
Snakeman In RWBY

Lewds and Lemons, be warned and warry. Carrow died and was asked a question. This question led him to Remnant, the world of a shitty web show called RWBY. Now a snakeman by the name Basalin Chrome, he strives to become 'great', whatever that means. Featuring Ice Bitch, The Dashing Thief, and a few OCs. Trying not to become OC heavy and am desperately looking for way to add canon characters.

LordDylz · 書籍·文学
17 Chs

Chapter One: Cliché Plot Device, I choose you!

"Where would you like to go?" Asked the being in front of Carrow. The young man of twenty-two years of age rubbed his ethereal forehead with his ethereal hand. Senses and emotion came and went, different and lacking due to the alien existence of being a soul brought back to conscious by the mystical creature before him.

"Where can I go?" The ghost-like man asked as he floated in a massive black void. The only two objects of reference being the floating orb of light and power and the ghostly man. "I'm dead after all." He stated, crossing his arms.

"Death is merely a state, an end. Rebirth, reincarnation, possession, resurrection. I offer it all, a beginning after the end." The orb stated.

Carrow hummed, and he chuckled, "I want to go somewhere I can be something great." He stated, before thinking of various worlds and universes. "Will I be great in the world of Remnant?" He'd always liked the shitty show's world building. Aura, magic, gods, fairy tales and monsters galore.

The being hummed. "Greatness is relative as all things are." The orb said dully, "But yes, you can indeed become something of unique status that holds a form of greatness." Carrow nodded, an aura of satisfaction coming from the man who wasn't great at all in his last life.

"Then it is settled." He nodded.

"Good. This is good. Now, how will you enter this world?" Asked the orb.

Carrow paused in thought. "Reincarnation, what's it like?" He asked.

"Your soul and conscious mind will be active upon fertilization of the egg. The world's laws will inadvertently activate your aura upon initial reincarnation. This will cause no concern for the birthing process or development. As your new body grows, you will be able to slowly gain more control and feeling. Once the biological brain is developed a link between soul-mind and bio-mind will occur. Expect a greater IQ in the future as your brain develops through your other mind's stimulation. The birthing process will be chaotic and will overload your body's senses. It is recommended to have trained your auric senses to balance out your new body's less developed inputs. This will train and fill in blanks for your new mind and neural connections." The orb paused. "Do you want further explanation? This entity has detected curiosity toward the birth and gestation period, not the maturation period."

Carrow slowly shook his head, and debated on the pros and cons, before nodding. "I'll reincarnate."

"Wonderful." The orb flashed a few times, before asking another question. "Would you like any boons?"

Carrow rose an eyebrow, "Will this cost anything?" He asked.


"Uh, my memories."

"Already included."

"How's my aura reserves looking in comparison to an average hunter?" He then asked next after some deliberation.

"Your soul has survived seventeen thousand years of drifting inside of the void and has grown accordingly. You will have approximately 1500% more aura than that of an average hunter." Carrow recoiled.

"Only fifteen times more? For seventeen thousand years?" He asked.

"Your old soul was rather pathetic." The orb replied blandly. Carrow felt an arrow pierce through his soul.

"Fine." He stated. He then started to think about his future. What did he want to do?

"Can I have magic?"

"Your magic will be pathetic and you will have no teacher." The orb stated. He took that as a 'yes, but not really'. He pouted.


"You are naturally talented in the blade, for a mortal at least." The orb shrugged. He hummed.

"Swords are kind of lame, not gonna lie." He said.

"Agreed. Don't state such around a Cultivation World." The orb shivered. He did to.

"What's my semblance?" He then asked. If he had a shit semblance or one suited for a more non-combatant field then he might not become a Hunter.

"Scanning... detected hidden hints of sadism and bloodlust... detected suppressed violent tendencies... synthesizing semblance... Semblance Created."

