
Shinobi Prince (Naruto FanFic)

A guy reincarnated as the son of the Fire Daimyo.

RC_Soft · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Prank gone wrong

"Welcome to Konoha, Tenshin-sama." Asuma and I stared at the magnificence of the humungous gate of Konoha as Asuma proudly welcome me.

Asuma's eyes was filled with pride and looking quite excited about returning home after five years. It was only the two of us right now as Chiriku and Sora have parted halfway through and proceeded their way to the fire temple.

"Ohh! That's one big gate you have there. Come on let's go in and meet the Hokage!" I grabbed Asuma by his arm while pulling him as he was still reminiscing in his own world while staring at Konoha.

"Maa maa… No need to be so excited like that." He chucked as he was forced to be dragged by me. "Tenshin-sama you still remember right? We need your identity to be a secret so please do the thing."

"Ahh, I completely forgot." I stopped on our tracks as I let go of Asuma. Forming a ram seal, I used Henge no Jutsu and changed my overall face.

My previous dark brown hair changed to spiky raven hair, and my black eyes turned brown while my overall age still that of a four-year-old. I made sure to look as near as how Asuma looked like in the anime – chibi version, unlike his current homeless looking appearance one right now.

I especially thought of this henge just for my grand plan I have in mind later on. Looking at the quite dumbfounded look on Asuma's face I knew that my Henge hit way to close his own face on his childhood days.

"Ehh? Tenshin-sama… Why don't you try and change a little bit of your Henge?... Please? Ha-haha-ha" Asuma had a nervous look as some sweat formed in his forehead.

"Why? I tried my best thinking of this one. Come on Asuna, let's go in already!" I ignored Asuna's begging as I dragged him once again not listening to his pleas.

Two familiar faces I've seen on the anime welcomed us at the gate. "Ohh… Is that you Asuma? Welcome ba -- …." The ninja with a bandage on his nose suddenly stopped as his gaze landed on me, I wave at him innocently while smiling.

"A-asuma who's the chibi-Asuma?" The other man who has his hair covering his right eye was asking Asuma in disbelief.

Suddenly Asuma grabbed the two guards in a hurry as he dragged both of them a couple of meters away from me. I was laughing to hard in my own mind while looking at Asuma's panic face while explaining to the two guards.

I didn't manage to hear everything clearly what they were talking about. But I definitely manage to hear some bits and pieces specially some threatening words Asuma was furiously saying at the two guards. A few moment later Asuma walk back to me as the two guards were quite frozen still in their spots.

"You're doing this on purpose right, young lord?" It looks like he didn't reveal my real identity as he was not even using my name right now. I tilted my head innocently in question at him as he face-palmed while turning and walking ahead.

I gave the other two guards a wave goodbye while following behind Asuma, the two guards waved back while helplessly smiling.

"Ahh! Asuma, you might want to fix your looks first and foremost. 'She' just came back from a mission earlier this morning." The emo haired one said.

"Ohh! And good luck explaining! You can do it!" The bandaged said mischievously while laughing a bit and giving Asuma a fighting fist.

Asuma flinched that he almost tripped when he heard the two, he frantically grabbed his unkept hair and messy beard while looking at his sorry state. A horrified look painted his face once again as he grabbed me and carried me like a little puppy as we disappeared in a flash.

Next thing I knew we are in a barber shop as Asuma put me down while my vision was lightly spinning, being the first time experiencing the Shunshin no Jutsu was definitely a bad one.

'…My stomach feels like throwing up. I seriously need to train my body as soon as possible and learn that jutsu.' I heaved a deep breath and send an angry look at Asuma.

"Ahh… I deeply apologize young lord, I got carried away in a moment." Asuma apologized while clapping his palms and bowing repeatedly. "But can I please fix my self a bit before we meet Kure--… umm, Hokage?"

"Hmm???… Okay then. Let's go in. But! Let's go meet the Hokage right after, okay!?" I put my hands in my waist as I demanded strictly.

After an hour as Asuma fixed his looks at the barber and bought new clothes, I nodded approvingly as I stared at the mirror where Asuma was looking at his new attire and looks.

"Hmm Hmm! Now you look like a human now!" He now looks like the Asuma I know from the show.

Asuma gave me a worried look as he keeps comparing my face to his own while looking back at his reflection. He sighed helplessly as we walked out the department store and decided to head straight to the hokage tower.

It's been four years since I last walk in the streets of Konoha. The village was as lively as ever, but there is some kind of chilling and unusual atmosphere in the air. I was about to investigate more about the sensation but I got sidetracked when I saw three familiar faces walking down the streets.

A bowl cut hair man wearing full green jumpsuit, a white haired and masked man with a Konoha head band covering his one eye, and one of my targets this time; a black hair beauty with red eyes were walking in on the streets while talking happily.

