
Chapter 7: S-Rank Dungeon

Izuku looks at the key in his hand and then up at All Might Tower. His dark jeans and jacket probably made him look like a delinquent or something. He sighs and looks around. No one was near the tower or entering it. 'That's good, I guess.'

'Since I obtained an entry key, I guess I have no choice but to go in' Izuku reaches forward, and red electricity sparks up. Soon the entry of the tower was showered in red light. As soon as the portal opens, Izuku walks through while materializing his dagger. He wasn't sure what would be waiting for him on the other side.

Once he could see inside the gate, he looks around. The city was destroyed, and the tower was ablaze. 'if a key's rarity is proportional to the dungeon's difficulty… this dungeon is S-rank, and my chance of survival just dropped to zero,' Izuku grips the handle tighter. Izuku turns and saw the portal was closed like the first dungeon. 'I have the hearthstone that I didn't use in the first dungeon. So if things get too dangerous, I'll leave' Izuku marches forwards as the fires burn around him. 'I just have to try my best from here out… I mean, I did clear a C-Rank dungeon… I still don't know my own strength' As he gets closer to the tower in front of him.

Three sets of crimson eyes glow against a giant mass of black. The fire obscures what the monster was until it steps forward, crushing the floor beneath its paw.

'if I give up because I'm scared, I won't become stronger' Izuku looks upwards at the three-headed beast in front of him.


The three-headed hell hound was baring its fangs and looking absolutely pissed. Each head has different characteristics. The middle one had two thick horns on the sides of its head. The left one had a mask covering its nose to its head, and the right had two long horns with a fiery main, protecting its neck, each one of them glaring at the man in front of it.

'I'll become much stronger," Izuku's eyes harden, turning blue. "I can't lose my life in a place like this."

Jeju Island

A red portal sparks to life in the middle of the island in the heart of a mountain. A small Ant comes out of the little red portal before going back inside, and the portal closes for now.

Back at All Might Tower

Izuku widens his stance as the hound lunges for Izuku. Izuku shoots forward, slicing his blade along the underside of the hound's right arm making blood flood out of the wound. Izuku quickly went to work, slicing at any free skin he could find, while ignoring the alarm that shows up on the corner of his eyesight.

! Alarm

-[Title: Wolf Slaer] Buff Effect is Activating.

Izuku slides backward, fixing his grip on the dagger as he sees the message. He quickly activates a skill.

! Alarm

-[Skill: Sprint] was Activated.

-Movement Speed will increase by 30%

-1 Mana will be consumed every minute

The beast couldn't keep up as Izuku disappeared into a blur of green and blue. All three heads roared as Izuku attacks it's back, neck and head. Damaging the beast each time he attacks.

Izuku lands on the floor before staring at the beast mentally, activating his newer Skill.

! Alarm

-[Skill: BLOODLUST] was Activated.

Izuku waits for the beast to freeze in fear, but instead, it looked right at him. 'crap.'

! Alarm

-[The Enem's Resistance Was Too High.

The Effect Was Cancelled.]

The hound turns to face Izuku all six eyes staring right at him. 'it's not working…? It's a good matchup looking at my skills, but my attacks aren't having an effect.' Izuku's mind races looking for answers. 'to think that the difference is this big, even with the title's buff…'

[Title: Wolf Slayer]

A title given to those proficient in hunting wolves. Your stats will increase by 40% when facing a beast type monster.

'There's no doubt anymore, this dungeon is definitely S-Rank' Izuku watches the beast moved before he got two alarms.

! Alarm

-Hell's GateKeeper Cerberus

Is Using [Skill: Wrath].

! Alarm

-Wrath will last for 3 minutes

-Cerberus's stats will be doubled.

Cerberus charges as Izuku jumps forward, slamming his dagger into the right side's eye. 'The system tells me the gap between my enemies and I.' Izuku looks down at the beast, expecting it to be in pain.

! Alarm

-[Cerberus did not feel any pain.]

The central head rushes forward with its jaws open, ready to eat Izuku. He was in the air; he couldn't dodge it in time as the inner beast bites down on Izuku's shoulder, making his blood pour out. "Tsked," The Beast slams Izuku away, making him fly backward into a wall. The entire wall came down, leaving rubble surrounding Izuku's body.

[HP: 1290/3602]

Izuku could feel a hole going through his arm as he was bleeding profusely.

[HP: 726/3602]

"Ku!" The greenie grits his teeth while looking at the hole in his shoulder before seeing his Hp drop.

[HP: 411/3602]

'continuous warning, as I bleed out' Izuku growls to himself.

