
Chapter Two

At Mount Myoboku I was sat next to the pool of toad oil with an expression of deep concentration.

Thanks to the toad oil I finally got a sense for what Nature Energy feels like.

One side of my face began to change shape giving it toad like features but that's as far as it had gotten before I got it under control.

Thankfully sparing me getting bitch slapped by Shima and her damn stick.

The raw other worldly energy is oddly addicting in the feeling of overwhelming power it gives you.

If I wasn't careful I could almost feel myself turning my head towards the heaven's while yelling "UNLIMITED POWER!".

But who am I kidding I left that nerdy cosplay behaviour behind in my previous life.

Back when I would try to create a Kamehameha or any sit trying to draw my Ki as explained by Gohan to Videl.

Who would have ever thought I would actually end up in one of those worlds I used to fantasise about.

Right now however I know my reason's for this training and why I'm trying so damn hard.

Originally when I came to this world it was fear of my survival that spurred me onwards.

Now it is nothing but revenge.

Danzo and his ilk made the biggest mistake of their lives when they targeted me and the Senju Clan.

Sadly I knew my limitations and also knew that no half cocked plan was going to succeed in removing their cancer from this world.

And so I am biding my time before I'm ready to strike.

"DAMNIT!" I yelled as Shima wacked me once more with her stick.

"You lost concentration" she informed me nonchalantly.

"Yes Shima Sama" I replied politely after all when angry she is scary as hell.

I closed my eyes and as I monotonously returned to the training I was undertaking a part of me also began delving back into my memories.

What can I say I have always been something of a introspective individual and don't see it changing any time soon.

My mind took me back to the time just after I found Buma's Sensei's scroll.

Obviously I didn't act without any forethought.

As with most things I did my actions required meticulous detail and planning.

I knew that failing to dot all the I's and cross all the T's would only lead to my own eventual downfall.

So it was with that mentality I threw myself headlong into my new role as one of Hiruzen's Anbu.

I took on their training with a kind of zeal not often seen in their new recruits.

This greatly set me apart from my fellow new recruits even further than my skills and abilities already did.

I moved through the training program at a record pace.

I'm also not ashamed to say I picked up things during this time that I doubt anyone else could have done either.

For example the Fuinijutsu portion of my training.

To most they were only taught the simple copy and paste form of Fuinijutsu using predefined formula where the results are explained before hand.

These were some of the minor Uzumaki Seals that were handed over to the village when Mito Sama married Hashirama.

However to me who is well versed in creating my own seals thanks to Mother teachings I was able to decode various things within these Uzumaki Seals that not even my trainers were capable of.

Don't get me wrong I'm not arrogant enough to say I gained the skill to interpret all of their seals.

I just simply decoded certain things that helped me improve the efficiency durability and power of my own seals.

Now if you think what I accomplished was impressive you should have seen my Mother when I explained these breakthroughs to her.

She was like a person lost in the desert finding an oasis for the first time.

I sighed as a simple look at her expression told me that if I didn't monitor her over the next few weeks she would throw herself into her studies with such a degree she wouldn't care for herself properly.

Not that I minded really as she was always willing to share whatever breakthroughs she made with me similar to how I just shared mine with her.

We were constantly pushing one another forwards in that regard.

Then came the rest of my Anbu training which I completed with just as much vim and vigour.

The thing I was most excited about was my training in Kenjutsu where I took to using a short sword in a similar manner to Sakumo Sensei.

Sadly even with all the training I put into it over that short amount of time I lacked even 10% of the skill my former Jonin Sensei was capable of.

That's not surprising really given how many years of effort he put into the blade but I hope to one day to catch up to him in terms of skill.

It was due to that desire that every day when the physical me was training with the Anbu I left my three Shadow Clones at home to train in Kenjutsu.

Due to that over the Four Month period I was training with the Anbu I gained a years worth of training just from them alone.

Sure I was mentally fired and exhausted with Migraines that lasted for days but I had to push myself even if one would say I was doing so recklessly.

"Man what I wouldn't kill just to do a Rocky montage and be done with it" I would often lament during my training when ever it got particularly tough.

But I persevered and the results spoke for themselves.

As such in only four months I became a full card carrying member of the ANBU. Not that we actually carry cards as that would defeat the purpose of being part of such a secretive organisation.

Upon completing my training I was given my mask and code name.

That being Wolf.

With that I was then placed onto Anbu Team Honoo. A team I would find out were the number one Assassination Squad of Konoha.

I was welcomed by all my Team Honoo Senpai's and treated as their precious Kohai.

Such relationships were formed due to the nature of the work we would take on and in such a dark seedy state they needed something bright and innocent to latch onto.

As such Team Honoo were closer than even some families.

The one I grew closest too however was the last new recruit into the team before me.

Her code name is Aquilla.

She is a year older than me and is one of the brightest most bubbly individuals I had ever met.

She has long flowing hair of a light aqua blue colour (man you got to love anime worlds for that being a norm) and had a lithe athletic figure.

As we never go by real names here I have no idea of her real identity other than a few hints I picked up that she was of civilian origin.

She was definitely a breath of fresh air and seemed to take it upon herself to stop me from brooding whenever I slipped into my negative thoughts.

She also helped me to adapt to the constant companion that all Anbu grow accustomed to and that is death.

We take on the dirtiest of dirty works within the Shinobi world and as such the job is definitely not for everybody.

You would think it wouldn't be for such a pure individual as Aquilla either but damn if she wasn't terrifying when we were on mission.

She acted with a single minded "Whatever it takes to get the job done" mentality that only dissipates once she accomplished the task.

It was so pronounced I even thought she had multiple personalities initially.

I brought that up to our superior who simply laughed off my concern and told me that's just Aquilla's way of coping.

Then when he told her of my concerns she smushed me into the kind of hug that brought me face first with her deceptively bountiful breasts.

From that day on even when we weren't on mission's together she would often seek me out to either train together or just hang out.
