
Slave? I'm a Servant!

Although I expected many things to happen when I got isakai'd by truck-kun, one of them was certainly not becoming a servant- "Slave-kuuun~!" "How many times do I have to- *sigh* never mind... what do you need this time?" ------ Things are owned by their respective owners and stuff!

Mt_Fiji · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Mana Transfer (Not for kids)

She did not know how to react.

Kyouka could only stand and stare with an expression that was difficult to describe.

It was strange.

As if reality itself just glitched out.

One moment a horde of [Shuuki] was there then the next they were gone.

And the one who was most likely the cause of this unexplainable phenomenon was now using the large odachi in his hands to support himself as he constantly gasped for breath

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

It seems whatever he just did certainly took a lot as without the support of the sword he would have most likely fallen face-first into the ground.

Kyouka stared silently at him.

Various thoughts ran through her head filled with questions.

What happened?

How did he do that?

How did the sword appear in his hands?

But the most prominent one that filled her head was one thought that made her heart pound unshakably.

"Was that... caused by my ability...?"

Kyouka stared down at her hand, the one used to enact the enslavement contract.

No amount of words could describe the absurdity of what Shirou has just shown her.

Speed surpasses even that of known [Peach] abilities that grant any kind of strengthening to the body.

An ability to seemingly materialize weapons.

Kyouka witnessed his precise use of the blade seemingly cutting [Shuuki] all precisely on the nape splitting off their heads from their body.

'And that sword...'

Kyouka didn't even try to think of what happened when the large Odachi appeared in his hands.

It was too fast for her to even register.


*Rumble* *Rumble*

The low ominous rumble that appeared behind her cut off her thoughts.

Quickly turning back her head in alarm, Kyouka watched with widened eyes as a behemoth of a [Shuuki] emerged from the ground causing the earth to tremble violently.

"Nngh!? to think a big one was hiding in a place like this!" 

Kyouka subconsciously reached out toward her waist as she stared at the giant [Shuuki] with sharp and focused.

Seemingly not afraid of the massive difference between her and the [Shuuki] as she was prepared to fight.


"Ah..." Feeling the absence of her sword that was usually tied to her waist finally made her remember-


-It was still embedded in the ground where she formed the barrier earlier as she did not have the time to pick it up.


The Giant [Shuuki] released a roar, a primal sound that sent vibrations through the air.

And as Kyouka tried to think of her next move-


The whistling hiss of an arrow that generated a force of wind strong enough to lift Kyouka's hair passed by in a flash behind her.

And in a matter of a heartbeat.


The arrow hit its mark.

And the towering [Shuuki], compared to it's reveal-


-Went out in an even greater shock.

"*Huff*..*huff*.. I-.. *huff*... really should think twice...*huff*..before I use any kind of [Noble Phantasm] that drains my reserves all at once." 

Kyouka heard a voice behind her back as she turned around to see an exhausted Shirou wearing a troubled smile.

His hands lowered the large black bow that he used to fire that arrow- er... sword.


The collar that hung around his neck made a sound.

And with it along came his [Astral Dress] that started to flutter in mots of blue light.

"Ah..." Was the unintelligent sound that came out of his mouth as the remaining strength in his body suddenly disappeared.

His legs buckled from the loss of strength as he watched the ground coming nearer to his face.




Strangely, as he expected to feel the hard ground hitting him, a soft and comfortable object was felt on his face.

Opening his eyes with great struggle, he now stared face-to-face with Kyouka, the 7th division Chief, and his now supposed [Master]...


With his head buried on her voluptuous bosom at that.

'Oh crap...'

Suddenly various strange scenes inadvertently passed by Shirou's mind.

Scenes of different women with blurry faces all without exception were seen in various embarrassing positions.

The most notable of these was that of a black-haired woman who always fired jewels at (him?) in retaliation for the event.

"w-wait I didn't-" 

As Shirou was about to try and explain a sudden sensation was suddenly felt on his lips, causing the words that he was about to say to get caught in his throat.

A soft and wet sensation registered in his brain, the only thing he could see with his dumbfounded eyes were Kyouka's which were narrowed staring back.

