
Silver's song of the apocalypse

Hell and reality gradually overlap, malevolence erodes the present world, and the dry world's veins revive again. Old gods awaken, new gods are born, humans seek power, demons pursue past glory, technology and magic collide again... This 4th era is the end of everything and the beginning of everything. Asking for Collections, which is important to me as a new writer, is the greatest encouragement!

eviluo · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Awakening of abilities: Visitors from hell? !

  "Cesar, you're back, are you alright?" Seeing Cesar standing with Dorothy, the Count, who came out from a small cabin, asked out loud.

  "It's good, everything is fine, no problems!" Cesar waved his arm and shouted at the Count.

  "Go choose a sheep, as nourishment, and split it with your sister." The Earl waved, then walked into the villa with Nicole.

  "Older brother, go, catch the sheep!" Hearing that there was blood nectar to eat, Dorothy sucked in her saliva and urged.

  "I know, don't push, take your time, let me pick the strongest one."

  Cesar rolled over the fence and came to the side of the flock, staring closely at the flock of golden sheep, trying to pick the strongest one. Seeing the long-lost Great Demon King Cesar, the group of sheep that leisurely grazed suddenly went crazy, as if they met their natural enemy, the Big Bad Wolf, scurrying around playfully, and constantly taking their horns to ram against the log fence, with a look of wanting to die an early death.

  For six years, Cesar had to take away one of the strongest sheep leaders every half a month, and under the influence, those sheep who used to be children and are now in their prime have been branded with the mark of 'fear' by Cesar in their souls.

  Now that they saw His Majesty the Demon King again, how could those sheep not go crazy?

  "Brother, look, those sheep are crazy again!" Dorothy was greatly amused, pointing at the sheep and mocking.

  Cesar nodded in response. Then, he drew out Elsa's customized revolver, took a regular bullet, stuffed it into the magazine, and then knocked on the trigger.

  "You're going to shoot?" Dorothy asked with a surprised look on her face.

  "In the past, with the bodyguards around, they'd grab whichever one I picked. Today it's just the two of us, are you going to play with the sheep yourself? This thing can break your bones when it starts to go crazy." Cesar, who had left behind the shadow of 'having been arched over by a sheep' as a child, said with a slight fear.

  Seeing her brother's twisted expression, Dorothy subconsciously shook her head, "You'd better shoot and crash them."

  "Which one do you have your eye on? Tell me." Raising his pistol, Cesar stared at the sheep with an evil smile. I, Master Cesar, am back again, little lambs obediently suffer death!

  "That one! The one that hit the fence the hardest! So energetic, it must have the strongest life force." Dorothy said, pointing to an innocent sheep.

  "You're it!"

  'Bang!' With a sound, the sheep that had been shot in the chest suddenly bounced for a moment, and then ran ferociously through the sheep pen, spilling golden blood all over the ground. Then, it gradually stopped unsupported, lying on the ground and wailing continuously, and looked at Cesar with a resentful face, with a look of ''I'll remember you! I'm going to wait for you down there!'' expression.

  "Scare me? I killed six years of sheep, with the name of 'Sheep Killer' will still care about this little curse of yours." Coming to the sheep's side, Cesar kicked its head away, then leaned down and pressed the wound on his chest.

  As if the blood at the wound was pulled by an invisible pull, the blood flow speed suddenly accelerated, and the instant the bubbling blood left the wound, it turned into a golden mist and floated in Cesar's hand. At the same time that Cesar extracted the blood, the weak sheep aged and dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, eventually turning into a sheet of golden wool wrapped around a few dry bones.

  After taking care of everything, Cesar gathered the blood mist and made it into a small golden bottle, tossing it proudly in his palm.

  "Brother, you're so evil! Isn't there any sense of guilt?" Dorothy asked, looking at the silky golden fleece.

  "I used to, and had nightmares. But after finishing off a few dozen of them, I don't feel anything anymore, I got used to killing them." Cesar pretended to shrug his shoulders, with the demeanor of a veteran killer.

  Just as the siblings were chatting, a fluctuation that was imperceptible to the naked eye rushed out from the ground. The entire planet suddenly came to life at this moment, and trembled violently and regularly. Massive amounts of energy gushed out from all parts of space, and those creatures that could sense special energy howled with excitement one after another. Those ordinary animals, on the other hand, curled up shivering and prayed for this terrifying sensation to end quickly.

