
Ep 4

In the silent forest the sound of something hitting a hard object could be heard.

If we approach we could see a small goblin hitting a tree with his bloodied fist creating a small dent in it.

"Fuck for how long should I continue?!"

[The skill body cultivation leveled up]

"tch finally this skill leveled up it's been 3 days since I last relaxed."

[didn't host take a bath in the lac before? And took a nap just 2 hours ago]

"ahem anyway show me my status please"

[Name:unknown (Zhang Xuan)



Job: //


Race: lucky goblin(g)


Status: normal


Stats: STR: 21

DEX: 7


VIT: 26

DEF: 4

MAG: 13

SPI: 10





Body cultivation: normal body lv3.

Soul cultivation: low white soul

Spirit cultivation: not started yet.

Beast cultivation: not started yet.

Meridian: not started yet


Affinities learned: //

Passive skills:regeneration(g) lv2,

AGI boost(small), fang(g) lv2, claw(g) lv2, enemy detection(g) lv2.

Active skills:spear arts(g)lv3, body cultivation(f)lv.3, Soul cultivation(f)lv.2, Inspection skill(g) lv3,Brave spirit(d) lv2, evasion arts(g) lv2.

"Nana show me my new skills"

[regeneration(g) lv. 2]

Faster recovery, can't recover lost parts.

[AGI boost(small)]

Small boost to agi each level up

[Fang(g) lv2]

Small boost to the power of the fangs

[Claw(g) lv2]

Small boost to the power of the claws

[evasion arts(g) lv2]

Reacts faster when evading.

[enemy detection(g) lv 2]

Can detect enemy 4meters around you.

"Can i know why does my evil stat keep on augmenting?"

[Because host continues to do evil things]

"I did nothing wrong though I just killed a small pack of wolfs"

[But you lusted after their exp and also annihilated even the children's and elderly of the wolfs]

"nyahaha well you now better not leave any danger behind that may come bite me back"

[if only that was what you really thought]

"hahaha don't mind small details anyway why can't I evolve my skills?"

[It's because host is just a G ranked being.]

"so i have to evolve to F rank before being able to evolve them huh well guess i will just evolve then"

[host should before max out the skills of rank(G) for a better evolution]

"why not the skills of rank(f)?"

[host can't because he's not an f ranked being so there won't be any bonuses for evolving to an f class]

"Dammit will just go hunt an f grade being and evolve then"


"keke just the guy i was waiting for"