
New Land

Ryuujin Resident

When Simon weak up he didn't saw Anko or Kurenai, but her heard sound coming from the kitchen, "seems like they woke up before me since that's the case I must sleep for some time" Simon who was a lazy bum again fell asleep.

He couldn't sleep for much longer because he was awakened by girls to have a breakfast, after about 15 minutes Simon joined them to have breakfast. While having breakfast they talked about their plans for the day as usual Simon had his farm to look after while Anko said she will join him. Kurenai still had her team to train until they become Chunins.

Just when they finished their breakfast, Suddenly Anbu appeared before them, Anko and Kurenai didn't show much surprise, Simon was the same he already felt Anbu from some time ago. Simon knew he was waiting for them to finish their meal.

"Lord Ryuujin, Lady Hokage is expecting your presence," Anbu said respectfully.

Simon and girls were surprised, they couldn't understand why would Lady Hokage ask for Simon, nonetheless, Simon replied "alright I'll be there, you can go" there is no point asking Anbu about his summoning, he just have to pay a visit to his future wife.

"Yes," said Anbu disappear from the dining room.

Kurenai looked at Simon Strangely Anko had the same look, "looks like you progressing quite nicely" Kurenai teased him. Simon felt proud of him, how much time could she resist his charm, looks like she was in the bag. He smiles at them saying "of course, you guys coming?"

"Nope, you go have fun, me and Kurenai planning on going shopping and then training ground" Anko answered him. They didn't want to disturb his 'works'

Simon changed his clothes and head towards the Hokage office. He saw a blond-haired busty beauty doing some paper works. "Lady Tsunade you ask for me?" He didn't wait until she finishes what she was doing.

"Oh good, you came, I thought you would take some time since Kurenai also move in" Tsunade stopped what she was doing before.

"Haha, how could I, if you summon me, I must come to you no matter what" Simon tried to make Tsunade happy. Of course, Tsunade felt happy but also became wary of him. The report said was true its hard to resist his charm.

Tsunade quickly change the subject "anyways I summon you because I have a request" she looked into his eyes, she saw his eyes become happy she also became happy with this she could charm him to leave with her.

Simon tried to act normal he asked " what is it milady if it's within my power ill do it" what he said was true if there was anything he can do to make his future wife happy he would do it without question.

"Good, it is certainly within your power, do you know about Land of Pleasure and Prosperity?" Tsunade smiled and asked him.

Simon was daze he had never heard of anything about this land, even in original Anime he never heard something like that.

"Looks like you don't, well then hear this out" Tsunade saw his expression start to explain.

"Land of pleasure and prosperity is an independent island which situated on the middle of the sea, it isn't much larger than the land of fire, but their technology and ninjutsu is much advanced than us, you could say what we have here now is also we received from this land. I mean technology, not Jutsu" Tsunade paused and looked at Simon, he was listening to this new information eagerly.

Then she again continued "once every ten years they called upon every Kage to their Island, when you go there you could buy new tech and new variations of Jutsu. My grandfather and Madara is the only one ever step into this land, they were best friends when they visited. Using that technology they built this village, well that's not important, every year when our central continent participating we have to defeat five waves of attacks, you could say its more like a trial."

" Hold on a second you said central continent then there is more?" Simon stopped her, this was more important.

"Eh! You didn't know? There are totally 5 continents" Tsunade look at Simon weirdly this was common knowledge even five-year-old know this.

When Simon saw her look he knew he must...lie "actually I have never said this to anyone, not even my wives, one day I woke up the middle of the forest without any of my memories, only my name, and my power level. So could you please tell me" lie wasn't much elegant but worked nonetheless.

Tsunade furrowed her brows but didn't ask further she simply nod before continuing "other 4 continent arent much powerful as our five hidden villages, actually, those aren't continents much like Island nations, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Turtle those are the names of four Island nations, ill send you some reports about them later, lets get back to our main topic" Tsunade was in a hurry she couldn't teach him about common knowledge.

Simon didn't say anything, although this was news to him if it was common knowledge he could later ask Anko and Kurenai to teach him.

"As I was saying the trial is pretty normal five Kage-level could easily handle this. but after Uzamaki Clan's massacre Land of Pleasure and Prosperity decide to make Trial harder for us, later we came to know Uzamaki Clan was held from one of their Royal bloodlines.

Since that day forth we have never able to go past their 2nd trial. even with Sarutobi sense who was strongest in his time couldn't do anything"

Simon knew what she was going to say next before she could say anything he stopped her " wait I know what you going to say, I won't go with you guys I can't leave Anko and Kurenai, besides Anko is already two months pregnant, so NO CAN DO"

After hearing him Tsunade sighed, in those few months she had Anbu investigate Simon's Daily life, form this she knew how much he cared about Anko, she already expected his reply, but she had a plan " if you come with me, ill be a mediator to you and Ino Yamanaka, I know you have been keeping an eye on her. Also, You get to meet Mizukage, you know she is a real beauty, she is pretty desperate to find Husband she might actually be like you" Tsunade said with sly smile.

Simon starts to waver, with Tsunade's help he could probably propose marriage to the Yamanaka clan, but of course, he could do that without her help as well, But when he remembered Mizukage Mei Terumi his heart start to pound loudly. But with Danzo running around he couldn't leave the village. Most of all Anko was pregnant if something were to happen her he wouldn't mind destroying the whole village.

"If you worried about Danzo you don't have to, I will have my best ninja to look after your home " of course Tsunade knew about Danzo's visit, she also knew Simon was wary about Danzo.

"Alright let me talk with me wives and decide but if I'm going I want Kakashi and Maito Guy to protect my family until we come back" after Hokage those two were the most powerful ninja's left. So he decides to ask for them. another thing is He couldn't face Tsunade if he couldn't do this much for her.

"Alright, you go and talk with Anko and Kurenai ill inform Kakashi and Guy" although Tsunade felt surprised by his sudden change since she knew he was a pervert same as Jiraiya, in a good way, she kept straight face. but she was happy, she thought 'Mei I'm sorry I have to sacrifice you for the greater good, who knows you might even fell for the rascal'

finally...time to reveal Rinnegan

asuraSLcreators' thoughts