
Shinigami Of The Marvel World

"In a sudden twist of fate, Blake is transmigrated to an ancient time, equipped with a powerful Shinigami system. Throughout his journey, he navigates the treacherous Nine Realms, building relationships and forging alliances to combat the menacing Hollows. As he strives to rebuild the Soul Society from scratch, each chapter uncovers his encounters with various realms, including the Greek pantheon and other divine beings. . Mysterious and enigmatic, Blake discovers that the current universe he inhabits is not the realm of gods but the ancient Marvel universe. Now faced with the choice of intervention or observation, he embarks on a journey that intertwines with the rest of the Marvel movies, all while keeping his intentions shrouded in secrecy. . . As his past exploits are hinted at, the upcoming chapters promise a captivating exploration of the Greek pantheon and the unfolding of Blake's mysterious destiny."

Cosmic_phantom_19 · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

A New Beginning in Rukongai and Problems

The responsibilities entrusted to the Kidō Corps were vast and far-reaching.

Opening and safeguarding the Senkaimon, releasing the Sōkyoku Seal during executions, mastering the arts of stealth and espionage, enforcing the laws of the Soul Society, and providing unwavering security and protection—these duties formed the very bedrock of the Kidō Corps' purpose.

Imbued with a vast array of responsibilities,

the Kidō Corps bore the weight of their sacred duties with unwavering resolve.

The core of their purpose lay the sacred task of opening and safeguarding the Senkaimon—a celestial gateway that forged the vital connection between the ethereal realms of the Material World and the sublime Soul Society.

In the moments of execution within the hallowed grounds of the Soul Society,

the Kidō Corps emerged as custodians of sacred tradition.

It was their solemn responsibility to release the formidable Sōkyoku Seal and ensure the smooth progression of these solemn proceedings.

Woven seamlessly into the very fabric of their existence, the arts of stealth and espionage is the second nature to the Kidō Corps.

Masters of secrecy and guardians, they operated with the utmost discretion,

delving into the shadows to investigate enigmatic occurrences,

and safeguarding the impenetrable security of the Soul Society.

Enforcing the laws of the Soul Society, the Kidō Corps assumed the mantle of protectors and enforcers along with Onmitsukidō.

With a deep-rooted commitment to maintaining order,

they diligently ensured that individuals adhered to the established rules and regulations of the spiritual realm.

Swiftly and decisively, they apprehended those who threatened the balance and harmony of the Soul Society.

Above all, the Kidō Corps also bore the solemn responsibility of safeguarding esteemed figures, vital locations, and invaluable artifacts,

their watchful presence an unwavering sentinel against any encroachment upon the sanctity of their realm.

It's just the difference is that While the Kidō Corps stood as a separate organization akin to the Gotei 13.

The Onmitsukidō remained under the command and equal division of the five noble houses.

The collective stature of the Kidō Corps members was amplified as they stood tall,

bearing the weight of their responsibilities and embracing the magnitude of the trust placed upon their shoulders.

The words of the Soul King resonated deeply within their souls,

igniting an unwavering sense of purpose within their beings.

The vision unveiled by Blake, the Soul King, kindled a fervent fire within them,

reigniting their passion in the face of the once-broken condition of the Spiritual Realm.

Emboldened by their commitment to their craft and their duty to protect the Soul Society.

As the meeting concluded, the Kidō Corps members dispersed, each stepping into their respective roles with a renewed sense of purpose.

Some would fade into the shadows, seamlessly blending into the tapestry of the Soul Society.

Others would venture beyond, crossing the threshold into the material world to cleanse and purify hollows and souls, their duty temporarily entwined with that of the Gotei 13.

And still, there were those entrusted with guarding the sacred gateway of the Senkaimon, maintaining its sanctity and defending against any threat,

while a select few of their esteemed ranks will be allotted to the shinigami school for now, their wisdom and expertise serving to nurture and guide the next generation of guardians..

The convergence of their collective skills and wisdom would prove to be a formidable instrument, intricately shaping the destiny of the Soul Society.

A harmonious future, bathed in the radiance of prosperity and tranquility,

was no longer a distant dream, but a tangible reality gradually materializing before their very eyes.

Blake witnessed their departure with a sense of pride swelling within him.

Standing alongside the revered divisions of the Gotei 13, they represented the very cornerstone upon which the foundation of a prosperous Soul Society was being laid.

The intricate web of the Soul Society's military branches working in unison would pave the way for the restoration of balance and the preservation of peace.

As he thought further,

he couldn't help but be intrigued by the secretive nature of the Kidō Corps as seen in the anime.

