
A New Chance


Brom was your normal adult, he had a decent desk job where he was a programmer. He lived alone in an older house and somehow got by in life unnoticed in his small town. However, what was not normal about Brom, was his obsession over video games.

He wasn't the average gamer; no, he was much more than that. He had an entire library, of games. Every kind, from the simple arcades to the newest VR systems. He spent every extra penny on this lifestyle of his. His favorites were the Bethesda games by far. Sure, they had bugs and needed polishing but a few mods and some know-how, and everything worked out.

His absolute favorite game was Skyrim, of course. He played it at least 4h every day like it was some kind of ritual. He has beaten it every way possible, explored every nook and cranny. Then crammed it full of immersive mods then repeated that process more times than he could count.

He always dreamed of being the hero, being the one everyone looks up to. Not the kind of hero's people can relate to, no he loved the feeling of becoming so overpowered that nothing could touch him.

Today, he would get that chance.

Brom came home from work like any other day, started up Skyrim VR like every day, and got ready to enjoy his gaming. Unlike every other day though, Brom was taking a risk. He was playing his favorite system in terrible weather conditions. A huge lightning storm had hit Florida where he lived, and a hurricane was said to follow later. Brom decided that he was probably going to lose his house, and that meant his games.

He decided that he would rather die playing them then have to start over. He couldn't bear to lose his overpowered characters and start back as a noob in every game.

So, when he started up his VR system he loaded his oldest and most powerful Skyrim character. This save had his first character, also named Brom, whom he had leveled every skill to 100 with no exploits mods or cheats. He had also collected every artifact and unique item. Then he downloaded every game expanding mod on the nexus and repeated the process.

By now this character was unkillable even with no armor and had enough magica to continuously use the strongest spells in the game.

As Brom played and got lost in his fantasy world where he was the master of all. Lighting struck, it hit his house and shot through all his electronics.

It hit him too…


Faded Lighting strike sounds in the distance

Brom's eyes flutter open, and he looks up. The first thing he notices is that he is no longer playing Skyrim. Instead, he seems to be on a worn down carriage that is traveling through some kind of forest. Wait that can't be right, he was just in his room when… he just got hit by that lighting. He died… yet, here he is on this cart that is… just where is it? Brom wonders. He felt like the area was familiar, yet he is sure he has never been here before.

Brom sits up and feels, rather than sees, that he definitely is not the same out of shape guy. He feels stronger and younger; he feels more like a kid than the 32-year-old that he is or was at least. He looks at himself and see's that he is muscular, more like a trained fighter than a bodybuilder; tanner, a light golden brown; and much taller, easily 6'4" at least. His current attire consisted of a simple pair of leather pants and a cloth shirt. With a leather chest piece, and arm and leg greaves.

He will have to figure out more about his new body when he is alone, and not so much in shock. He looked towards the driver and asked.

"How close are we to…" Brom started to ask where they were going but stopped shocked. His voice, it was manly and deep.

"Don't worry, we will be there before nightfall. Whiterun isn't too much farther. The same can't be said about the rest of your trip. It will take you another week to get to Solitude." The carriage driver replied. He looked to be an imperial man of normal stature.

Brom quickly started thinking of ways to get information without seeming like he had amnesia.

"So what all do you know about me and why I'm here," Brom asked,

The carriage driver turned around and replied with "That's an odd question Brom, we have been talking most of the way here."

So my name stayed, at least one thing is normal, he continued talking with the carriage driver.

"Well, I want to see if you were paying attention"

"Fine, you are a Breton scholar from Daggerfall, who after studying for years got bored and became a mercenary. Then you got bored once again and decided to travel and now you are here. That's the short answer and the only one I'll bother giving" The carriage driver replied.

Brom sat back and thought about this new information. He was a Breton, born and raised as a scholar, then worked as a mercenary, and finally became an adventurer. So, he probably knew plenty of information and skills, he just had to figure out how to remember it all.

Brom thought about his old life and wondered how he ended up here. How did a lighting strike transport him into this game? What happened to his collection? would anyone even notice he was gone? He then shook his head and decided he wouldn't worry about it for now. He had a new chance to make something of himself, a place with fewer rules, a place where power was recognized and respected, a place he knew from an outside perspective, and it is a place that has never seen the wonders of technologies he has.

Brom was sure, this time, in this life. He would be the master of his fate. And nothing would stop him from becoming the overpowered hero he always wanted to be.

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