
Son of The Divine Clan

He has the word Divine on his forehead. He has the Life-Destroying Fist. He has the Eye of Heaven. He has the Wings of Heaven. And he has a Primordial Angel Body that can look down on the 3000 Great Worlds and 3 Heavens. Unlike other stories, when Qin Tian went to another world, he started out as the last son of the Divine Clan, the clan that once ruled the universe. On his first day in another world, he made three breakthroughs directly, defeating a genius with a single blow, captivating the princess of a kingdom. This is not a story of struggle, but a story of a young man who dominated from the moment he took his first step.

Dark_Crow1111 · 東方
18 Chs

It Was Pawned

The arrival of the city lord surprised everyone, even Patriarch Xiao immediately turned back.

That man was probably quite old. At his age, Patriarch Xiao or Patriarch Lin could be stronger than him.

However, still for now he was stronger because he was at the Spiritual King Middle Stage.

Patriarch Xiao narrowed his eyes, wondering what this old man's goal was, did he have the same goal as him?

"Elder Hong, didn't expect you to show up as well, but I need to take care of that evil boy, please wait a moment if there is something you want to talk about." Patriarch Xiao said.

At this point, he also needed to play with words to make it seem like he was doing something official.

Patriarch Lin was enraged to hear that, he shouted, "Xiao Long, if you dare to move a single step, I assure you that today your clan and my clan will fight until one of us is wiped out."

His words instantly made Patriarch Xiao freeze, he stared at the bald man in disbelief while his legs that wanted to step back into position.

The people, on the other hand, looked at each other, getting more and more curious as Patriarch Lin didn't seem to be just saying nonsense.

As for Hong Ki, he stared at Qin Tian, trying to sense his aura more closely in hopes of discovering something.

Unfortunately, he found nothing but a seemingly boundless majesty, making him speculate that he really was a son of Heaven.

"Ehmmm!!!" He then cleared his throat, looking up at Patriarch Xiao.

He said, "I came here to stop all conflicts. Xiao Long, unless you want to fight with this old man, you better go back to your clan."

His words made Xiao Long open his mouth.

Just as he thought the old man wanted to take Qin Tian for himself, he suddenly said to Patriarch Lin. "Don't worry, I won't do anything."

After that, he looked at Qin Tian.

"Young master, I don't know where you're from, but if you're interested in my place, you can come whenever you want, I'll give you the best welcome."

For a person of his status and cultivation to call someone with an unclear background using the word young master showed that he viewed Qin Tian very highly.

Although it was natural, but people weren't used to it because of Qin Tian's unclear background.

As for Qin Tian, he responded to Hong Ki's words with a light nod before waving his hand to Patriarch Lin, signaling to take the lead.

The latter didn't want to wait any longer, he directly led Qin Tian to his clan, leaving Patriarch Xiao with a gloomy face.

He wanted to make a move but didn't dare to do so due to the presence of the city lord.

In the end, he coldly snorted down, then left without hiding his displeasure.

When he returned to his clan, he immediately summoned all the elders and important members of the clan to hold a meeting in the hall.

Most of them were also watching every incident, so they came right away, including Xiao Ming.

The latter despite suffering a complete defeat, but he did not suffer any truly fatal injuries.

After taking the extremely precious Spiritual Pill, he was instantly able to walk.

Of course, while physical injuries can be healed, mental injuries are another matter.

Xiao Ming's anger could not dissipate, he continued to show a gloomy expression, like a hungry lion that had failed to catch prey.

People felt uncomfortable when they saw him.

Patriarch Xiao didn't say anything to him, his focus was only on the elders.

"What do you think of that boy?" he asked them, instantly making them look at each other.

"I think he really is the Son of Heaven." Suddenly one of the elders replied.

He had a long beard but a rather short body. His aura was just below Patriarch Xiao's but above the others.

He was of course the Grand Elder of the Xiao Clan.

The others were surprised to hear him say that.

Patriarch Xiao then replied, "uncle, there is no such thing..."

"Then what else is a reasonable explanation?" The Grand Elder asked back, something Patriarch Xiao could not answer. He himself gathered the elders to ask.

"I believe the answer lies in the Lin Clan." Another elder suddenly chimed in, a man who actually looked about the same age as Patriarch Xiao.

His aura was actually also very deep, almost on par with a Grand Elder.

His words earned nods from all the elders, clearly they agreed.

"We must get that information," Patriarch Xiao said.

Then, he looked at his son.

"Aren't you good friends with Lin Hu, try to approach him and get information," he told him.

When he heard his father's voice directed at him, Xiao Ming couldn't help but calm down.

He nodded after that.

However, when he heard the plan, the Grand Elder knitted his brows, as if he disagreed.

