
Silent princess

Fantasy Romance
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  • 3 章
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What is Silent princess

WebNovel で公開されている、ANNA_JOSEPH の作者が書いた Silent princess の小説を読んでください。Princess will be caught by the prince...


Princess will be caught by the prince


Code: Transcend.

This story is set in a world called "meta-world" . In this world even a planet is bigger than the universe in our world; in simple words, this world is infinite times larger than ours in real life. In this "world" Human civilization has evolved at its peak. They have obtained forbidden knowledge; they have discovered the existence of "Gods" and their "pantheons" as well, they have learned how to use magic, Black arts etc. They're living in the future. However, since most of the individuals have learned how to access such power, crime rate, murders drastically increased. To avoid such circumstances to occur, the government setted up an organisation called 'laris' who is responsible for taking actions against them. On top of that, the government announced that whoever used their power for their own selfish desires will be exterminated on the spot using their high-tech weapons capable of eradicating one's "magical energy" Used by their well trained superhuman armies. However, the government had different plans. They were with laris, both wanted to reach the "God's domain" And conquer them so that the human civilization could rule over 'everything' they didn't tell the media about this. This is their top secret plan. But, the problem is that they're not enough to conquer them, the Gods were a league above human civilization. So, they secretly sacrificed thousands of human souls causing global panic and created five stones, these stones had almost an infinite quantity of mana and were extremely powerful compared to the normal mana sources present on "Asterisk" (The planet where humans live). However, an unexpected thing happened, after those stones were created, all 5 of them immediately got spread on the different locations of the planet, both government and laris panicked and thought that they lost them, however they instantly realised that those stones were made to transplant on a young human body, perhaps the stone itself wanted to choose its owner. Which was indeed true. So, both of them decided to open a magic academy consisting of highly qualified mages to teach the young mind how to use magic. But only students with a high reservation of mana were allowed to study magic here. That's how they'll automatically find the 5 individuals who were capable of conquering the Gods. This was more than a perfect plan to help humanity to transcend their own creators. The protagonist of this story is a young girl named "Astoria akagami." She's a 16 year old girl of decent height and curvy structure. She is one of those individuals who got one of the five stones. As the protagonist she plays the most important role. Side note: Hey everyone, it's me Asish. I've lost my other account where I used to write WNs such as "beyond the plane of existence", I lost my other account because of my carelessness. welp, no worries. hope you all will enjoy this one! and as always, the cover isn't mine, if the original artist wants me to take it down, please let me know. Have a great day!

Soraren_Miyamoto · ファンタジー

Selembar Surat Undangan

berbicara tentang luka, tiada yang lebih sakit melebihi sayatan pedang samurai yaitu luka batin, dengan patahan yang terus-terusan dan berulang di lakukan orang yang begitu dekat dengannya. Membuka dan menutup lagi sampai pada akhirnya berlepas kepada takdir dan mendekatkan diri kepada Penciptanya menjadi Salah satu pilihan. kiranya begitulah jeritan hati ela saat ini. saat itu di dalam mobil sambil menyanyikan lagu ''Surat undangan pernikahan itu ku genggam erat di tanganku, hanya do'a restu yang ku persembahkan semoga engkau bahagia'' sayup-sayup lagu Poppy Mercury terdengar dengan penuh sayatan, setiap lirik yang terdengar masuk menusuk celah-celah hati yang ada mengingat kenangan awal pertemuannya dengan ali kala itu. Hubungan yang berawal dari chat massenger Facebook membawa ali dan ela berlabuh dalam buaian asmara cinta. saling mengisi kekosongan hati, dan saling memegang komitmen dalam keseriusan. Pertemuan demi pertemuan telah terlewati, hubungan kian harmonis dalam balutan kasih sayang. seolah-olah tidak akan ada yang bisa memisahkan cinta keduanya. ''hari ini jalan yuk.'' ucap Ali. dengan penuh bahagia kegirangan Ela langsung mengiyakan. dalam pertemuan itu Ela membaca sebuah sms yang ada di Handphone pacarnya yaitu sebuah sms pinjaman uang 50 juta rupiah, jelas itu bukan nominal yang sedikit. mulai dari sana rasa curiga di lubuk hati Ela kian muncul, kepercayaan kian memudar dan pada akhirnya datang sebuah undangan Yang merubah seluruh hidup Ela. akankah Ela bisa melewati masa-masa terpuruk yang dikarenakan selembar Surat undangan dari kekasihnya itu? atau bahkan terpuruk dalam keadaan yang begitu melelahkan? nantikan terus kelanjutan ceritanya setiap episode demi episode di Surat Undangan ya. happy reading dear. jangan lupa tetep dukung penulis yaa agar semakin banyak ide yang menarik kalian ke dalam Novel.

