
Sophia's star ⭐

spycee · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Tensions Rise

Ryan's gaze lingered on Sophia, his eyes clouding with a mix of anger and longing. Lyrien's presence seemed to fuel his possessiveness, and Sophia knew she had to defuse the situation before it escalated.

"Ryan, please understand, my work with Lyrien is purely professional," Sophia explained, her voice calm and measured. "We're exploring the possibilities of intergalactic cooperation and knowledge sharing."

Ryan snorted, his expression skeptical. "Save it, Sophia. I know you. You're drawn to the unknown, the unexplained. And this...alien...is the ultimate enigma."

Lyrien's antennae twitched, his eyes narrowing as he sensed the tension. He stepped forward, his voice low and even. "Dr. Thompson, I assure you, my intentions are peaceful. I mean no harm to Sophia or your people."

Ryan's laughter was cold and mirthless. "You expect me to believe that? You're an alien, for crying out loud! You have no concept of human emotions or relationships."

Sophia intervened, her voice firm. "Ryan, that's enough. Lyrien is our guest, and we'll treat him with respect. Please, let's focus on the research and keep our personal differences aside."

Ryan's gaze lingered on Sophia, his eyes flashing with a warning before he turned and stormed off, leaving an uncomfortable silence in his wake.

Lyrien's expression softened as he turned to Sophia. "I apologize if my presence has caused tension, Sophia. I'll do my best to avoid any further conflicts."

Sophia smiled, her heart warming to Lyrien's considerate nature. "It's not your fault, Lyrien. Ryan and I have a complicated history. Let's just focus on our work and see where it takes us."

As they returned to their research, Sophia couldn't shake off the feeling that Ryan's anger was just the beginning of a larger storm brewing on the horizon.