"So that's your deal you horny mutt."

Bringing her head back Kyouka spoke, causing Shirou's still-processing brain to feel puzzled.



Any chance to question what she meant turned futile.

The moment Shirou tried to open his mouth was the moment Kyouka resumed her actions.

Now even more intense as she took advantage of his open mouth to make a daring assault!


A connection that goes beyond the surface of a simple peck was created.

Their tongues suddenly meeting caused a shudder to travel both their bodies as they engaged in rhythmic and synchronized motion, both subconsciously trying to explore the other as if it was their natural instinct between men and women.

"Hah... Ah... mlahf...mhmft...ah..."

For a few moments, only the sound of passionate love could be heard all over as both started to feel breathless causing Kyouka to pull back.

A string of saliva was drawn between their mouths, showcasing the evidence of what just happened.

"Don't...*huff*..*huff*.. misunder- *huff*-stand.. *huff*.. this...*huff*... is the downside...*huff*...of my ability...!"

Kyouka spoke while gasping for breath.

The so-called cost of her ability.

Kyouka is obligated to grant the Slave rewards based on their inner desires whenever performing a deed. For mindless Shuuki, all their rewards so far have been meat.

But now...

"Urk..! When it was the [Shuuki] all I had to do was feed them meat but for you..-" 

Kyouka glared at Shirou with a red face.


"But...you were.. the..one...who..."

Shirou's voice trailed slowly before turning silent seeing Kyouka's glare.

"Isn't it obvious? the reward is based on the slave's latent desires, [Shuuki] was the hunger for meat... and you...!"

Kyouka clenched Shirous clothes firmly, with a flushed face and gnashing her teeth, she had never before felt such shame and embarrassment in her life.

'Latent desires?'

Shirou was momentarily dazed as he tried to absorb the information just given to him.

And if what she just said was correct then he...

'Oh my god.'

He might have the characteristic of being a pervert without even knowing about it!

Before the sense of shame and dread could arise within him, Shirous eyes suddenly shot up in alarm.


Deep within his body, he felt his depleted magical energy returning at a fast rate as he could already feel mana exhaustion leaving his body with the only exhaustion remaining was the physical act that he and Kyouka had just done.

Slowly, realization dawned on him.


His desire wasn't to receive a kiss or anything like that.


Rather, what he wanted was Mana! 

As if proud of figuring out he wasn't actually a pervert, his small happiness of not degrading into a monkey soon dissipated at the realization gained from that fact.

Because if he remembered correctly, the best way to transfer Mana between a servant and their master was...


The sound of cloth hitting the ground was deafening.

Shirou was now frozen.

With widened eyes, and a mouth that couldn't decide whether to stay closed or open.

For the first time in his life, Shirou's feeble mind was incapable of processing the scene that stood before him.

Because to Shirou's shock and Kyouka's horror.

Kyouka's remaining dignity now solely relied on the soft fabric that wrapped gently around her chest.


The unintelligent words that came out of Shirou's awe-struck mouth did not help the situation in the least as Kyouka's already flushed face now evolved into a flushed face of shame.

She possessed a statuesque physique, radiating strength and vitality. Her athletic frame showcased well-defined curves and an air of confidence.

And it didn't end there.

Suddenly, Kyouka's hands once again moved, and with a simple *click*, the final line of defense, started to slowly slide down from her body.

For Kyouka, the already overwhelming shame that she couldn't even describe felt multiplied at that moment, and the next scene was one she couldn't begin to comprehend.

"You! What are you-!?" 

Because for the first time in her life.

"Sorry, but... I seriously don't know what to do in this situation..."

She was being held by a man.

To avoid seeing something that he wasn't supposed to see, Shirou's flustered and unfocused mind sprung into action as he quickly held Kyouka in his arms in an attempt to prevent himself from seeing his bare body.

As for why he couldn't just close his eyes?

In a dangerous place like Mato letting down your guard is tantamount to suicide.

Only Shirou himself knew whether that was just an excuse or a subconscious act from all the memories gained from the certain hero of justice.