'Bloodlusted Killing Streak'

"Each kill, you gain an increase to your strength, speed, stamina, and endurance. This stacks and will only dissipate after fifteen minutes of going without a kill. Your eyes will steadily mutate the more kills and the greater streak you are on. Killing something with a soul will grant you 10% of their aura reserves. While active you bleed aura."

Carrow paused. "Well fuck." He thought for a bit before shrugging. He'd always knew that subconsciously. "Give me a talent towards combat, and I want a sub-dimension that I can practice slaughtering things."

"Demi-God Grade Combat Talent Granted. Mortal Grade Sword Talent mutated by Semblance and Combat Talent. Champion Grade Sword Talent granted, please don't choose a lame and cliche sword." The orb blared.

"Sub-dimension... ERROR... Explain Sub-Dimension." The orb demanded.

"..." Carrow thought for a moment about what he wanted. "Like the Instant Dungeon skill from the Gamer Manga. Sub-Dimensions that I can fight monsters in."

"...Granted. Loot will still be dropped. Empty Dungeon removed. Skill Books Edited. Bosses nerfed, Monsters nerfed."

"How many boons do I have left?" Carrow asked.

"One, you have used two."

"The semblance doesn't count?" Carrow questioned.

"No. Adaption into the world is free."


"Uh, what's my future family looking like?"

"Orphan child in the depths of Mistral."

"Oh. Yeah, that's not cool." He muttered. Being a cannon character's child wasn't either.

"How do kids go to Combat Academies?" He asked.

"Vacou collects children with aura's unlocked. Gangs and the like can't hold them as Shade Academy is very serious about it. Otherwise its volunteer based."

"Vale used to have a nobility, and most knight families get into academies with ease. Orphans are sometimes picked up by traveling huntsmen, who gain recommendation letters from their masters." Carrow hummed.


"I don't want to hear about Mistral or Atlas." Carrow cut off. He thought about it, before stating that his wish.

"I want to be born into a Village with high hunter recruitment rates. An orphan, and adopted child to a retired hunter if possible." Carrow asked.

"...Analyzing. Conflicting data, restructuring fate lines, fixing error codes, manipulating cache data. Generating life. Killing off family lines. Manipulating fate. Data set... complete."

"I'm... just gonna ignore all of that." Carrow said with a deadpan.

"You still have a Boon left." Carrow faltered.

"Uh, that didn't count?"


"Well shit." He said that but he had a smile on his face.

"What's my race and biology looking like?" He asked.

"Average, Human."

"Make it not so." He requested.

"...This will also not cost a boon." The entity seemed to almost be begging.

"..." Carrow was patting himself on the back.

"Sigh...Altering fate paths, manipulating life paths, manipulating genetic seeds. Manipulating genetic history. Manipulating Faunas genome. Input data required. Faunas type?" The entity asked.

"Lion? No, tiger? Also no. Frog... hahaha, yeah fuck that. Can I do fantasy shit? Grimm are all fantasy themed."

"...Analyzing request. Peaking into Akashik world record. Fantasy creatures did exist in ancient times, when magic wasn't sealed. Grimm were corrupted or copied from them. Please do note, requesting Dragon is cliche and will result in a petulant erasure of soul."

Carrow backed up and threw his hands up. "Innocent until proven guilty."

He paused. "Wyvr-"

"This systems detects this as a joke. This system doesn't find it funny."

Carrow shrugged. "Basilisk."

"Sigh... have you ever read Harry Potter Fanfiction?" The system asked painfully.

"Uh, a few times." He said, lying badly.

"...fine. Just... fine. The boon is next. No more, okay."

"Yeah." He nodded.

"I want magic."

The system paused, shuddered, and sighed.

"It will be weak, you won't be taugh-" The system paused.

"The dungeon." It stated dully.

"The dungeon." Carrow nodded.

"Well played. Editing skill book drops. Magic books now incorporated. Bosses buffed, monsters buffed."

"Enjoy your reincarnation, lost soul."