
The little monster

Once upon a time I was a little scared of the darkness. So grandma told me this story:

"Darkness is just the absence of light. Is what your parents told you, do you belive them? You don't? Well I also don't belive it. When I was little darkness was more than that. It was the white shead that you could dye in your colours. Why don´t you try it like a little monster did. He was always scared of the light because it could not hide in it and his appearance would be shown to anyone, so it would stay in his room the whole day and would not come out no mather what his parents told him neither when they told him that he did not need to hide because he was perfekt, nor when they said that they would stay by his side no matter what happened. But one day something happened and it couldn't hide any longer not because he wasn't able to hide anymore but because his parents were in trouble. The parents that never left his side even when he left everything behind because of bis fear. So to help his parents and to show everybody that he also did not leave his parents, he steppt into the light and showed everyone how he loocked. And what do your think happened when he accepted the light to help his parents. What happened to the People who made him a Monster? You have to know a real monster is not born naturaly but created. How do you think a monster is created? aktually it is really simpel as long as you tell someone over and over, again and again that he or she is a monster that they aren't needed in this world or somerthing like that someday it will become their reallity even throught it isn't true.

Back to the Story. When the little Monster left the darkness and showed his appearance. Everyone who saw him was shocked. mit because the Monster was ugly but because his bravery made his already beautyful apperance even more dazzling. The problems his parents faced where gone just like that and from that day onwards even throught it still did not like the light it also didn't fear kg anymore, although the reason he did not like the light did not change, how he saw himself did Change. If you were to ask him what he was bevor that day his answer would be a Monster now his answer would be "I am me" what others see and what you see is different you can dye the world in your coulors and noone has the right to tell you what coulors you need to use. In the darkness you can choose any coulor you like to create what ever you like even your own monster. So you don't have to fear the darkness or what is hidden in it, what you should fear is the jealousy and fear of the People around you because it can destroy you." my Grandma said with a smile but I could see the tear in the corner of her eye.