Sena_Arruhman · 若者
16 Chs

The Fake Hero

'Ding!' [31st December, 23:00, suicide reminder.] Claude, a young and brilliant surgeon who is well-known among his peers, has finally decided to end his life tonight. On the beautiful new year’s eve, under the bright stars and fireworks celebrating the joy of life, he stepped onto the hospital rooftop in an attempt to take his own life. To his surprise, what awaits him on top was a ‘lurker’. A being that appeared many years ago out of nowhere, who feasts specifically on human blood. They’re vicious, powerful, unique, and most importantly, smart. After all, they were once humans, disabled humans, to be exact. They gain power according to their disability. Blind? They got night vision. Deaf? They got super hearing. Paralyzed arms? They now have four arms that are sharper than swords. Although they had the same disabilities when they were humans, no lurker harbors the same power. One disability can lead to countless types of power, which humans still haven’t figured out how. After barely escaping death due to a stranger called Ajax, Claude comes to learn the fact that his dead brother had a second life as a ‘lurker executioner’ that he wasn’t aware of. And, most importantly, the fact that those ‘lurkers’ have something to do with his brother’s death. “I will wipe out every single lurker on earth.” With his newfound hatred and anger, will Claude be able to kill all lurkers who are living among humans, disguised as one of them? And will he be able to find a bonded family within this organization called the ‘Lurker Executioner’? … But, what if lurkers are not that black and white? -------- Hello hello there~ This is my second book, and it’s more of a passion project! :3 So please be nice to me~ Update will be pretty slow, since I will take my time to carefully write and plan this. This will contain pretty dark themes, morally questionable scenarios (but absolutely no r*pe and stuff, I mean just like situations where you don’t really know who’s the good guy and who’s the bad guy), but also cute, warmsies-warmsies moments hehe! [Trigger warning: mention of suicide on the first chapter] Cover is drawn by me since I don’t wanna steal art, I respect all lines of work, even though I know it’s not as good as professionally made covers :3 Thank you for docaqui and my friend for helping me with the font!

mozza_mello · ファンタジー
3 Chs


When death is a blessing. Bagaimana jika lingkup sosial kita di isi oleh orang-orang menakjubkan? Diantaranya adalah orang yang mempunyai anugerah di luar nalar. Salah satunya seorang bernama Jayendra yang berumur lebih dari 700 tahun dan akan selalu bertambah ratusan bahkan ribuan tahun lagi. Dia memiliki sebuah bakat magis yang disebut Ajian Nityasa. Kemampuan untuk berumur abadi. Mempunyai tingkat kesembuhan kilat ketika kulitnya tergores, tubuh kebal terhadap senjata dan racun, fisik yang tidak dapat merasakan sakit, serta tubuh yang tidak menua. Namun dari balik anugerah umur panjangnya itu, gejolak dari dalam batinnya justru sangat berlawanan dengan kekuatan luarnya. Pengalaman hidup yang dia lewati telah banyak membuatnya menderita. Kehidupan panjang tak bisa menjaminnya untuk bisa menikmati waktunya yang melimpah. Kebahagiaan tak lagi bisa dia rasakan. Dari semua alasan itu, maka baginya kematian adalah hal yang sangat ia damba. Tetapi malaikat pencabut nyawa bahkan tak akan mau mendekatinya yang telah dianugerahi umur abadi. Pusaka yang menjadi kunci satu-satunya untuk menghilangkan Ajian Panjang Umur itu telah lenyap ratusan tahun lalu. Maka jalan tunggal yang harus ditempuh adalah kembali ke masa lalu. Tidak, dia tidak bisa kembali. Orang lain yang akan melakukan itu untuknya. Seorang utusan akan pergi ke masa lalu bukan untuk merubah, tetapi untuk menguji seberapa besar batasan kepuasan manusia. Masa lalu berlatar pada awal abad 13 di Kerajaan Galuh pada masa kepemimpinan Maharaja Prabu Dharmasiksa. Di zaman itulah misi yang semula hanya untuk mengambil sebuah pusaka seolah berubah menjadi misi bunuh diri. Kebutaan manusia akan sejarah membuatnya terjebak pada konflik era kolosal yang rumit. Mampukah mereka melakukannya? Atau akan terjebak selamanya?

Sigit_Irawan · 歴史
240 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

it was gud book but author has nt updated much


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