
Snowed In: Sam and Lincoln

作者: Shawn Lane
完結 · 7.8K ビュー
  • 14 章
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  • N/A

What is Snowed In: Sam and Lincoln

WebNovel で公開されている、Shawn Lane の作者が書いた Snowed In: Sam and Lincoln の小説を読んでください。Every year, Lincoln Willets arranges a buddy trip for his old friends from high school, and he’s always especially thrilled when Sam Stryker can participate. All of Lincoln’s old friends are successfu...


Every year, Lincoln Willets arranges a buddy trip for his old friends from high school, and he’s always especially thrilled when Sam Stryker can participate. All of Lincoln’s old friends are successful, but Sam is a star. Literally a celebrity who has made a career starring in blockbuster movies. Lincoln isn’t starstruck, but back in high school he had a thing for Sam. He never acted on it, for number of reasons, but mostly because he assumed Sam was straight. And nothing leading up to their trip in Mammoth has clued him in otherwise.<br><br>As his other friends leave the cabin in Mammoth just ahead of a storm that promises to close the roads, Lincoln stays behind with Sam, who had a rough night drinking. By the time Sam emerges, the snowstorm has hit and the roads are closed, stranding Lincoln and Sam for the next couple of days. The time alone together turns out to be an eye-opening experience for Lincoln. Sam is not all that straight and just as attracted to Lincoln as Lincoln is to him.


Abridged~An Incomplete Love Story

ABRIDGED~An Incomplete Love Story First things first:- INSTRUCTIONS:- 1.You should know a bit of Hindi to read the story. 2. Even if you don't no problem i have wrote the subtitles too 3. And if you say to don't write it in Hindi then what's the feel about ancient India right? 4. Please try to coperate with the spelling or grammatical mistakes if any. That's all Thank you Ohk so now i will not disturb you Please read: Love is not always the same right? Same like this in this story, love is way too much twisted for our MR. ABHIRUDRAKASH PRATAP SINGH and MISS. RAJNANDANI SHAMSHER SINGH. This story is of 1670s:- A sweet little girl Nandani was tied to a hard little boy Rudraksh since their birth. They both were destined to be together. Both their fathers fix their marriage as Nandani is born. When the Nandani is born that time the Rudraksh was already 3 years old. The king of PRATAP GARH , MR. ABHIDEV BAHADUR PRATAP SINGH came to his bestfriends palace to congratulate him on the birth of his daughter , the king of SHAMSHER GARH , MR. RAJSURYADEV SHAMSHER SINGH. Both the kings of the palaces were bestfriends. Both were like brothers. So they thought that how about we change our friendship with relationship. So they finalized that , the newborn daughter 'RAJNANDANI SHAMSHER SINGH' will marry the 3 year old son 'ABHIRUDRAKASH PRATAP SINGH'. So now our princess is here and both the kings decide that both their children will marry eachother whenever 'Rajnandani' will turn 21. Everyone were happy with their decision that both the Sultanates are becoming one. But what will happen if one day suddenly Pratap singh died That too not because of a natural death. When Nandani came to know about it, she was heart broken because Pratap singh always was like her father too. She loved Pratap Singh more than her own father What will happen when they both meet eachother? Will marriage will ever happen? Will both of they love each other after knowing the truth? TO KNOW STAY TUNED ☺️ YOURS MUKTA ♥

Spark_By_Mukta555 · 歴史
4 Chs

Ahya Online

Ever since the world was introduced to the concept of VR (Virtual Reality), the gaming industry, even the world, has been witness to many great changes. These changes benefited the whole world, not just gamers. As full dive became a reality, and the joy of fierce competition was revealed, the genre of VR boomed yet again. And again, as servers took the next technological step, it was now possible to have hundreds of thousands, possibly even millions of players, all logged into the same server at once. In the wake of these technological advances, CyberGames, a virtually unknown company, released one game, Trials of Ahya. It quickly grew in popularity among players of MMOs and RPGs alike, for it’s quest system was vast, and the lore was complex. It was a highly enjoyable game for players of all ages, and the masses flocked to the game. Late in the year 2059, Trials of Ahya had become the staple game for many years. But the company surprised their players yet again. Without warning, they shut down all their servers and blocked all game files from player access. Besieged by questions on all sides from their loyal player base, they held a press conference to explain their unexpected action. At the conference, they refused all questions and only offered one statement. We are revolutionizing Trials of Ahya, so that it may become a brand-new game, the likes of which this world has never seen. Intrigued by this bold statement, the fans of Ahya Online bided their time, waiting to see what masterpiece the company would produce. They waited for months, a year, two years. No reports or updates came from the suspiciously quiet company as the decade came to a close. Eventually, people began to suspect that their project was too ambitious, and that their failed attempt to make a ground-breaking new game had bankrupt the company. Then, just as everyone was prepared to give up on their wait and retire to other games, CyberGames changed their company name to Ahya Industries and released the new version of their game, Ahya Online. They released it without warning and put the game up for free. The launch of the game was accompanied only by a website, seemingly barren but for a Mature Rating, and a single question in bold font. Do you have what it takes to forge your place in a new world?

C_P_Tuck · アクション
5 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