  At the same time as this fluctuation came, Elsa, who had already transformed into a human form and was grooming herself in the bedroom, was no longer able to control her body, and her slender legs suddenly ruptured, transforming into a slender snake's tail that was covered with silvery scales; her round pupils tightened up extremely, turning into silver snake pupils; and her dark purple forked shooter tongue was also involuntarily spat out. Only to see her lazily lying coiled on the g with an expression of extreme enjoyment.

  On the other side, Marcas, who was chatting with Nicole, suddenly clenched his fists and leaned his body tightly against the back of the chair;the other hand was covered over his chest, his mouth was wide open, and he was panting violently. His silver-colored pupils suddenly split open, transforming into a dense pattern made up of countless hexagons. On his face, there were even countless silver spell patterns slowly swimming.

  Compared to Markus, Ni on the opposite side was much better. One could only see the long hair behind her back floating up slowly without any wind, a pair of bat wings ripping through her dress and spreading wide behind her back;the corners of her mouth unconsciously revealed a pair of sharp teeth, and her eyes were even red enough to drip blood.

  ''Bang!'' At the instant when the silver-colored spell pattern was about to turn black, Markas slammed his fist heavily on the table, suppressing his uncontrolled body, then, with difficulty, he spat out, "What a strong fluctuation! The World Vein is going to revive."

  "Why are you suppressing yourself? It feels good!" Nicole, who had returned to normal, reached out to repair her ruptured clothes, then brushed her hair and said.

  "I'm different from you, the residue is acting up again. Not good! With such a strong fluctuation, those two little guys can't withstand it!" Markas' face suddenly changed, then he got up and rushed towards the door.

  "Wait for me!" Nicole also hurriedly got up and rushed towards the sheep pen.

  When the two of them arrived at the sheep pen, Dorothy was pouncing on a golden sheep with a bloodthirsty face, opening her mouth wide and biting its neck dead center, frantically sucking the blood. Her left hand pressed the sheep's struggling head dead center, not giving it a single chance to move, while her right hand, on the other hand, stabbed deep into the sheep's body.

  "Dorothy!" Seeing her daughter's animalistic side, Nicole shouted.

  "Well ...?" Dorothy, who had a mouth full of blood, suddenly turned around and looked at Nicole.

  "Um...? Mommy?" With her out-of-focus pupils regaining their luster, Dorothy licked the corners of her mouth and happily shouted, "Mom! Why are you here?"

  Seeing Nicole, Lori threw down the sheep underneath her and got up to run over. The moment she detached herself from the sheep's body, her right hand brought out a golden and red object from inside the sheep.

  "Ahhhhh ...!" Suddenly seeing the body beside her and the blood in her hand, Dorothy, who had finally regained her senses, let out a scream.

  Hearing her sister's scream, Cesar, who was sitting on the grass in a daze, followed and reacted, and stared with an unbelievable face at the center of his hand, that mass of translucent liquid.

  "Dorothy, what's wrong with you? Is everything alright?" Nicole came to Dorothy's side with a flash leap, and then asked with concern.

  "Phew, it's fine, it was just too sudden, I couldn't receive it for a while." Looking down at the sheep corpse once again, Dorothy smiled heartlessly, "Just now, my brain was so hot that I felt power all over my body, then urged by instinct, I pounced on that sheep. I didn't expect it to really be less than a one-hit wonder, and it was easily bitten to death by me. By the way, look mom, this is my gift, the Heart Snake Fruit!"

  Wiping off the golden blood, a reddish square apple appeared in Dorothy's hand. The heart of that golden sheep was turned into a snake fruit by Dorothy's talent.

  "Look old brother, my talent has awakened! It's also an eating oh!" Dorothy excitedly pounced over Cesar, then held up the snake fruit and happily shouted.

  "Oh ...!" Crushing the already solidified mass of crystals in his palm, Cesar turned his head to Dorothy in bewilderment, then reacted by hugging the little loli tightly and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "It's really great! I can't believe I've awakened my gift!"

  "That's for sure! Here you go." Dorothy looked at Cesar with a smile, then handed out the snake fruit and said.

  "Not giving it to me to eat? Is mom not as important as brother?" Nicole, who was at the side, asked with a smile on her face.

  "Hey, Pops come over here too, let's eat together!" Cesar said as he took the snake fruit.

