. The girl beside him grinned more mischievously as she smiled. I just didn't know the reason but I just did not like her and the look she was giving me.

" Yeah Jackson I came, why wouldn't I be present at your birthday party? Of course I would come, you of all people!! " I said after which I smiled, a smile that didn't got to my eyes.

Jackson was about saying something when the MC called on everyone to welcome the celebrant.

" Let's welcome the celebrant Jackson, Jackson Andrew as he comes on stage"

"Thank you everyone for honouring my invitation, thank you so much for coming to celebrate this great day of mine with me . I really appreciate this , thank you so much".

I was lost in my thoughts, I was not in my right senses but one thing I knew was that Jackson was acting weird. Standing beside me was Camilla she was wearing a frown on her face and was staring at the pink haired girl with anger. I was also angry but it just that I know to keep cool, but Camilla is a kind of person that easily flare up.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Jackson saying; "I would like to introduce my dearest sweet heart and my only lover Pinky Turner.

I felt like my world was crumbling, I just stood transfixed to a spot.