
Solo Protagonist(Project Zero)

Most people say that we are all the protagonist of our own story that's because they don't know the truth we have all been blinded with that belief with no hope of seeing the light but one day normal humans started to discover the truth about the reality that we are all side characters/ Npcs of someone's story which led to the creation of an organization called project zero who's sole aim is to get rid of all the protagonist to make all of us stand on the same road ,we follow the life of kaito who wants to join that organization and become the best In it's rank but fate isn't something you can leave aside read solo protagonist for a new taste of fantasy

Voiddrk · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 26: RTS(Real-Time Strategy)

"Control your own destiny or someone else will"

Jack welch

In the quiet of her dimly lit room, Yui, an introvert, found comfort surrounded by books and the glow of her computer screen. She loved escaping into fantasy novels and online worlds, never expecting his own life to change so dramatically.

One ordinary evening, an unusual energy filled Yui's room. The familiar hum of his computer and the soft glow of her desk lamp were suddenly overpowered by a blinding light that enveloped him. A mysterious force pulled him away from her room, and the walls blurred into a swirl of colors.

When the disorienting sensation finally stopped, Yui found herself in an unfamiliar place.

[Summon Complete: You have successfully summoned Yui]

[Void just summoned Yui]

The posters of fantasy worlds that once covered her walls were gone. Standing before Yui was Void, dressed in black. He greeted Yui, "Welcome to my world. I summoned you because I need your help to defeat a god."

Panicking, Yui grabbed her inhaler, took a deep breath, and said, "You kidnapped me, brought me here, and now you want me to help you?"

Void replied, "Let's start over. Hi, my name is Void. I summoned you because I need your help. And just so you know, I don't know how to send you back, so you either help or you will get discarded."

Yui sighed, "At least I get a chance to live the fantasy adventures I've read about. But are you some kind of hero or anti-hero in this world?"

Void grinned, "No, I'm aiming to be the best villain there is."

"Oh great, I ended up with a lunatic," Yui muttered.

Void ignored the comment and began explaining the rules of the game he was playing with Hermes, the Olympian god. "This isn't just a regular game. Strategy is everything. Resources are the lifeblood of our kingdoms, and every decision shapes the destiny of our virtual empires."

Yui, still unimpressed, replied, "Sounds like any other real-time strategy game to me."

Void asked, "What's an RTS?"

Yui explained, "Real-time strategy (RTS) games are where players build and manage armies over time before engaging in tactical warfare against an opponent."

Void smiled slyly, "Good, since you're familiar with this kind of game."

"Fine, I'll help you, but you have to promise to help me when I need it," Yui said.

"I promise," Void agreed.

As the game progressed, Yui, with her sharp understanding of strategy, stood by Kaito's side, ready to fortify their base against Hermes. She quickly assessed their resources, unit composition, and defenses.

"Kaito, we need to optimize our resource gathering. Let's allocate more workers to the mines and ensure a steady flow of gold and stone. Efficiency is key here," Yui instructed.

Void nodded in agreement. "Got it. Workers reassigned. What's next?"

"We need to strengthen our defenses. Build up the walls and position archers strategically. Hermes won't be easy to outmaneuver, but with a solid defense, we'll have a chance," Yui advised.

They coordinated the construction of sturdy walls and strategically placed archer towers. Yui continued, "Let's diversify our army. Infantry for frontline defense, archers for ranged support, and cavalry for quick maneuvers. A well-balanced force will keep Hermes on his toes."

Void followed Yui's guidance with precision. "This is coming together nicely. With these improvements, we'll be ready for whatever Hermes throws at us."

Yui's determination was clear. "Victory is in the details. Now, let's show Hermes that even gods can be outmaneuvered in strategy."

Yui and Void formed a strong team. Void, the master of battles, focused on refining Yui's combat skills, while Yui, the strategic thinker, worked on improving Void's castle.

Void, with serious determination, guided Yui through the art of combat. "Yui, in this world, mastering the essence of primordial qi is crucial. It's the energy of creation, and I can sense that you have potential. Feel it, harness it, and let it become part of you."

In the quiet realm where primordial qi flowed, Kaito Fujimoto, known as Void, took on the role of mentor. Yui was eager to learn and harness the cosmic forces around them.

With limited resources and time, Kaito streamlined the training. He began, "To control primordial qi, you must connect with the invisible energy that ties everything together."

Through focused breathing exercises, Kaito taught Yui to feel the subtle vibrations in the world around them. "Primordial qi is a harmony, an essence that connects all things. Sense it in the rustling leaves, the whispers of the wind."

As days passed, Kaito introduced Yui to the elemental energy within her own being. "Imagine your body as a vessel," he explained. "Draw the primordial qi into your core. Let it mix with your essence and form a connection with the cosmos."

Yui's determination mirrored Kaito's own journey. Her understanding deepened, and Kaito could feel her connection to primordial qi growing stronger.

One evening, under a sky filled with stars, Kaito praised Yui's progress. "You've come a long way. Primordial qi is a dance that requires harmony with the world around you."

Yui, now more confident, stood up, her movements guided by an unseen force. "I can feel it," she whispered. "The primordial qi flowing through me."

As their training continued, Kaito and Yui developed a bond—not just as mentor and student but as kindred spirits connected by the cosmic forces that shaped their destinies.

**[3 days remaining before the battle]**

**To be continued...**

"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to wait for; it is something to achieve."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Voiddrkcreators' thoughts