
Chapter 54

#Chapter 54


July passed by like a stranger on a subway. I met Warren at the beginning of it. And now we're two days into August.

As the days slipped into weeks, my fortress' bricks crumbled to the ground. My guard is up and I don't trust Warren, but I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that he isn't going away.

Warren is planning on staying for as long as he needs to in order to repair the heartache he caused me.

If that night has left any mark on me, it's those words he said to me when we danced like a couple who's been in love for ages. The irony.

I can't let you go. My every thought chases you, and you have no idea how maddening that is.

My heart flutters like a butterfly trapped in a mason jar whenever those words cross my mind.

/"Evelyn, thank you for your time. I'm excited to see the designs./" Vanessa claps her hands and hugs me with a joyous smile. For a second I'm frozen to the spot and barely move.