 "Good, everyone eat together." The Count came to Cesar's side and flicked his finger at the snake fruit in his hand, then the fruit light neatly split into four parts.

  Seeing this scene, Cesar froze for a moment, he didn't catch any sign, not even a trace of wind, the snake fruit in his hand was separated.

  "What are you doing? Eat it." Nicole took away a petal and laughed.

  "I want this piece!" Dorothy snatched away a petal, then swallowed it whole, then excitedly shouted, "So sweet! So delicious! The moisture is so great, it's no worse than Lao's school honey!"

  Upon hearing this, Cesar also swallowed the snake fruit in his hand, and a sweet flavor filled his taste buds, and in addition to the sweetness of the fruit, there was also a faint and slightly salty scent of blood, which was memorable. In addition, the snake fruit contained a large amount of energy, yet it was different from the life force of blood nectar.

  "This is?" Eating the petal of snake fruit, the Earl looked at his daughter in surprise.

  "Dad, what happened to my talent? Is there a problem?" Dorothy looked at the Earl nervously.

  "No, what a surprise that you could acquire such a terrifying ability." The Earl raised his right hand and a faint layer of golden light wrapped around his palm.

  "What is this? What a familiar feeling?" Cesar felt the energy of the layer of golden light and had a feeling of déjà vu.

  "This is the Golden Sheep's ability, or the ability of their ancestor, the true Golden Sheep, 'Golden Shelter'." Looking at the golden aura that wrapped around his palm, the Earl lamented, "The true Golden Sheep, a mythical beast, their wool possesses a powerful talent called 'Golden Shelter', which can resist most negative infestations, a legendary ability."

  Snapping her fingers, the layer of golden awnings suddenly shattered away, at which point the Earl continued, "Dorothy's talent is very powerful, depriving creatures of their innate abilities confined in their hearts and turning them into snake fruits. As long as you eat this snake fruit, you can use that creature's unique ability."

  "No? If you do this math, if my sister captures and kills enough gifted creatures, then wouldn't she be invincible?!" Cesar asked incredulously, compared to his own 'Blood Nectar', Dorothy's 'Snake Fruit Heart' was also too unbeatable.

  "How could it be? You're overthinking it, there's a time limit for this ability. Don't forget that it's a fruit! When Dorothy digests it, this ability will disappear. And truly powerful talents are possessed by individuals, even if you can get it for a short period of time, you'll end up not being able to use it in a big way because you're not skillful in using it, even so, it's still a frightening enough talent. Very suitable for armies or cooperative squads, remember, this talent must not be revealed, otherwise, it will lead to heavenly trouble." The earl said with a grave expression.

  "That's of course, naturally the less people know about this kind of secret, the better." Cesar hastily nodded his head, he didn't want his sister to become a test subject in the hands of others.

  "Haha, old brother, I'll protect you from now on!" Dorothy said happily.

  "Cesar, your second talent has also awakened, right?" Touching Dorothy's small head, the Earl turned his head to look at his son. As a father, he could feel another unfamiliar ability within Cesar's body.

  "Hm! Awakened, the name is ... ah!"

  While Cesar was opening his mouth, another violent fluctuation came from the depths of the earth. Unlike the previous one, this time the fluctuations were more subtle, seemingly targeting only a specific kind of creature.

  At this moment, the three people, father and son, who felt this particular fluctuation, froze in place at the same time. Deep black lines like blood vessels spread out on the faces of Marcas, Cesar, and Dorothy at the same time. As if they were living creatures, these lines began to spread in all directions from their foreheads, and in a short moment, they covered their entire bodies.


  The Earl was the first to react, and he let out a low roar as silver spell lines flashed out, crawling all over his body surface in no time, intertwining and entangling with those black lines, and little by little, suppressing those black lines and dragging them back inside his body.

  "Markas, are you alright?" Nicole anxiously asked, "You quickly look at Alice and Cesar ..."

  The Count looked down, his son and daughter were already unconscious in the end.

  At this moment, Dorothy's body was crawling with twisted ground black lines. Unlike the hideous spell lines that appeared on the Earl's body, the lines on Dorothy's body looked like living vines. At the end of the black vines, a few blood-colored flowers bloomed from time to time, vaguely revealing a demonic beauty.

