
About the novel

This chapter is of no importance you do not have to read

This is a story i I'll be making when ever I can it is a novel I am working on myself.

You People who are reading can suggest things in the story and they may be apart of the story you can even suggest characters, monsters, the name of places, ideas, landscapes and other things I want this to be a story that people like so why not let people put ideas into the story.

When voting is enabled on this novel the highest contributors will be mentioned at the end of a chapter that is made after the votes it's just to let you people who are reading that this story couldn't be possible without contribution from the readers reading this.

This is a story that is fun to write I hope you all enjoy! Also this story will not have a confirmed reading date since this is being made in free time so there may not be a chapter posted in a week but I will at least try and release one or more a week.

Also, I got to love we novel encouragement whenever I open my chapter drafts I get a notice that says "do fail" it's great.

This novel is about Grimm who goes on random adventures and of how Grimm got to where he was there will be chapters about the past sometimes only for story purpose or side story
