
Chapter 1 :The great divide

The humans of the world keep to their expensive cities of the Northern Territory and the heathens of the world had something in the south. People never crossed the border land, even though some called it home. The bravest, or poorest, humans situated themselves in the border territory.

A self sufficient community with its own militia and garrisons on the southern side of the realm. This was all funded by the queen and the Northern Alliance. The farm products were used in the larger cities that lacked land to produce food or meat.

Queen Artinna ruled the lands of the north with her royal families. Each one representing a faction of the territory. She kept dignitaries at her court from each. Her family had ruled the lands since the great divide and the formation of the border territory, which they quickly claimed as their own.

The southern territories were lost to history. No one could tell you a story about it except there were monsters living in the south. The only history taught or spoken of was the Argent family ending the war with the beasts. There was not even a description of the beasts. Nothing. Almost as if history had been erased. The only skirmishes reported were using false claims, bears attacking or some nonsense, no one had seen a beast or caught one in years.

******** The Marx family.

In the border territory the farmers and soldiers lead a peaceful life away from court. The rumors of scandal and hedonistic practices always kept the families here from visiting large cities. It was said to be dangerous.

Gaylin Marx and his wife Isidora lived as far south as anyone could get. A few miles from the garrison and the dreaded southern line. It looked like nothing both trees edging a field. The forest started there. It was strictly maintained to cut or burn away anything from the border, maintain a straight sight to the enemy. That was the job of the garrison since there wasn't much fighting happening, not for the last 20 years or more. Gaylin ran garrison 4 while his wife and family maintained the farm.

Isidora was one of the finer ladies in town. Long black hair, high cheek bones, those green eyes. She was a sight to behold even after having four children. The finest products came from the Marx farm because of her hard work and discipline. There was hardly a family in the border more liked than them.

Their children were growing in success and valor in their own right. The oldest son was his fathers shadow and spitting image. The twin daughters were seamstresses of the highest quality, even making a gown for a duchess at one time. The younger son had a knack with horses that rivaled most grown men. Then there was Lynora, the youngest, the one that nobody knew about...

The Marx had a strict policy on their farm. No visitors, if you signed on for work here you stayed. It seemed like a strict policy but Isidora always excused it off as "the right way to run things" keeping people away was the only way to ensure great production. It didn't need to make sense, her presence and confidence made it seem correct.

Lynora was the family secret. Not because she was a shame or a terrible child. But because something was different about her since she was a small child. Her ears began to make points at the age of 5. Her eyes never changed from the eerie blue that cut through a persons soul. Her hair was silver... not grey or blonde but silver. Isidora knew this child had not come from her body but she loved her just the same. Lynora was old enough now but her parents could never break it to her. She was almost 18 now and it seemed to be coming.

Opening history and lay of the land to get everyone ready. This is my first story, I hope you enjoy it.

Hel_Leoncreators' thoughts