
Chapter 1

Sonic the Hedgehog belongs to Sega.

Tails sniffled as he wiped his eyes. Curled up in a ball, the two-tailed fox cub rocked back and forth in the empty and horrible smelling cell that was built into Eggman's base. Yelling was heard by Tails from rooms away from the cell and Tails really hoped was Sonic coming to save him. Moments later, the door was knocked off of the door hinges and in the hallway was the blue hedgehog who had been taken care of Tails for years.

"Sonic!" Tails cried his big brother's name.

Sonic unlocked the cell door and quickly pulled the cub out of the cell. Tails felt Sonic nuzzle into his yellow fur and Tails did the same to Sonic. Tails breathed in the scent of the teenaged hedgehog as the nuzzling continued. Alarms went off everywhere making Tails jump while being held by Sonic.

"It's ok baby bro, I'm here, big brother's here," Sonic reassured the cub. "We're getting the heck out of here right now."

Tails smiled and relaxed finally in Sonic's arms. Tails touched the fur that covered Sonic's body just to relax the part of his brain that was telling him this could be a dream or worse was one of Eggman's tricks. But, it wasn't and Sonic was really here and had just rescued him. He was finally going home.