
Shut in's Adventure in the Apocalypse

Rachel Usof is a shut in high school girl who reads sci fi novels. After not hearing her parents for a week, she opens the door. She finds out there are zombies everywhere. After she accidentally kills a zombie, then a message popped up. "Congratulations! You have been chosen to have the "Golden Finger" system!". Equipped with a system, (that isn't what it seems to be.) and with her cat. She meets many new adventures... (Multiple edits made to the summary.)

Kist · SF
32 Chs

Time difference and a new companion

Hazel felt herself brought into another room again. She looked around and saw the same white mannequin.

"Hey Kroff?, if you can make whatever type of pajama. Then that means I can use expensive materials?"


"Alright, then I want a long white silk t shirt that can cover up to my thighs. Then I want those shorts that I usually wear, but silk."

The items appeared on the mannequin.

"Uhhh... maybe a soft light wool jacket?"

A thin wool jacket appeared.

"Maybe just another pair of socks."

Socks appeared.

"Then I guess i'm done." Hazel told the system.


Hazel saw that she was in the house again.

"Hey Kroff? Does time pass when I was in there?" Hazel asked.

"No, time stays still. Your body won't age though in the system."

"But couldn't I just stay in there forever?"

"You could, but you would have nothing to do."

"..." Hazel thought of an idea.

"Kroff, tomorrow for a daily mission award. I want a make a mask set."

"System Notes acquired."

"Huh? System Notes?"

"You unlocked the notes by saying, you want something. So the system will write it down. If it's something minor, the system could let you have it for your next reward."

"Oh that's cool."

It was now midday and Hazel was bored after eating her fill.So Hazel geared up, and walked around the outskirts of the city. She wandered around the streets, when she heard anime noises.

She walked to the place where she heard the noise, and opened the box that was there. She saw a black and white kitten only a few weeks old.

"Kroff,...do zombies eat animals?"

"They do, but they would chase a human over a animal."

"Did the apocalypse do anything to animals?"

"If an animal was bitten by a zombie, it would turn into a undead animal. Some undead animals gain powers like the mutants. The undead animals are like zombies, they have no memory of what happens after they die."

"So that means that all the normal animals have no other choice but to run away or die?"


Hazel felt pity for the kitten, it was born into the world a little bit ago only to be abandoned and forced to live in a disaster. Hazel thought about it, then took the box and cat home.

When she got home, she looked in the fridge and got a little bit of milk for the kitten.

"Ding! You have triggered, special mission Get cat food: 0/1 (semi-important)."

"Huh? Isn't the special missions for important stuff?"

"It depends on what the user feels, or the way the person receiving it feels. In other words, you like the cat so you want to get it food, The cat wants food and thinks it's very important. Hence special mission."

"...Cat stay here for now." Hazel sighed and went out for cat food.

Hazel was thinking of a name for the cat when she heard a ruckus. She used [Detect] but she could only sense zombies.

"Kroff, I can't sense the full thing because of the weak [Detect] right?"


Hazel pondered, and rubbed her temples. She let her kindness win over her, she sneaked over behind a house a looked over.

She saw a handsome, black haired man with strong eyebrows and smooth and beautiful lips. Hazel just stared at the man mouth agape.


Lix Pov

Lix was sitting on a chair eating some biscuits and butter. When Pat came up behind him.

"What is it?" Lix asked Pat.

Pat looked sheepish then asked,"I kinda need a favor...."

Lix looked disgusted. "What is it?"

"I need some clam chowder and hot chocolate..."


"Oh come on! Please! I'll do anything!" Pat begged.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Lix smirked.

"Hey! Stop rubbing it in, just because your an ability user and i'm not doesn't mean you can bully me!

Lix had an idea.

"You said that you would do anything right?" Lix said slowly.

"...Y-Yea...." Pat looked nervous.

"After I come back, take off your clothes and run around the base with oil on yourself. Then start screaming "I'm CHICKEN"."

Pat looked horrified, then said reluctantly, "Fine."

Lix looked pleased, then went outside. He packed up his sword and went off to the supermarket.

On his way there, he sensed 2 mutants and 4 zombies. He took the other way, Only to find 3 mutants there.

Lix was shocked, his [Detect] was able to sense everything so far. Lix was a normal ability user, but before the apocalypse. He would train his body to the extreme, and train himself in the sword for his grandfather.

His grandfather already died, but Lix still continued using the sword. Good thing he still practiced though, or else he wouldn't have been able to survive the first half of the apocalypse.

Lix could defeat the mutants, if they didn't have powerful abilities like laser eyes. Lix didn't want to take the risk and walked away. But it was too late, the mutants came charging and he begun a long fight.

At some point he felt someone watching him, he didn't have time to deal with them so he could only hope that they would stay there.


*sob* I-I couldn't do the author's thought again... wahhhhhhhhhh. *sniff* anyway, there might be a few mistakes within.