
Unexpected beginning- prologue part 1

It was a quiet night. The wind blew lightly and the moon shone down on the earth in a beautiful white tone.A small wooden ship drove across the Ozian without having to worry about waves that were too high. The small ship was underway without lighting and therefore difficult to see from a distance.

The little ship was sailing at breathtaking speed, even though it was completely shrouded in darkness. There was no one to be seen on the deck of the ship and it was eerily quiet.

The boat sped across the ocean without making a single sound. But it was anything but quiet on the lower decks.

Two men sat in front of a small room. Both had grim expressions on their faces as they felt annoyed by all the noises coming from the storage room. One man was on the grip of a lamp and pushed open the heavy metal door to calm things down.

When he came out, the volume hadn't changed. He sat down annoyed next to his colleague again and could only shrug his shoulders annoyed.

When suddenly someone pushed open a golden ornate door and yelled at the two men, they should finally bring the annoying beasts and children to rest. The two bowed deeply and shouted loudly:

"Yes, boss."

When the creepy-looking man disappeared back into his room, the two guards finally began to stop shaking. Fortunately we are not dead, they thought.

To calm the children and beasts, they used mana, which they used as a sleep aid, by putting their hands on the children's heads to inject it into them because their bodies cannot handle the mana they easy fall asleep. In the case of the mana beasts, they used syringes in which they were forced into a sleep by the mana of the men, as long as the men wanted it, or until they ran out of mana.

After about five minutes they were through with almost all of the toddlers and could finally breathe deeply when they discovered a child in the corner.

It seemed like it was a bit older than the others and despite all the noise from the others, the boy was actually asleep.

The two men weren't sure whether they should also give the child mana so that he could continue to sleep, which they decided in the end to avoid further problems.

They started injecting the mana into the boys Mana cycle. Just before they were done, the boy suddenly winced. It seemed like he was going to have a seizure as his body began to shake badly. The two men didn't know what to do and so just kept going.

When they were finished they were about to leave when the boy suddenly opened his eyes and the two men looked into bright golden eyes. They were happy because you can get a lot of money for such a child on the black market.

However, their joy did not last for long, as a large amount of mana accumulated in the boy's eyes and was suddenly released, hurling the two rejoicing men across the room with a tremendous force, causing them to be thrown against the wall and remained unconscious on the floor.

The loud bang woke the other members of the crew, who all made their way to the warehouse to inquire about the bang. When they arrived at the scene of the accident, they began to examine the two unconscious men when one of the men suddenly noticed the strong fluctuations in mana emanating from the boy in the corner.

He reported this to the boss, who immediately started to get angry and toss things around. He kept shouting:

"I told these idiots you shouldn't use mana when we were in the vicinity of land, otherwise the coast guard will find us!"

"What should we do with the boy now?"

Asked a crew Member, whereupon the boss said

"Throw the boy overboard, the faster the better, no matter how much he is worth!"

And with that, two people released him from the shackles, carried him all the way to the deck, and turned to one side when they could see a ship approaching them at high speed. The Coast Guard comes to investigate the mana fluctuations.

The two men hurried and attached a metal ball to the boy's leg before throwing him in a high arc into the water.

You could only hear him hit the surface of the water with a loud bang and then disappear into the depths of the ocean.