! Alarm

-As your health is below 30%,

[Skill: 'Perseverance'] will activate.

-Damage Taken Will Be Reduced By 50%

Izuku's eyes follow the message as he read it. His jacket was bloodied, and he tries to calm down. 'even in dire situations, it will help as much as possible to make sure I don't die. Because it would be problematic for me to die', Izuku laughs to himself while slightly pissed off at the hell hound.

"I Can do it." Izuku stares at the beast before him. 'If I became someone's avatar due to the quirk, all I can do is to exceed that person's expectations.' One of Cerberus's heads comes down for the kill. 'use the quirk then devour it.'

"Reward #1. Condition Healing, Accept." Greenlight explodes from Izuku's body as the beast was over him. Izuku's hands were gripping the fangs of the left Cerberus as the mouth was wide open.

Izuku grunts while pushing the beasts head back before getting to his feet. In a flash, Izuku's arms were spread out by his side as the beasts head spins around while the sounds of a neck-snapping multiple times ring out. Izuku jumps off the rocks then the broken neck of the left head attacking the middle one. His dagger slices through the eyes of the Cerberus's middle head before coming down on the left one. Sending his dagger through its skull.

"AHHHHHH DIE!" Izuku screams as the beast collapses under him.

! Alarm

[You have slain HELL'S


Izuku pants roughly while stepping off the beasts' head.

! Alarm

[You Leveled Up!]

[You Leveled Up!]

[You Leveled Up!]

[You Leveled Up!]

Izuku stares at the gate behind the dead Hell Hound. "Thanks for making me realize my level… if I go through those gates now, I will die" Izuku watches as smoke seems to be coming from the top of the silver gate. "I will return once I get stronger."

[Item: Warden's Necklace]

Item Class: A

Type: Necklace

Agility +20, Sense +20

[Item: Castel Door Key]

Item Class: A

Type: Key

A key that can open the demon castle's door.

Obtained by killing the gatekeeper.

[Item: Cerberus' Fang]

Item Class: None

Type: Material

A fang that can be obtained by slaying Cerberus.

Across Japan, a man with dark hair had his head down, holding a bag. He looks up as a man in a suit sits down across from him. "What Job requires you to talk to me?" The man asks.

"I need you to find my younger brother. I heard you can find out if something happened or if he's dead… he went missing on Wednesday… he was out with his friends. They all went missing as well..." The man hunches over.

"What are you implying?" The man in the suit was smirking.

"Here's 2 billion." The man slams the bag on the table. Many people look over at the bag with greed in their eyes. "If someone killed my brother… I want you to get rid of them. Please kill the bastard that killed my brother".

The man across the table smiles. "What if a hero killed your brother? Are you willing to pay me to kill a hero?"

The man stares at the floor. "y-yes."

"Okay, do you have something of his so I can track him? If he is dead, then I will kill the person who did him in" The man in the suit stood up, grabbing the bag.

"h-here, it's from his quirk, he could make shields" The smaller man hands over what looked like a tiny shield.

"Perfect" The villain in the suit takes the metal shield and vanishes from the bar.

Izuku makes his way back home only to see Katsuki waiting for him. Izuku groans softly as he stops in front of the blond. "put your hands on me, and I walk away Katsuki. What do you want?"

The blond glares up at the Greene before tsking like usual. Katsuki's hands never leave his pockets. "What the hell happened to you? One moment you are this scared little pebble, and now your" Katsuki motions to Izuku's entire body. Izuku raises an eyebrow before shaking his head. "How did you take a massive explosion to the chest, and you don't even have a scare!" Katsuki yells in frustration.

"When I came to in the hospital, everything was fine. I'm not even sure what really happened, Katsuki" Izuku runs his fingers through his hair.

-Great Spellcaster Kandiaru's Blessing:

-Temporary effect Will To Rehabilitate:

Any dismembered body parts are restored.

"What!? that makes no sense!" Katsuki went to grab him but stops himself short, remembering what Izuku said.

"Fine, you really wanna know?" Izuku leans down to Katsuki's height, and his eyes slowly glowing blue. "My next life gave me a quirk" Izuku stands back up and walks past the frozen Katsuki. "Have a good night, Bakugo" Izuku's eyes turn back to the emerald that Katsuki was used too. Katsuki's left hand was shaking before popping with small explosions.


Let me know what you guys think! I'm having lots of fun writing this and hope people are enjoying themselves while reading it.

Chapter 10 will be the entrance exam, so three more chapters before we start on My hero Cannon.

then i have the fun of mixing everything together lol.
