
Solo Leveling: Ragnarok [FAN TL]

The Earth's existence is under threat once more as Itarim, the gods of other universes, seek to fill the void left by the Absolute Being. Sung Jinwoo has no choice but to send Beru, the shadow ant king, to awaken his son's powers and start him on the journey he once took. Suho must conquer the shadow dungeon and earn his place in the world of hunters as he navigates through a new world against a new evil looking to swallow the world whole. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MY WORK! I DO NOT TAKE ANY CREDIT FOR THIS! THIS IS AN OFFICIAL SEQUEL MADE BY DAUL WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR OF SOLO LEVELING. THE ORIGINAL WORK WAS RELEASED IN KOREAN ON KAKAO, WHILE THE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION IS BEING RELEASED ON TAPAS. HOWEVER, EVERYTHING HERE IS MADE UP OF UNOFFICIAL FAN TRANSLATIONS FROM MULTIPLE DIFFERENT SOURCES.  **Read the auxiliary chapters for more info!!!

Craftyprogamer · 都市
293 Chs


A world without its God is nothing but a tasty prey!

Outer Gods

Absolute beings who created countless universes since their existence.


Itharims scattered across multiple dimensions—faraway dimensions.

Eyes lit up upon realizing that the master had disappeared.

The death of their own kind is the least of their concerns.

To them, the only thing that matters is the enormous mana remaining in that world!

Power that loses its master belongs to the one who finds it first!

…Hence, the start of 'The War of Outer Gods'.


* * *


Multiple universes are connected by dimension gaps.

The strong walls of the dimension were torn apart with force, and envoys of Itharim came out at once.

A man stood in front of him.

The greatest fragment of brilliant light, shadow monarch Sung Jinwoo, opened his mouth with a black air current wrapped around his body.



With that word, millions of Light Angels and Shadow Armies raised their weapons in unison.

Soon, the war began.

The extraterrestrial invaders continue to attack endlessly no matter how many of them were killed.

With no space to take a breath, the tense battle continued for a long time.

[…The end is not in sight.]

[Honestly, it's a miracle we're enduring this much. From the start, this war is against us.]

[I agree. Without the shadow monarch, our defense line would have been wiped out right away.]

The rulers, six-winged angels, paid their respects to Sung Jinwoo.

They are fragments of brilliant light born as apostles of God.

At some point, they realized the cruelty of the Gods and became God-slayers by their own will.

Perhaps from then on, this war may have been a predestined step.

[The apostles of Itharim are still being born.]

[On the other hand, our forces are steadfast.]

Since ancient times, the heavenly soldiers led by rulers were born from the fruit of the World Tree.

However, after the death of the God, the World Tree gradually ceased to bear fruit.

Accordingly, replenishment of troops was impossible.

As the Rulers said, if it wasn't for Sung Jinwoo's shadow army that continues to resurrect even after dying, this war would have ended in an instant.

In other words, the absolute end of this world's demise.

[Master, we're in trouble.]

Commander Igris appeared urgently in front of Sung Jinwoo.

[Our backline defense has been wiped out!]

"Which area?"

[The thing is… They were aiming for the area with the weakest magic…]

"You mean, Earth?"

[I apologize. Too much focus was given to frontline defense that the backline became insufficient.]

Sung Jinwoo let out a deep sigh.

The Earth, which had barely regained peace, was once again exposed to danger.

[…The Gate to Earth will open again.]

The Rulers looked at Sung Jinwoo and muttered simultaneously.

At one point, Earth has been invaded by extraterrestrial inhabitants.

The rulers, who were the main culprits of the incident, urgently made excuses.

[That situation was different from ours now.]

[Surely, our purpose was to nurture the Earth and protect it from Monarchs.]

[But, the purpose of Itharim this time is pure aggression!]

[To confuse us, they are targeting our weakest point, the backline!]

[Master! We must send troops to Earth as soon as possible!]

The Rulers strongly opposed Igris.

[We can't! If we divide our forces, the balance we barely maintained so far will be at risk!]

[That could be Itharim's main goal!]

[If we protect the backline at the expense of our frontline defense, we will eventually be defeated!]

Sung Jinwoo, who was listening to their fierce argument, finally made a decision.


[Khiiikk! Your Majesty!]

The Ant King, who was tearing his enemy's limbs excitedly, responded to his call.

[High Commander Beru! Listen to my command!]

"Go to Earth.."

[Khiik! Could it be…?!]

Sung Jinwoo nodded sternly.

"That's right. I think it's time to unleash Suho."


Beru's eyes widened with full anticipation.

"Come back as soon as you can."

[Your wish is my command!]

After which, Beru immediately becomes like a ray of light and flies to Earth.

Sung Jinwoo who had been watching him silently, returned to the approaching enemies.

Mouth tightly closed.

His eyes burned fiercely.

"Come here, apostles of Outer Gods."

The war continued.

I am not the original author of Solo Leveling Ragnarok, and therefore I take no credit for this story. Why am I posting it then? Simple, to make it more accessible to me on the go. This started because the official/source material was completely in Korean, many sites have translations, but most of them go up to 180, although now there is a steady official translation on Tapas although like the source it is kind of locked in a way. This was compiled by scrounging the internet to find sites that have translations so I can put them in one place and for a time I had to translate the chapters from the source using Google Translate. I must warn you that this has many grammar errors, translation errors, mistakes, and incorrect names not from me as I switched all the ones I did for better translations but from the sites that did the translating. If you want me to fix the errors then leave a paragraph comment in places that need correction with it corrected and I will change it within 24 hours. If it bothers you enough then this is a simple thing to do. Also just as a general note, I will not be taking a contract with Webnovel as it's not my original work, so I will not be making money from this book.

Read the auxiliary chapters for more info!!!

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