  Marcas stretched out his palm and touched Dorothy's forehead, and a hot feeling came from his fingers. At this moment, Dorothy seemed to be burning up, and the blood in her entire body began to boil. Flipping her eyelids open, her eyes were blood red, and she couldn't distinguish her pupils from her eyes.

  Markus twisted his head to look at Cesar, and it was another sight.

  At the moment, Cesar's entire body was cold, and after an interval of six years, his heart had once again stopped beating, returning to a state of death. His pale skin was similarly crawling with zigzagging thin black lines. Not the Earl's kind of hideous spell lines, not Dorothy's kind of black vines with blood-colored flowers, but a kind of folding lines similar to precision drawings.

  These folding lines were straight and slanted, curved and wavy, and even more jagged patterns of various sizes. These lines crisscrossed the surface of Cesar's body, dividing his skinned body into countless areas that looked strangely incomparable. What was even more bizarre was that these lines kept rotating and changing, ultimately forming a constantly rotating and incomparably twisted picture. Like Cesar's dance steps, it dazzled people and made them unable to see straight.

  Turning his head to avoid the bizarre lines on Cesar's body surface, Markus rested his eyes on Cesar's face. Countless black smoke erupted from his seven orifices, transforming into various twisted human faces circling and rotating in the air, constantly wailing and screaming, not dissipating for a long time ...


  Seeing Cesar's appearance, Marcas cursed angrily, then stretched out both fingers and drew out two long silver needles from the center of his other palm, piercing into Cesar's and Dorothy's foreheads respectively, barely suppressing the ever-growing black lines of various shapes and sizes.

  "Well? Is the child alright?" Nicole, who was on the side, asked anxiously.

  "It can only be suppressed, there's no way to completely fix it. I'll take the child back to the house first and suppress these things, you go find Elsa and ask her to inform the teacher. The situation here is urgent, we can't delay any longer!"

  After saying that, Marcas picked up Cesar and Dorothy and rushed towards the villa, while Nicole rushed towards Elsa's mansion.


  Returning to the bedroom, Markas settled his siblings, then took out a set of artifacts painted and engraved with special artifacts from the cabinet, blocking off the room and isolating the energy from the outside world. After doing so, he once again checked the condition of the two siblings.

  Cesar was a bit better, his body was cool and unresponsive, only those ghostly faces made up of black smoke were constantly whistling shrilly. On the other hand, Dorothy's situation was much more serious, because of the high temperature in her body, her breathing became rapid and her forehead even appeared a large amount of sweat.

  Retracting his hands, the Count who could not help any more got up and walked towards the door, ready to pour a cup of cool water for Dorothy to relieve the high temperature in her body.

  Just as the Earl had just finished receiving the cool water and stepped out of the kitchen, the hairs on his entire body suddenly exploded and his muscles tensed, instantly completing his defense preparations. An extremely oppressive, suffocating darkness locked onto him, preventing him from moving a bit.

  The shadows grew thicker and thicker, eventually engulfing the last rays of light in the room and plunging the entire world into darkness. Standing in place, Markas couldn't see anything, not even the cup of water that he clearly sensed in his hand. At this moment, Markas felt that he had detached himself from the world of Ceylon and entered a certain strange little space.

  Crisp stepping sounds rang out as if they were walking in an empty corridor, coming closer and closer from the distance, becoming clearer and clearer.

  Throwing away the water cup in his hand, the sound of glass shattering broke that oppressive feeling, a silver light appeared in Markas's hand, then he drew out a thin sword covered with inscriptions out of thin air, then, he asked out loud, "Who?!"

  'Tap-tap-tap-tap ...' the sound of footsteps grew louder and louder, and then the unfamiliar voice sang out with a low laugh, "What? Forgot about me? I have come from hell and will go to earth to find someone dear to me."

  As the crisp voice opened its mouth, a burning sensation of blood connection burned within Markas' body. It was as if the bloodline that he had once eliminated had once again appeared within his body, coming alive.

  The thin sword in his hand was once again tightly gripped, and Marcas' face mixed disbelief with bone-deep hatred as he stared at the darkness in front of him with a deadly stare and asked out loud, "It's you?!"

  "Truly, I crawled all the way out of hell and specially opened the door here, but I didn't expect you to actually have this look on your face! Is it disgusting? Is it customary in Terra to greet elders with a sword? And why don't you address me with honorifics? My son, Makas!"