
Chapter 8: Azazel

Lawerence Kansas, Nov 2, 1983

The Winchester House

We could see Sirius, pretending to smoke a cigar.


"So, this it, huh, judging by my current attribute I have no way of killing Azazel the way I'm now"

"Even if I could banish him from the house it would just cause further trouble for Dean, Sam, and Dad."

"I guess this is just destiny"



"Didn't I tell you, to not play with the tissues paper, and powder"

"Mom it's not what you think"

Mary yanked on Sirius's ear.

"Ouch ouch ouch, mom I'm sorry I won't do it again."

"Stop lying!"

"This is the third time, Sirius, if I saw you doing this, say goodbye to apple pie"

Grabbing Mary's leg he started pleading.

"I promise this incident won't be repeated."

Looking at his tears.

'I hope he finally learns this lesson, out all my children the most mischievous is definitely Sirius.'

Patting him on the head she calmly stated.

"That's enough, stop crying you're a big boy now so, I don't want to see tears rolling down your handsome face, can you give me this one promise son."

The mom and son can be seen staring at his eyes, awaiting an answer.


"Good, breakfast will be ready at 8:00 am, bring your brother along make sure, to get Sammy as well."

"Leaving the room, he opened the door, and Dean is quietly sleeping soundly in bed, he opened his inventory, throwing a bunch of slime in his face scaring the shit out of him."

"Wake up you lazy bum, breakfast is ready"

Running away, Dean is seen chasing him.

"Slow down kids, the stairs are steep"

"He started it"

Dean directly pushes the blame on Sirius.

"It was an accident, I was playing with the slime I slipt, believe me, mom."

Doing the puppy eyes he tried to convince his parents, to prevent the punishment that was coming.



"Lord save me from this unbearable suffering"

Observing their child's sarcastic tone decide to smack him another time.

Touching his butt...

"Do you have to smack me twice, woman"

Mary's eyes dimmed when he heard those words.

"What did I just hear, didn't I teach you to be respectful to your parent's"


"You're having vegetables for breakfast, no pie for you"

Before speaking a single word, Mary glared in his direction shutting him up.

Chewing on his meal, face riddled with distaste, forcing it down the hatchet afraid of being forcefully shoved down his throat.

After finishing the meals, he rinses his own plate and walks outside.

'Using the tree branch to practice my Bojutus, I discovered the balance of gravity where I was standing became still and unwavering, the flow of movements are rough in some edges but shows slight signs of improvement.'

Moments ago we could see a childish demeanor, executing these moves did he became focused, and clear without any distractions, an image of a person can be vaguely seen from his figure, exude pressure through the surroundings although weak gradually becomes stronger until he stops.

Dean looks at his brother.

"How did you do that, can you teach me someday, it was awesome"

Rubbing the imaginary beard.

"With great power comes with great responsibility."

"Dad!, Sirius is acting weird"

Feeling hurt, he gave him what he deserves.

"Okay, I'll teach you, first you need to close your eyes and take in deep breaths."


"Closing my eyes, I took in deep breaths"





"Keep doing that, until I tell you to stop."

Going around him, I executed the strongest arsenal.

"One Thousand Years of Death"



Sniff! Sniff!


"Did I go too far"

Mary Pov

'What was that scream just now.'

Running outside, lying on the ground Dean is spotted crying, while Sirius tried to calm him down.

"Sirius, what did you do this time!"

"Mom a snake tried to bite Dean, so I tried to remove it, but I hurt him in the process."


"Don't believe him, mom, he promises to teach me those cool moves, but he lied to me and poke me in the butt."

3 Hours Later

'Is this how Luffy felt when his grandpa smack him on the head a couple of times, I could definitely feel my ass and hands burning from the slaps.'

"Your grounded, now go to bed, if I see you awake you'll be in trouble young man."

'Not wanting to be continuously shouted, I rush in the bedroom and shut the door.'


John Pov

"Honey, you don't have to be strict with the boys their still young, and playful."

"I just wanted to straighten him up, I'm just worried his attitude might bring him into trouble."

"Sweety, maybe that just how he wants to show love to us, their still kids and don't know how to express what they're feeling well enough."

"Your right, I shouldn't have overdone it, you go to bed, I look for Sirius'

Sirius Pov

"Alicia, use one wish"


"I wish for Ryuji bang, which I could manipulate the size and weight of the object, make it indestructible, and bind it to my soul so I can summon it wherever it is, allow it so that I could pour mana into it."


A bright flash illuminated the room what I saw in my vision was a staff crafted with the finest wood, decorated with a golden dragon pattern on both ends, and bright crimson color painted on it.

"Holding the staff I felt a connection like it was tailor-made for me."

Not wanting to break anything in the house, I put it inside my pocket.


Hearing the subtle sounds I went back to bed.

"Sirius if you could hear me right now, I'm sorry for giving you a hard time, and too much responsibility on your shoulder please forgive me."

Opening his eyes tears started to form on her face.

"Don't cry mom, I know you meant well, and always remember that I would love you."

He hugged his mom while saying those words.

The mother and son had a sentimental moment after that she gave a peck on the cheek for his son, as she was leaving they both heard a creaking sound.


"Mom can you stay here, at night don't leave please"

"Later honey, I'll check the sounds first, okay."

Understanding that he can't convince his mother anymore he followed her.

'Why is the door open to Sammy's room?'


'Hearing the screams I check inside the room, and saw a person, in front of my son crib'

"Who are you and what are you doing in my son's room."

Azazel being disturbed was gonna slash the mother's belly.

"Mom look out!"

Enlarging my staff, I was barely able to block the incoming attack.

Not giving me time to process the information Azazel use the telekinetic to push me away, and send her flying to the roof.

Anger began to cloud my thinking, and rush in for the kill, pouring every last bit of mana in one final move to prevent my mother's faith, the staff started to glow, and arcs of lightning started forming.

Aiming for the head close on impact.



"What an interesting young lad, too bad you miss."

"For your effort in trying to stop me, I'll give you a gift"



John Pov

Noticing the noise upstairs he runs, what came to his vision was his wife burning and son passing out on the floor, grabbing his sons as he flee from the house.

Arriving at the place was a bunch of fire trucks, and an ambulance to put out the fire and if there were any injuries who might have gotten hurt in the process.



"I like to see you suffer cry some more, hahaha, just watching an innocent soul being corrupted brings joy to my life"

"I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth just you wait."

Just as he was about to collapse a pair of golden-red eyes glowed.

Azazel not noticing the change let him live.


I hope, you enjoy this chapter.

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