
Lost in thought

Her body felt hot like lava inside a volcano. They only one that could save her at this point in time was the stranger before her eyes.

Because of the pain she was feeling the only thing she could think of was to make the pain go away, she pounced on the man on the bed sleeping soundly oblivious to his surrounding .The sudden movement jolted him awake to find a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him pleadingly not understanding what she wants and how she got there .

The handsome man tried to question her however before he could open his lips to ask he was attack with a kiss.

Moaning she said " please help me I am feeling hot and it hurts" the man understood but he hesitated to touch her but he give in because her sobs where pitiful which he could not resist.

Moaning of pleasure filled the room.


A beautiful woman sitting by a window seemly lost in thought was jolted back by the childish voice which called her .

She turned her head towards the direction of the voice her cold eyes softened , smiling the woman said " what's wrong dear ?

Seeing her mother smile also made her smile " mom , sister Riya said lunch is ready " The woman replied" I will be there in two " The child nodded and ran out to the dining room to wait.

Two minutes later the woman descended the staircase lazily as if she been beaten and left boneless. Her second sister Riya asked her " Did someone beat you " which the latter only shrugged in response.

She sat beside her daughter and began to eat her already served food, her sister also sat down and also began to eat

" Riya, where is that brat" asked the woman who has been quiet since she sat down. " she did not come home last night " Rita replied as if she was stating a fact ,yes a fact that brat won't come home and she wouldn't call you to inform you of her whereabouts after all it is a rule in her law book which state's that I owe my life to nobody and whatever I do is my own problem.