
My Life

I remember the good times. And the bad tome. But ive been told i focus too much on the bad times. On Oct. 1st 1990 i was born. I dont remeber that lol i just know it. Into what i thought was a good family. Right. You never really know until you get old enough to understand. When i was age 1 threw lets say 5ish i dont remember. But i Remember what ive been told by Family members.

My Mom Before She Had 2 Kids! Skinny, weighted about 110lbs, Short Curly Brown Hair, im pretty sure it was permed and fake, Blue Eyes, Loved Having Fun And Hanging Out With Friends. She was cute to het everyones attention. From my experience she was an attention whore. Always wanting everybodys attention which she got cause she was cute. Was Past Tense.

My Mom After Having 2 Kids. Lazy, didnt clean, cook, shower, or change her kids including diapers, Fat, weighing 370 lbs, Unbrushed Long Brown Hair, Straight, Blue Eyes, Ugly. For as long as i can remember i always wanted to be taken away by anyone. I wished someone else would want me. Nobody ever came.

Some stories i heard from Family. When me and my brother were younger. We werent old enough to use or reach the stove. So when we were hungry we'd be cooking hot dog and mac n chesse, etc. in the microwave. By ourselves. No Adult help or supervision. Growning Up ive always been told by my mom that i was allergic to Papmpers diapers. But ive also been told by people that would come over that id be in the same shitty, pissy diaper and clothes for days.

There were also times, and i do remeber this, that she'd be sitting on the couch bitching at her kids to get her the rwmote cause she could never find it. It was always on the coffee table in front of her. She was too lazy to reach forward and grab it.

So i mentioned earlier that she was an attention whore and got away with it because she was cute. Well after she bacame fat and lazy she didnt. So shed lie and make up stories. She never got pregnant after us 2. She never went to the hospital and delivered another baby. But at one point in my life something bad happened to me. She always told people i was lieing to get my way. Because i wanted attention. But after that she was apparently raped and had a 3rd kid. Which she gave birth too and gave up for adoption.

Geat story huh cause she would have to provide proof of a kid if it was adopted. Also if it happened years ago then she wouldnt have to press charges. When asked if she wanted to to get justice. Another lie i was too drunk to remember him. Ok keep changing your story cause im sure all those guys wanna jump your fat and hump you. NOT.

My Dad. Worked alot. Drank alot. Never got custody of us. Gave my mom everything she ever wanted. Even after Gettin Divorced. Never kept promises. And sold our Christmas presents back to the store after a while. So he cohld use the money for what? Your guess is as good as mine. when thinking back i remember losing a lot of toys as a kid. Always wondering what happened to them.

My Stepdad. Loser. Druggie. Never worked never paid any bills never bought us anything. But expected us to give him stiuff on father's day. I did until i grew up and thought why should i. Hence why my dad paid for every stupid lil whim thing my mom wanted. Never helped. So Lazy but not fat cause of all the drugs.

So literally all the good times i had was when i was small and stupid enough to fall for the little things. But i coped i mean im not like anyone of them to this day. So i think thats the best good thing that could of ever came out of it.

Today i am 14 years old its my birthay. Alot of bad things all happened on this day well get into that in a bit. so heres my weird story.