"By the way, tomorrow, some of our cousins are coming. Now, I want you to clean up the entire clan and prepare a feast to welcome them." The Patriarch added, surprising the other clan members.

Their eyes shone and they looked happy.

The cousins were actually other Xiao Clans who were still closely related to them but lived in different places, even different kingdoms.

Compared to the Xiao Clan in this city, the Xiao Clan in that other place was much stronger.

They lived in the Holy Cloud Kingdom which had recently subdued two other kingdoms.


Qin Tian quickly arrived at the Lin Clan.

Some members went in first to clean up the clan, cook the best food, and prepare a residence that was more luxurious than the Patriarch's.

However, the first thing Qin Tian did was visit the clan hall with the elders and important members of the clan.

The clan hall was quite spacious but simple, made entirely of wood.

There were many ancient statues, complete with their names and history.

Among them, there was no shortage of those who had their own kingdoms, there were even some who became rulers of the world.

Too bad time is cruel to everyone.

The once mighty clan has nothing left but a small area in a city that could possibly be destroyed at any time.

On the main wall of that hall, Qin Tian also saw a painting of an extremely handsome man, having long hair.

He was tall, wearing a white robe, and holding a sword, standing on a vast grassland.

Although it was just an ordinary painting, looking at it gave Qin Tian the sensation of going back in time, seeing that man in person as he dominated many worlds with his sword.

"Ah, Lin Jian, he was so arrogant back then, I wonder where his corpse is." Lin Xueyin suddenly said.

"Who's stronger between him and you?" Qin Tian asked her.

"Of course, I'm stronger," Lin Xueyin replied confidently.

At the same time, Patriarch Lin gently said to Qin Tian. "Young master, he's our supreme ancestor, an invincible God King."

"God King?" Qin Tian couldn't help but narrow his eyes when he heard that because it was almost the highest realm, below the God Emperor.

However, the latter was rarely active, so in the Three Heavens, according to the information Lin Xueyin provided, it was the God Kings who dominated.

Qin Tian couldn't help but wonder how strong Lin Xueyin was.

"By the way, I came to look for the Sky Stone, you guys have it, right?" asked Qin Tian to Patriarch Lin.

That was one of the resources he needed to cultivate the Grand Angel Body.

Hearing his question, Patriarch Lin and his clan members froze.

They spontaneously stared at Lin Bao who suddenly staggered backwards with a terrified face.

"Lin Bao, where is it, quickly hand it over to the young master." Finally, Patriarch Lin shouted angrily at him.

If it wasn't for Qin Tian's arrival, he would've already broken his leg.

Of course, they knew about it. It was a treasure that they couldn't use because it was sealed inside an iron box that they absolutely couldn't open.

It was their clan's most precious treasure.

However, that boy, Lin Bao had stolen it and taken it away from the clan.

The reason why they didn't pursue him in an aggressive manner was because they were worried about the other party detecting the whereabouts of the treasure, so until now, they had always tried to capture Lin Bao secretly so that it wouldn't seem like he stole something truly valuable.

Lin Bao trembled in fear, looking left and right.

"I-it's not with me now," he said, making every eye open wide.

"And where is it?" asked Grand Elder Lin with eyes like they were about to burst into flames.

Actually, Lin Bao was his grandson whom he didn't acknowledge because he was born to a prostitute.

His shameful origins plus his annoying behavioral level, the Grand Elder couldn't help but want to rid his blood from that young man.

"I've pawned it off at the Night Sky Pavilion," Lin Bao replied.

Hearing that, the elders almost staggered.

The Night Sky Pavilion was probably the biggest business in the Fire River Kingdom. It came from another kingdom.

And in fact, there was no branch of them in this city.

They only set up a branch in Thousand Rivers City, the capital of East River Province.

"Don't tell me that you pawned it for resources to break through?" Lin Hu, Patriarch Lin's son asked.

Since long ago, he had no rivals in this clan among the younger generation.

Now, Lin Bao came with a cultivation equivalent to his, something that annoyed him.

He wondered how he did it and found out that he pawned their clan treasure.

In any clan or sect, this was a serious crime that could not be forgiven.

"Wait, we don't have to pay to retrieve it anymore, I just made an agreement that they should return it if they fail to break the seal within 3 months. And it's been over two months since then..." Lin Bao explained hurriedly.

"And what if they've already destroyed the seal?" asked Lin Hu, continuing to seize this opportunity to pressure Lin Bao through words.

The latter confidently replied, "the seal is from our supreme ancestor, who can destroy it? Even the previous ancestors who ruled over the Great World cannot break it. The Night Sky Pavilion may be extremely powerful, but they still cannot compare to our past ancestors."

After hearing Lin Bao's explanation, Patriarch Lin and the elders' eyes lit up and they became calmer.

Indeed, if the seal could be destroyed so easily, how could the past ancestors not do so.