I turned to look at Asuma who was suddenly frozen in place while looking at the three's direction. His eyes were full of panic as he looks around our surroundings looking like he wants to find a place to hide.

I knew what he was about to do as I step back little by little away from him, but then it seemed like he lost his cool completely as he looked at me with crazed bloodshot eyes and reached out his arms towards me in a hurry.

I hurriedly casted Kawarimi no jutsu as I disappeared few meters away from my position. Asuma grabbed my Henge'd substituted clone as it exploded to white smoke and turned to wood. Asuma's eyes turned wide with shock as he looks around desperately trying to find me in hurry.

Every single person turned to look at Asuma's direction where he was holding a wood trunk while panicking. Kakashi and the others naturally came at the commotion as they appeared besides Asuma.

Seeing my que, I run back to them and began my own plans. "Ahh! I knew it! I told you don't do that again Asuma!"

Before Kakashi, Gai and Kurenai had the chance to greet Asuma ask or what happened, I run straight at Asuma and kicked behind his legs. It seemed that he was so nervous that I even easily managed to trip him as he falls on his butt helplessly.

I managed to grabbed the three's attention as they turned their gazes at me. Kakashi's eyes widened a briefly when he saw me, Guy's jaws dropped to the ground completely stunned, and lastly Kurenai's face was really shocked as her red eyes widened before looking back at Asuma then her face suddenly darkened as she released killing intent at him as her hair covered her face.

"Asuma… the pretty Onee-san there is scary…" I acted very afraid when I looked at the three specially at Kurenai, who was basically looking like she was out for murder. I hid behind Asuma's back who was still on the ground and peeked from time to time at Kurenai acting frightened.

"Kurenai calm down! You're scaring the child." Kakashi puts his arm on the Sadako-like Kurenai.

Kurenai seemed to have regained her senses as she noticed me looking at her with terrified eyes. The murderous aura around her disappeared as she looked shocked while covering her mouth with her hands. Suddenly she walks towards us while keeping her eyes on me completely ignoring Asuma, then out of nowhere grabbed Asuma's collar and threw him, he went flying to the sides as he crashed to a garbage bin.

I got terrified for real this time as I turned stiff when I saw how Asuma went flying and Kurenai not minding what she had done then out of nowhere hugged me like nothing happened.

"Maa… I'm really sorry for frightening you honey." I stiffly stayed in place while she continues caressing my hair and looking at me worriedly.

"Asuma!" Gai shouted hysterically and went running at where Asuma was lying in shock full of garbage while crying. Kakashi was impassively looking at Kurenai and Asuma from where he stands like it was not his business at all.

"Kurenai, you'll only terrify the child like that." Kakashi walk towards us as he stood from our sides. "*sigh* Come on, you just went and sent his 'father' flying out of nowhere."

Kurenai sent Kakashi a chilling glare when she heard the word 'father'. Even Kakashi backed off as he raised his hands in surrender while stepping back.

Kurenai turned back her attention at me as she looks at me feeling guilty, sorry and… jealous? 'Shit! Did I go overboard?'

She then lifted me and carried me in her arms as we started walking towards Guy and Asuma's direction. Guy noticed us as he went and shielded Asuma who was still lying in the ground with tears running down his cheeks.

"Kurenai! I won't let you kill Asuma and separate him from his son!" Guy stood tall in front of us while raising his arms to block Asuma from Kurenai.

"Step. Aside. Guy." Kurenai said each word chillingly as Guy faltered and stepped back.

"…O-Okay." Guy stepped aside and then run back towards Kakashi hiding behind him and completely terrified.

Asuma hurriedly stood up then dusted himself of dirt and wiped his tears with his sleeves while looking at Kurenai beggingly. Sadly, Kurenai didn't look at his direction at all as she put me down on the ground completely ignoring Asuma as she kneel to my eye level while patting my head gently.

"Sorry honey, I didn't know I threw your 'daddy'… I thought I saw a 'thrash' and threw it away." Kurenai's tone was very gentle except when she put some pressure when she said the word daddy and thrash, even Asuma looked like being stabbed when she said those words.

Kurenai stood up and ruffled my hair while smiling fondly at me before walking away.

"Ku-K-Kurenai…" Asuma stuttered and raised his arms towards Kurenai trying to grabbed her arm.

"I'll be going ahead Kakashi, Guy." That was the last she hurriedly said before she disappeared in a swirl of leaves. I managed to catch a glimpse of tears from her eyes before she disappeared completely.

'Okay… I really went overboard this time.' I thought to my self while looking at the devastated Asuma as he collapsed on the ground, completely losing consciousness in shock.