Feeling the two soft mountains on his own caused various strange thoughts to appear in Shirous mind as he shook his head to rid those thoughts away in embarrassment.

"Is there no way to stop this?" 

Shirou spoke, smelling the pleasant scent that was released from her swaying hair as his instincts as a man finally could not be stopped.

Because of the way they were positioned, the thing that suddenly arose hit Kyoukas plump butt causing her to jolt in alarm, her face continuing to flush red.

"t-there is nothing I can do...! my body moves on with no regard to my will!"

Kyouka spoke, no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to regain control of her body.

Suddenly, it was Shirous turn to jolt from surprise, as before he knew it, Kyouka's hand has suddenly started to caress a place that shouldn't be touched.

Shirou quickly grabbed her hand just as it tried to pull the 'Sword in the stone'.

"w-what do we do then!?" Shirou asked never has he felt so helpless and flustered all his life.

"it...it seems the only way to get out of this... is for you to receive the reward."

Everything suddenly turned silent.

To Kyouka's surprise, the expression she never would have thought he'd have in this situation appeared.

Because in her eyes, Shirou's earlier flustered face disappeared, replaced it was a frown staring directly toward her.

"Is this...really okay?"

Shirou spoke, staring intently at Kyouka trying to find the tiniest bit of 'regret' or 'hesitation' that may appear.

Kyouka staring at Shirous's worried gaze suddenly turned silent.

Words wanted to come out of her mouth but she was not sure how to say it.

Her mouth constantly opened and closed as she stared at Shirou with wonder.

Perhaps if there was one thing she felt right now.

She guessed it would be... happy?


Kyouka was glad, revealing a smile, Kyouka looked at Shirou with determination.

She saw Shirous prowess after becoming her slave.

She, who thought her ability was useless would have never even dreamed of her ability turning into something like this.

Although she did not say it, a small part of her agreed with the other chief's words.

Her ability was a failure.

But not letting that drag her down, she spent all her time practicing and honing her skills.

But now-

"If it means destroying the [Shuuki] then my body is a sacrifice not even worth mentioning."

She finally found a use for her ability.

One that can be used to save many lives.

She was prepared to do it.

"That is why..."

With a smile, Kyouka spoke.

"You should receive the reward your master gives you graciously!" 

Shirou turned silent, looking at this young woman who said that with so much confidence and disregard for her own self causing a strange feeling to well up inside him.

Before Kyouka could react, Shirou suddenly pushed her body on the ground as the feeling of soft fiber greeted her bare skin catching Kyouka by surprise.

"A futon? but how di- Hmft-!?"

Shirou felt the soft sensation once again on his lip as he stared at Kyouka's pink eyes which were now widened from surprise.

Seeing this normally cold and confident girl suddenly showing a cute response caused Shirous eyes to narrow.

'It seems... something strange might really awaken within me.'

With that thought Shirou continued his attack.

With two lips connected, Shirou slowly brought his tongue inside her mouth before facing a hurdle from the form of her teeth blocking his.

Shirou promptly pinched her plump behind causing a surprised yelp to be let out, as a small gap showed itself for him to exploit.


His tongue finally made its way inside before meeting another wet and squashy tongue.

Their meeting caused a shock to travel Kyouka's body as Shirou could feel her visibly trembling in his arms.

'This... feels different from earlier.' 

A glint passed by Shirous eyes staring at the normally cool woman to appear like a helpless maiden in his arms.

The roles have reversed.

Instead of being the one attacking it was her turn to bear the brunt of Shirous assault as stimulations of different kinds assaulted every fiber of her being.

After a few moments of intense passion, Shirou brought his head back as a string of saliva connected their mouths like earlier.

Only this time, the one looking down was Shirou.

Kyouka's hazy eyes and haggard breath were fully shown.


"I really am lucky..."

Gently pinching her chin. Shirous eyes once again came close to Kyoukas as her warm breath could be felt hitting his face with her chest constantly rising up and down. 

"To be able to have such a cute and wonderful master like you-"


"Ahh... *mwah*.. wluh... *mwah*...hmn..mm...~!"


Sorry for being late,

Freakin smut was harder to write than I thought.