
Shinobi Prince (Naruto FanFic)

A guy reincarnated as the son of the Fire Daimyo.

RC_Soft · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs


A huge monstrous fox rampages inside Konoha – the village I still clearly remembered which I visited a few years back. Dozens of houses where destroyed just by its single roar. It's nine tails devastated anything it smashed into, as the screams of the people echoed through the night.

The already devastated village is almost at its knees as the Kyuubi once more release a monstrous howl then it started gathering massive chakra at its mouth. I felt the massive pressure emitted by the Kyuubi as its gathered chakra for the bijuu bomb it's about to release.

Even I started to panic as I started running with all my strength away from the Kyuubi. As I continued running while looking back every now and then, I suddenly saw a huge frog appeared out of nowhere above the Kyuubi and slammed at its head, disrupting the massive chakra ball in his mouth.

I stopped on my tracks as I stared at the man standing atop the huge frog. A blond man stood fast while shouting orders at the surrounding shinobis. However, the Kyuubi didn't just lie still as it started gathering chakra at its mouth once again, then all of a sudden, the Kyuubi disappeared on everyone's sight as my own vision also warped as my everything around me turned to black.

When my vision returned back, I saw the Kyuubi's massive body wrapped in golden chains as it roared loudly while struggling in his restraints when the Kyuubi suddenly reached out with its claws somewhere or someone. I followed my eyes where it attacked and saw a newborn child in a crib.

The blond man along with a red head woman blocked the fox's huge claw with their own bodies saving the child. At that moment, I seemed to have finally realized what I was seeing.

'This is the Kyuubi's memories?' I proceeded to witness the sacrifice of Naruto's parents as they said their goodbye to their son and then Minato finally clasped his hands and finished the sealing jutsu.

"Fuin!" My vision then turned dark after that. But I still retained the lucid dream/nightmare while I keep floating in the deep void. I panicked a bit as I thought that the dream should've ended right there.

'What is this? Am I dead?' I tried to run through the void as I deny to accept the situation, I'm in.

Suddenly I seemed to have run into a hard wall as I feel backwards, I looked up and saw two huge red slitted and menacing eyes looking at me. The eyes seemed to have lit up the dark void as the huge nine-tails stood up with all its tails standing behind him and howl towards me in all it's might. The huge head of the kyuubi rushed towards me and opened its mouth as it ate me whole.


"AHHhhh!" I screamed as loud as I opened my eyes. I saw a familiar ceiling above me, my whole body was feeling hot and my back was drenched in sweat.

"It's alright now my honey! Everything fine now, your mother's here." I then saw my mother's worried face hovering over me as she held my hands while I still lie in bed.

Seeing the familiar face of my mother my rapidly beating heart started to calm down as she keeps caressing my head gently for a few seconds.

"Mother…" I called out to her in a weak voice as I finally gained my calm. I sat up on the bed as my mother hurriedly hugged me while I hear her soft sobbing.

"I was so worried my honey…" I felt sorry for making her cry like this, I hugged her back and find comfort with her warmth. The terror that the Kyuubi had made me feel before is finally subsiding as my mother hugged me.

A few seconds later she released me from the hugged and clasped my face looking at me carefully. "Are you alright now? Is there anywhere hurting?"

"Stop that Shijimi." I heard father as he walks towards us by the side and sat at the side of the bed and proceeded to pat my head, relief written on his face. "He just woke up, let him rest more. The doctors and Chiriku still need to check him later."

Mother reluctantly released my face as she kissed my forehead. "I'll have the servant bring you food after the doctor check you. Rest well, my son." Father rustled my hair and kissed my head as he brought along mother and called the doctor inside.


"Daimyo-sama may we have a word alone with you." Asuma with Chiriku guarding outside Tenshin's room called out to the Daimyo who just walk out the room alongside his wife.

The look of relief on the Daimyo's face was still all over him and agreed without any questions. "Hmm… Let's talk in my study." He then told his wife to go fetch some servants to bring them some tea in his Study.

They sat around the table as they waited for the servants to finish pouring them the teas before starting their talk.

Asuma started. "Daimyo-sama you might have some idea what drove Kazuma to do this stupidity in the first place."

The Daimyo's face crunched up upon hearing Asuma's piece. "*sigh* I didn't think Kazuma would go through such measures."

"Even I know how valuable my son's talent is to shinobis like you. I even knew about you guardians disobeying my orders not to teach Tenshin anything on his talents." Asuma and Chiriku refused to made eye contact with their lord as guilt was written all over their faces.

"But I decided to turn a blind eye on these matters seeing how Tenshin having a lot more fun doing these trainings more than his studies as a noble." The Fire Daimyo face softened up remembering how his son always look more energetic whenever he played(trained) afterwards with Asuna, Chiriku and Kazuma.

"Perhaps I'm the one to blame about Kazuma and the other's rebellion. I shouldn't have held back Tenshin's talent in the first place." The Daimyo shook his head as he showed them a tired and helpless smile.

"No Daimyo-sama! You did nothing wrong, you just wanted to raise the young lord as your heir and not a shinobi. We understand you very well that's why we didn't object your decisions." Chiriku calmly stated as he reassured the Daimyo.

Asuma felt ashamed that they really tried to take away such a genius heir away from his fate as the future leader of their country.

"Then why didn't you follow my orders!" Suddenly the daimyo raised his voice as Chiriku and Asuma stiffened up on their seats and bowed their heads. "--- is what I really want to say." Seeing the pitiful state of the two the Daimyo dropped the bombed as Asuma and Chiriku relaxed a bit.

"But now that it has come to this, I no longer have choice about this matter." The Daimyo sipped his tea as Asuma and Chiriku waited for him to continue.

"You say it's the Kyuubi's chakra that has been sealed inside my son?" The Daimyo asked.

"Hai! Daimyo-sama. It was our short sightedness that we didn't realize what Kazuma has planned all along. He had stored the residue chakra of the Kyuubi from its attack on Konoha 4 years ago and sealed it inside the young lord making him a pseudo-jinjuriki." Asuma explained the detailed story to the Daimyo who twitched a bit when he heard the last part.

"What news about Jiraiya? When can he check my son's condition?" The Daimyo ask while looking quite worried about his son's state.

"I'm apologize in advance as Konoha's shinobi, Daimyo-sama." Asuma stood up and bowed towards the daimyo. "The toad sannin – Jiraiya-sama is currently out of reach at the moment and the Hokage proposes to have the young lord brought to Konoha so he can personally check himself."

"The third Hokage is only second to Jiraiya when it comes to Fuinjutsu in the whole Elemental Country, I believe it's the right choice Daimyo-sama." Noticing the awkward position Asuma is in, Chiriku backed up his friend.

"That old man sure is up to something again…" The Daimyo regretted that he had boast to Hiruzen stories about his son's apparent talent in chakra whenever he visited Konoha. "*sigh* Very well… Give Tenshin a few more days to rest and have Asuma escort him in secret to Konoha. Remember no one has to know about my son's state to anyone, this matter is top secret, understood?"

"Hai!" Asuma and Chiriku affirmed.