
Shifter Sans

Undertale fanfiction that I wanted to try to do for fun, this is my first time writing anything so don't be too harsh. It's the usual route, MC meets god, gets 3 wishes and goes on his adventure, BUT he doesn't remember anything other than fictions (Games, Animes, etc.). WebOfSpidey, if you wish for me to take off the cover tell me so.

BreathOfSin · ゲーム
16 Chs

Capsule corps

"Excuse me, do you know where bulma lives?"

Shifter tilted his head, thinking whether to take him to capsule corps

"How does bulma you're talking about look like?" Shifter knew who he was talking about but still asked, Dragon balls changed so why can't the characters also change?

"Bulma is tall, has blue hair and has no tail!" Little guy described Bulma as best as he could

"Hmm, I know where she lives, here, take my hand" Shifter put out his hand for the little guy to take it

He took Shifter's hand, right after that they teleported infront of Capsule corps

"That's her house" Said Shifter pointing at capsule corps

"Thanks mister!" Said kiddo going towards the door

"what's your name?" Shifter asked the little guy wanting to know his name as he looked like a sans

The kid turned around and said "My name's the magnificent Kugo!"

"Alright kiddo, cya later"

Shifter turned around to leave but a voice stopped him


Looking around he saw bulma in her usual getup on a motor bike... Air bike? It was a motor bike which floated in the air


"Um, would you like to come in?" Bulma was flustered as Sanses in human forms were quite handsome and currently bulma was searching for a boyfriend

Shifter stood there for a while and then said "Sure, why not?"

They went inside the capsule corps

"Hey, hey bulma!" Asked Kugo

"What?" Although Bulma was happy to see Kugo she was more focused on Shifter which was looked around

"I broke the dragon radar, could you fix it for me?"

"Sure, give it to me" Bulma put out her hand to asking for the dragon radar

Kugo gave it to her and they continued walking ahead

Bulma was asking Shifter alot of questions like, what is his name, where does he live, what's he doing, etc.

Shifter was answering honestly without actually telling that he's from a different universe

They went forward at last meeting bulma's mother which recognized Kugo as he was a someone you couldn't really mistake for someone else, after all he was a skeleton with a tail

Image here^

"Oh, you must be Kugo, hi there and you are?" After greeting Kugo she wondered who's Shifter

Instead of Shifter answering bulma went forward "Mom, he's my new friend, his name is Shifter"

"Shifter? What an unusual name, it's nice to meet you too, now, would you boys want some refreshment?" Bulma's mother was holding a plate with two cups of orange juice

"No, thanks, I was about to leave soon either way"

"Oh, what a pity" Both bulma and Kugo took the orange juice cups, Bulma's mom leaving right after

"Um, before you leave can I have your number?" Bulma was blushing while asking that

"Er, sorry but I don't have a phone" Bulma was surprised as it showed on her face

"Wait a second" Bulma went away and brought a phone

"Here, my phone number is already there, if you want to meet up, call me" Bulma smiled

"Thank you, bye" Shifter teleported away

Give me ideas how to name Goku!Sans, not blueberry though please

BreathOfSincreators' thoughts