
Short thoughts that were but weren't

Short things, thoughts that came into form then furthered themselves into being. Ideas which can be developed but which likely will not. This is just a collection of ideas or stories I came up with and started writting with little thought, some may be philosophical in nature, others might not. Some are short stories, some are stories formated in the way I thought at the moment of writting and as such might have dark subject matters due to me having experienced the death of those close to me. Only dark in a depression sense Have fun, and watch out. Nothing is merry and fun here, please don't read these if you feel a bit down. These were written by me either recently or years ago and what was written might have been how I felt at the moment of writting. Warning : it may contain ideas or thoughts of self hate so if you find those kinds of things hard to read then please don't read em. Btw I have no clue how things work on webnovel, I just want to put these things out there because why not. Have fun reading or not (Most if not all of these are written some years ago) I might add stories I began but didn't know where to go with or stories I got Ideas for but didn't find the motivation to finish. Some stories are half done, but the idea of what it would become were also written at the end by me at the time when I thought I didn't have the motivation to continue with the story so I wrote that in order to remember in case I ever wanted to finish the stories.

PlagueMan · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The universal mechanic

There I stood, the mechanic of fate all alone in this pitiful reality. Nothing to comfort me as I stare into the oncoming abyss, the grips of which would quite literally tear my reality and existence apart. Now I beckon unto thee forgiveness for I am nought but a sad copy of a terrible creature. 

As all comes together I stand there still, knowing that non will save me and that I have created this conundrum for myself.

I know that my unwillingness to accept and cherish those around me led me to this path thus finding solace in this aspect of myself.

The lone mechanic, standing against the wroughts of fate on the pinnacle of existence all alone.

Knowing this fulfilled me, however it also filled me with a pain. Knowing that all I had fought to be the strongest over pilled up to no more than a futile effort against this ravaging enemy which gave no heed to a single mans struggle.

I know I should have accepted help when it came up, that I should have become companions with many whom I met in the past but alas it is far too late for that.

Knowing I have come to accept these faults is the first step in begging existence for forgiveness I assume as much because of the horror before me.

This creature black and brown, eyes a plenty and orifices in the billions staring all of existence down is a testament to my stupidity.

Having seen its ravishing nature as it consumes all of existence I give up on this life of mine and as such all of reality.

Have I had a group of companions to stand against while fighting this meaningless war I would have been much stronger but as I have said, time for regret is over and only death will pertain.

As such I have decided to give my life to fight this evil, not in the sense that I will directly fight it but rather I will sacrifice my life force so that in my death life may stay protected and the sanctity of reality might continue to exist while the embers of my life still burn bright.

The flame dies so that the promise of the heat and embers might still exist and in the end burn brighter yet.

This is my sentiment, but truth be told it scares me to give up my all in the face of eternity.

However I shan't show it, as such weakness is testament to my earlier failures, If I am unwilling to give up something as tiny as myself for the continued existence of my creations then so be it.

Though I hold the young ones in contempt as they will survive yet I know this is the only way, as the creator of all that shall be and will continue to be as of my sacrifice I know It is my duty to do this.

Even though this shall stand in no record, even though I shall have noone to rectify my existence or my  accomplishments I know I have done a great deed and as such will find the necessary strength to give up all that I may be for the further life of all the gods and men that will be and are.

Goodbye my children, the oldest of gods and devils, youngest of men and women I shall miss you all.