
sleeping blood princess

An accident inspired her ability Is she a human being, a supernatural power, or a vampire? Who said that hunters are nemesis? Who said werewolves are natural enemies! Watch her tame spirit beasts, calm elves, capture werewolves, and conquer hunters!

Noctilucentnolove · ファンタジー
67 Chs

Chapter 52: Dangerous Game

Emily felt her hands and feet heavy, as if they were encased in plaster, making her movements cumbersome and sluggish. This vulnerability gave the enemies an opportunity, and in no time, her body was covered in wounds. The pain was so intense that cold sweat streamed down Emily's face. Could this be the day she meets her end?

Unknown whether her inner plea reached the heavens, a sudden piercing white light appeared before her. This radiant brilliance seemed to possess a devouring power, blinding everyone, even when they tightly shut their eyes and covered them with their hands.

Amidst the roaring wind, the light vanished in the next instant. When they opened their eyes again, Emily seemed to have evaporated from the ground, leaving only Benjamin alone, facing the vampire horde as they surged like a tidal wave.

However, at this moment, everyone was in a state of shock, forgetting the battle. Alexander cursed under his breath, "Damn it, how much power does this annoying girl have?" His gaze turned harshly toward Benjamin. "Capture him for me!"

Only then did the vampires realize that one little fish had slipped through the net.

After all, Benjamin was a descendant of the Lesmbar family and Boris's most beloved son. Many vampires were used to showing utmost respect to Benjamin, considering him the prince of Lesmbar. As a result, some of them didn't attack him too fiercely. Benjamin looked at them, his former family, and although they were meeting as enemies today, he could still sense a trace of warmth...

Taking a deep breath, Emily stood atop a high building, firmly held by Yuri's grasp. Yuri wore an evil grin and, with an ambiguous distance, observed Emily's slightly nervous demeanor, inching closer.

"What are you doing?" Emily pushed him away and then looked around. "How did I end up here?"

Yuri wore a slightly aggrieved expression. "You really don't appreciate romantic clichés, do you? Typically, when the male lead rescues the female lead from fire or water, shouldn't the female lead offer a kiss? Such a romantic plot!"

"Too cheesy!" Emily shook her head, then turned around and noticed Benjamin was missing. Angrily, she questioned, "Where's Benjamin? What did you do to him?"

Yuri rolled his eyes and casually replied, "I only care about your safety. Why would I bother saving that annoying guy?"

"You!" Yuri's words left Emily speechless with anger, her breath stuck in her chest. She then turned around and jumped down.

Yuri followed suit, grabbing Emily who intended to go back. "Are you going back there to die?"

"Bladehaven wasn't rescued. How can I leave Benjamin behind and go back? I'm going to save him!" Emily shouted, struggling hard to break free from Yuri's grip, but she couldn't move an inch. Her anxiety grew with each passing moment, knowing that every second that passed put Benjamin in more danger.

"I think you're truly foolish!" Yuri used his own body as a barrier, tightly embracing her with his arms, restraining her. "Do you think by going back, you can save him? Going back means delivering yourself into Alexander's hands. That's the only outcome, such a simple consequence, didn't you think about it?"

How could she not have thought about it? How could Emily not know that by recklessly rushing back, not only would she fail to save Benjamin, but she would also sacrifice herself? But Benjamin was her comrade, and although she was selfish, she wasn't selfish enough to disregard her companion's life and only care about her own safety.

Emily glared at Yuri, her gaze sharp as thousands of knives. "Then why did you abandon Benjamin? Why didn't you save him together?"

Yuri shrugged, adopting an indifferent attitude as if it had nothing to do with him.

"You go and save him!" Emily stopped struggling, staring at him sternly.

"Me?" Yuri shook his head vigorously, resembling a tambourine. "No, no, no! I can't save him!"

"Is it that you can't save him or you don't want to? If you have the ability to save me, then why can't you save him?" Emily's disbelief was written all over her face.

"Just now, using that move on you, they would think it's some new ability of yours. Alexander is a cunning person, his brain works like a robot. If we use it again, he will definitely spot the flaw. By then, that annoying kid won't be saved, and are you ready to sacrifice me too?" Yuri spoke while acting cute, burying his face in Emily's neck, twisting and turning his body while holding her.

"Anyway, I won't leave him alone!" Emily exerted all her strength to break free from Yuri's hold, heading towards the entrance of the tunnel.

"Anyway, I won't leave you alone either!" Yuri instantly appeared behind Emily, aiming at the back of her neck with his hand as if it were a knife. Emily went limp in his arms, and Yuri put away his playful smile, his expression turning cold and serious. It seemed as if he were a completely different person from just a moment ago, only their identical appearances remained.

He cradled Emily horizontally and quickly moved out of Alexander's range of detection, returning to the mansion. With Emily in his arms, he took her to the basement and gently placed her on the bed, carefully examining her wounds. They were mostly healing, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuri brushed Emily's stray hair from her forehead, revealing a breathtaking face. There were a few smudges on her face, and Yuri smiled, using his hand to wipe them away. Then he lay down next to her, carefully placing his arm behind her head, embracing her and closing his eyes. He inhaled the faint fragrance coming from her hair, his lips curving into a smile.

Unable to resist, Yuri opened his eyes and looked at Emily's sleeping face. He lightly pinched her cheek with his finger, his voice filled with a deep, indulgent tone. "Silly girl, how could that slimeball Alexander not smell such a unique scent!"

Yuri had known from the beginning that this plan would fail, but he couldn't bear to see the hope light up in Emily's eyes and then shatter. That kind of gaze was heart-wrenching, so he went along with their dangerous game, even though he knew it would be risky. Because he had confidence, he had assurance, and no matter how dangerous it was, he would protect her.

Yuri held Emily's hand tightly and closed his eyes, falling asleep together.


"Emily! How can you still be sleeping? Don't you know it's time for class?" Olivia lifted Emily's blanket, hands on her hips, glaring at her with eyes like a demon.

"Class? What class? It's not..." Emily blinked her sleepy eyes, looked around, and then sprang up from the bed like a spring.

Dormitory? How could she be in the dormitory?

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" Emily looked at Olivia. "Pinch me! Pinch me quickly!"

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Olivia looked at Emily as if she were a lunatic.

Something clicked in Emily's mind, and she saw a fruit knife on the table. She picked it up and cut her own finger with it.

"Ah! It hurts!" The finger throbbed with pain, and the blood continued to flow.

Olivia quickly took tissue paper and wrapped it around Emily's injured finger, then went to find a band-aid. As she searched, she complained, "What's wrong with you? Why would you harm yourself over something?!"

Emily looked at Olivia, who was completely unharmed and not a single hair out of place. Why? Could it be that she had been dreaming all along? That dream, why was it so long, so real, and it made her so tired...