
Chapter Forty One

* Nick *

Before the clock starts to ring at six o'clock in the evening, all of us are already gathered around the function room of the Langston Palace. My father seated calmly on his chair, beside him is my mother then Maleficus while I sat beside Brad who is on the left side of my father. After a few seconds, Maleficus took a deep breath and announce.

"They are here."

All our eyes focus on the wide front door as it slowly opens and the escort from our Palace bows his head to confirm the arrival of the Bates family. I did not have to see for my eyes to learn that Emma is not with them.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Bates, and to you Dylan and Robert. Welcome to the Palace function room!"

My father raised his hand to signal us all to stand, while my father-in-law did not even bother to smile and just bows his head a little to recognize his greetings.

"Good evening to all, no need to stand."