
Something Ends, Something Begins

Nathan awoke to find himself not in his cozy hospital bed, or even in the humble protection of his room. No the young man was only meet with the feeling of being in another world, a world of suffering.

As the numbness of sleep slowly faded from his limbs Nathan felt dead grass poking into his back, tiny needles forcing open his eyes. as he gasped in a breath, but nothing came and he only choked on his own dry tongue.

There was no air in that menacing world; lack of oxygen descended on the boy's mind in a panic, in desperation he sucked in another breath, burning the lungs with a ferocity that consumed him. Mist descended on his eyes.

Through the misty veil surrounding my eyes he could barely make out dead white trees like bony fingers stretching for the dark sunless sky. He could feel his heart beating against his rib cage, slowing every second.

Finally, the realization dawned on me, that death was inevitable. struggling to move his chest, tried to suck in air, but none came. His eyesight blurred, but not because tears were welling up, Everything became fuzzy; then he saw nothing at all. His heart stopped while the mind gave one final sigh. All that followed was nothing, Nothing at all.

As that feeling started to fade Nathan was covered in a blinding light dropping him into a white room not unlike his room in the hospital. in the pristine nothing he was met with a desk with a tablet sitting atop, curious to the situation he walked over and sat down.

As soon as he felt comfortable he lifted the tablet that lit up and read 'Rebirth System" on the led lit screen. "You've gotta be joking right?" Was Nathan's first thought but as soon as he hit the continue button on the screen he was prompted with choices he would have never thought of in a million years.

He took his time carefully reading all the options to bring himself up to speed while allowing himself to calm down. "A lot of these worlds don't seem worth the trouble, all of the worlds to be honest have a sense of danger and unpredictability, but you only get to live again once." His fingers confirm the Witcher World.


prompted the system, causing him to stop.

After browsing through the possibilities nathan decided to select the following

Body of the Elder Blood: "your body is more magically potent than Lara Dorren Herself"" access to the power of the elder blood (blood gene purity 100%)

Body of an Innate Prodigy: "all skill known to man and god alike is easy understood by you" almighty comprehension of all things

Body Blessed by God "be reborn of my flesh and make all kneel before you" Enhanced physical mental/spiritual strength and durability innate immunity build Up and adaptation


He immediately did so following that his vision blurred and his soul dissipated marking the end of his life on this plane and the beginning of his new one in the world of swords and sorcery

1253 Ard Skellig, Skellige

In the candle lit room The pain of labour was a prison for a soon to be mother's mind. Pavetta, in that mental jail cell of fear and confusion time passed without her being able to keep track. Her stomach tightened, while she heard her own scream without being aware of making it. She lay still as the grasp of her lovers hand steeled her heart, waiting for the agony to subside.

Calanthe trudged into the castle, worry spread across her face as her steps quickened through the hallway , Eist not far behind her. They'd just returned from finishing a battle of wits as emissaries of Cintra, each fatigued from the past few day's events.

Mousesack was quick to catch up with them as they journeyed through the halls, wanting nothing but rest after spending the past few hours bickering with the fiery men of Skellige . His agitated face was enough to set a degree of worry in each of them.

"Thank the gods you've arrived. Pavetta is giving birth as I speak," He exclaimed.

"Where is she?" Calanthe demanded to know, ready to race to her daughter's side in an instant.

"And is Duny with her? The girl shouldn't have had to go through this alone," Eist inquired of him.

"Yes Duny is with her. She's in her bed chamber, your majesty," Mousesack answered, his words almost falling on death ears as the couple practically vanished from sight in their speed getting to Pavetta.

"Do I need to call for anyone?" Eist asked of his wife, his voice betraying his happiness for Pavetta.

"I believe she's had a nurse staying here for the past few weeks, so that should be unnecessary. I'll keep you informed," Calanthe murmured before stepping through the wooden doors to find her daughter as Eist journeyed down the corridor to make other preparations.

Pavetta looked up to find her mother mid-scream as she came closer to giving birth with each push.

"Your doing well, it should be soon!" The nurse called with encouragement as she checked the baby's positioning. Pavetta was almost crushing Duny's hand in an effort to alleviate the pain.

"Mother, you're back. Are you done with worries of the state," Pavetta strained out worriedly as she panted for breath.

"It's none of your concern now , my dear, but my own. The real question here is how are you coping?"

"I'm trying," She told her before letting out another yelp as she began to push once again. Calanthe took a seat near Duny as she grasped hold of Pavetta's other hand, knowing how painful the process was.

"How long has this lasted thus far?" She quietly asked of Duny, not wanting her daughter to be in pain for long.

"We believe her waters broke a couple of hours ago, your majesty. She's been pushing for the last half an hour," Duny commented as Calanthe nodded in response.

"Just a bit more my love, your coming along wonderfully" Duny spoke encouraging the woman carrying his child as she was nearing the end of her current touture. He who had loved her more in this moment then that of the night they met

A couple of long and painful hours later, a infant's cry filled the room only announcing the arrive of one but not the other, breaking the tense atmosphere in an instant.

"Congratulations, you have a girl, and a boy" The midwife smiled gently as she handed the baby boy to Duny's waiting hands and girl to pavetta's.

A grin beamed on both parents' faces as Calanthe looked at her daughter with pride. The midwife left soon after ensuring Pavetta and the newborn were healthy.

"Have you thought of names?" She asked of Pavetta and Duny.

"Cirillia, My Daughter" Pavetta announced as she took the child in her arms.

"Ezera My Son" Duny uttered as overwhelming satisfaction settle in over his body

As he looked over his newborn he couldn't help but notice the look of acknowledgment he got from his youngling's gaze

"Is Eist here?" Duny asked his mother in law not wanting to ponder on the thought any longer

"He is. Do you wish him to be present?"

"Please," Pavetta asked. Calanthe nodded before heading outside to ask a guard to locate him.

"Do you require anything?" Duny asked as he handed Ezera his wife, knowing she'd had a rough few hours.

"Could you find some water," She requested tiredly as she looked adoringly at her children.

"Of course," Duny responded before leaving the room.

"I didn't expect it to hurt so much," Pavetta commented to her mother. "Yes, but it's worth it," She replied softly, "Let's be grateful it was a safe one,"

This story was previously under novel category but it’s a fan fiction so I placed it under the right section

Regular updates will be try consistent but I’m not gonna force myself to write if it’s not flowing


WeebLuvsRamencreators' thoughts