
(1) rewrite

Rowan, the eldest son of a prominent slave dealer, has a life of power and privilege on the South Coast. This coastal region was known for its serene beauty, where the golden sands kissed the cerulean waves, and verdant forests danced in the salty breeze. However, beneath the surface, the area was rife with shadowy dealings, with light magus and mortals coexisting in a fragile peace, always wary of the looming threat of dark magus.

The South Coast, as one of the few places where light magi and mortals could coexist, offered respite from the ruthless ambitions of dark magi, who were notorious for their cruel experiments on living subjects. Light magi, while more discreet in their actions, were also known to carry out human experiments, often purchasing war slaves to use as test subjects. Rowan's father's business thrived in this environment, his rank one magus status and connections to rank two magi ensuring their safety and prosperity.

For Rowan, the slave trade was not just a business but an inheritance. His father's influence provided Rowan with the tools to cultivate his magical abilities and business acumen, ensuring he was on his way to becoming a seasoned level three apprentice. His status granted him a life of wealth and comfort, akin to nobility, with the added advantage of access to the magical world.

One day, Rowan received news from one of his lackeys about a wandering level one apprentice who had defected and was now on the run. This was an ideal opportunity for Rowan, as capturing and selling level one apprentices was a lucrative and less risky venture compared to higher-level apprentices. While level three apprentices were powerful and expensive, they often posed a threat to the slave traders due to their strength and the possibility of retaliation.

Eager to seize the opportunity, Rowan prepared his team of seven knight slaves and set off in pursuit of the wandering apprentice. His confidence was bolstered by his nearly level three apprentice strength and the support of his loyal servants. Should any unforeseen problems arise, Rowan knew he could rely on his father's support and protection.

Meanwhile, the runaway apprentice was grappling with his own ordeal. He and his academy mates had ventured into the ruins of a rank one magus, hoping to uncover hidden treasures and gain valuable experience. The magus had achieved rank one not long before his death, so the ruins were not overly dangerous, though there was still the potential for magical traps and other hazards.

The group's exploration started off smoothly, with the apprentices gathering magic crystals, herbs, and other valuable loot from the ruins. They were elated by their findings until one of their own betrayed them, informing a level three apprentice, the young master, of their location and treasures. The young master, drawn by the allure of a powerful ring found within the ruins, set out to eliminate the apprentices and seize their spoils.

The young master arrived at the ruins with his own followers and immediately set upon the unsuspecting apprentices. A chaotic battle ensued, as the apprentices fought for their lives against the much stronger level three apprentice and his minions. The young master's ambition knew no bounds; he sought to eliminate any witnesses to the powerful ring and its potential for enhancing his own strength.

The runaway apprentice found himself face-to-face with the young master, the rest of his group having been slain. Despite being outmatched, the apprentice's determination and will to survive drove him to fight with everything he had. As the battle raged, the young master grew increasingly desperate, using every dirty trick at his disposal to try to gain the upper hand.

As the fight reached its climax, the young master was growing weary, his attacks becoming less precise. Seeing an opening, the apprentice launched a decisive strike, using the very ring the young master had coveted to deliver a powerful soul attack. The young master, caught off guard, was unable to defend himself and fell victim to the attack, his life ending in an instant.

Exhausted and victorious, the apprentice stood over the young master's lifeless body, his heart pounding from the intensity of the fight. He knew he had to leave the ruins immediately, as the young master's family would likely seek revenge. Gathering the remaining loot and the ring, the apprentice fled into the wilderness, leaving behind the blood-soaked ruins and the tragedy that had unfolded there. He vowed never to return to the academy, knowing that his survival depended on staying as far away as possible.

The runaway apprentice stumbled through the wilderness, his heart pounding and his mind racing. The victory over the young master was bittersweet, a desperate fight for survival that had cost him dearly. His life force was rapidly slipping away, the wounds he had sustained during the battle with the young master taking their toll. As he struggled to maintain his footing, he cursed the situation that had led him to this precarious position.

"How did it come to this?" the apprentice muttered to himself, his voice filled with frustration and pain. "One moment, I'm exploring ruins with my friends, looking for a bit of adventure and some magic crystals. Next thing I know, I'm running for my life from a level three apprentice and his goons! This isn't what I signed up for!"

The apprentice paused to catch his breath, clutching his side where the young master's attack had left a deep wound. His vision blurred, and he knew he was running out of time. "This is insane! Rich people and their greed for power… it nearly got me killed! How did that ring end up causing so much trouble? It's not even a rank two magus treasure!"

Despite his physical and mental exhaustion, the apprentice knew he had to keep moving. Staying in one place for too long would make him an easy target for any pursuers. His journey felt endless, every step a struggle against the pain and fatigue that weighed him down.

As he stumbled onward, he remembered the mysterious ring he had taken from the ruins—the very ring that had sparked the young master's deadly pursuit. He couldn't help but wonder about its powers. If it had been the cause of so much trouble, perhaps it could offer him some solace in his final moments.

With trembling hands, the apprentice retrieved the ring from his pocket and held it up to his gaze. The stone in the center shimmered with an otherworldly light, a promise of hidden power that he had yet to understand. "If I'm going to die anyway, I might as well see what all the fuss was about," he said, his voice tinged with resignation.

As he focused on the ring, trying to tap into its power, he felt a surge of energy course through him. The ring's mysterious abilities began to reveal themselves, filling his mind with visions of distant lands and arcane knowledge. For a fleeting moment, he caught a glimpse of possibilities beyond his wildest dreams.

However, the apprentice's body was too weak to handle the ring's power for long. The strain was too great, and the flood of energy threatened to overwhelm him. He tried to hold on, hoping to gain some clarity or understanding that might ease his predicament, but his strength was fading fast.

In his final moments, the apprentice's thoughts turned to his lost friends and the life he had once known. He cursed the young master's greed and ambition that had led to so much loss. As his vision darkened and his life force ebbed away, he could only hope that the ring's power might grant him some peace in his final journey.