Veiled behind their white face-coverings, these guardians of the unseen embodied the essence of discretion and anonymity,

carrying the weight of their sacred techniques and traditions upon their shoulders.

It was a testament to their dedication and the responsibility they bore as the silent guardians of the Soul Society.

With the indomitable might of the Kidō Corps at his side,

Blake felt an exhilarating surge of confidence coursing through his veins.

Their presence instilled within him an unshakeable belief in the path that he has to tread furthers, as they propelled him forward with their assistance.

Leaving the hallowed halls of the Kidō Corps headquarters,

Blake ascended into the sky, his gaze fixed upon the horizon.

"Let us conclude this profound journey of exploring the intricate depths of the headquarters and it's time to to employ the medium development coupon and restore the residential areas of Rukongai" Thought Blake.

As he headed straight outside the boundaries of Seireitei.

Standing above the air, he gazed upon the ruins of North Rukongai,

his eyes fixed on the desolate and devasted landscape that stretched before him.

The once-thriving district now lay in ruin, its streets devoid of life, and its majestic buildings reduced to crumbling facades.

But he still smiled, as he carried within him the power of restoration, granted by the system.

With a determined resolve, Blake activated the restoration opportunity.

channeling his power, Within the depths of his consciousness, he meticulously visualized the designated area for restoration.

As the coupon got activated,

a surge of vibrant energy cascaded through his body, extending outward like tendrils of ethereal light.

In this moment experiencing the same feeling again,

he couldn't help but marvel at the mysteries that surrounded this magical system, the origin of its power shrouded in enigma and wonder.

The radiant glow enveloped the northern Rukongai,

suffusing the once-devastated landscape within its majestic golden hue, forming a vast oval domain over it.

Within the boundaries of this extraordinary domain, the spectacle of transformation unfurled before Blake's awestruck gaze.

With each passing moment, the once-devastated landscape succumbed to the power of renewal.

Crumbling structures, once skeletal remnants of their former grandeur, stood tall and proud once more,

their foundations solidified with newfound strength.

Walls, once reduced to rubble, reassembled themselves with an almost sentient determination, as if echoing the resilience of the Soul Society.

As the restoration continued, the vibrancy of life seeped back into the veins of North Rukongai.

The streets, once barren and desolate, teemed with its former vibrancy.

The carefully crafted houses, adorned with intricate designs and rich Constructional style, stood as silent sentinels, testaments to the Soul Society's architectural heritage.

The houses and buildings within the North Rukongai harmoniously divided across the expanse of 80 districts.

Each structure, meticulously groomed and maintained with vibrant smell flooding all over.

Within each district, a thriving ecosystem unfolded, with numerous food stalls, small eateries, and restaurants , a distinctive market place within each district, Izakayas and Pubs to relax, socialize, and enjoy drinks and at last Rukongai also host communal bathhouses where residents can cleanse and relax

The transformation was nothing short of miraculous.

North Rukongai bloomed anew, and hope filled the air.

The miraculous transformation reached its culmination, the golden domain that had cocooned North Rukongai dissolved,

revealing the beautifully designed and intricate buildings that lay within.

Blake surveyed from above, the beautifully traced houses and different buildings,

his gaze sweeping across the landscape with a smile of deep satisfaction gracing his features.

Yet, amidst this serene moment, the arrival of Ichibē Hyōsube, the leader of the Royal Guards, disrupted the tranquility. Ichibē approached respectfully, his posture reflecting his deference to the Soul King.

"Your Majesty," Ichibē began with a tone laced with respect and concern,

"We have discerned troubling reports and observed a disturbing increase in Hollow activity near the human cities.

Through the instruments we discovered within the Celestial Realm, we have detected an influx of human souls into the material world, reaching unprecedented levels and continuing to rise."

Ichibē's words carried a sense of gravity, underscored by the limited understanding they possessed due to the lack of proper instruments and access to the material world.

However, the implications were clear: immediate action was imperative.

The delicate balance between the spiritual and material realms teetered on the edge, threatened by the surge of Hollows and the swelling number of wayward human souls.

"We must assemble a team of highly trained Shinigami, adept at purifying the Hollow menace and guiding lost souls to their rightful place,"

Ichibē urgently continued, his voice resonating with a sense of purpose. "Furthermore, we must establish a temporary outpost, a vital nexus that bridges our realms, allowing us to maintain crucial communication with the outside world.

This will enable us to remain vigilant and swiftly respond to unfolding events. The repercussions of inaction could be cataclysmic, disrupting the essential harmony that binds our realms together."

Blake, acutely aware of the growing threat, listened intently, his mind grappling with the gravity of the situation.


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