
Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth

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What is Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth

WebNovel で公開されている、RolandoJOlivo の作者が書いた Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth の小説を読んでください。After the masterful return of Sherlock Holmes and finishing the cases of the murders of Ronald Adair and Raschy Cooper, as well as the confirmation of the disappearance of the heir to Alsace, the famo...


After the masterful return of Sherlock Holmes and finishing the cases of the murders of Ronald Adair and Raschy Cooper, as well as the confirmation of the disappearance of the heir to Alsace, the famous detective receives a strange gift from a publisher: the novel of Frankenstein, which he reads avidly in just two nights, but it has a hidden message that can lead to a new investigation. Meanwhile, Dr. Watson pays a visit to the famous detective because they have several pending tasks, which include: re-examining the incriminating evidence against Sebastian Moran, attending the trial of Raschy Cooper's killer and identifying the body of Godfrey Norton, due to a diplomatic and financial conflict with the French government. However, Sherlock Holmes dismisses these activities, tells Dr. Watson about omissions in Frankenstein’s novel and insists on going to the publisher to request modifications to that book. Dr. Watson is surprised that this effort exceeds the search for Irene Adler, and he gets a big surprise at the Mainor publishing house. A valuable book, The Secrets of Wealth, of which only one copy exists, was stolen from the safe, in the publisher's office, and it can be plagiarized and sold as an international best seller, in Europe and America, while the publisher has no way of proving that he owns the intellectual property rights. The sensational Sherlock Holmes discovers how they found out the combination of the safe, who is the author of that crime and where is that stolen book. Nonetheless, he must confront the head of Scotland Yard, in order to recover that literary work, and once his mission is accomplished, he carefully analyzes the great secrets of wealth and reflects on how to put them into practice. Likewise, this story is related to: A Scandal in Bohemia, The Final Problem, The Adventure of the Empty House, and The Big Secret of Sherlock Holmes and His Struggle Against the Organization. Content: First Part, Sherlock Holmes Is Obsessed With Frankenstein Second Part, The Theft of a Valuable and Unique Book Third Part, The Secrets of Wealth

1 タグ


Chu Xue Yi was youngest son between commander ling and patriach chu who was an product of accidental one night stand between patriarch chu and his mother who died giving birth as he got tortured by commander which make him fragile and easy to get sick since birth. His mother was the lost Xue clan only descendants left who had the blood of sea Camry that had 9 bloodline. Our mc was a little genius but he disregard it and chase his brother for familial love... Our mc died in 2nd year of apocalypse after years of frame, bully, poison, murder attempt and etc by Wei Xing Yu, an girl who was 2 years younger than him and was an fake white lotus. He reincarnate with space as he update it by jade and make a pagoda for book, ocean for sea animal, forest, hill, mountain and etc for land animal, an city oval lake where there was infinite spirit water that flows from the river to the ocean, forest, hill, mountain and etc. He was very happy and decided to practice and contribute to mankind as he make reuseable thing that replace plastic, an source that generate electricity, a vehicle that uses air, water, electricity and can fly that didn't polute earth, vaccine to all kind of virus, medicine to all kind of cancer and etc... He was having dreams that make him think he will go back so he madly purchase all supplies especially food, cloth, seed, water, wine and etc. Although he never dreams again, he still feel his soul was more and more being lost... Till one fateful day, he saw an store and felt attracted as he look at the toys, jade, weapon, seed and all kind of thing at the store menu. He look at the and buy all they have as he left contentedly as he didn't notice the weird gazr he was having from the store manager who was like his eldest brother... He look at the beach as he smile and hear an loud bang as his secretary show a report from hospital that show him an uncureable amd undetectable disease as he sold his asset to his friend as he buys many thing and die in ocean.... Now he was at baby age with same space and panel with additional unlimited supplier in mall...

Jessica_Oktaviani_8970 · ファンタジー
2 Chs


"If you want the Empire to be in the palm of your hands, just give me the order, milady... You... don't have to do this." "Do I look ugly to you?" Melissa Edevane looked him in the eyes. "No," Brandel Laxon answered with a hoarse voice. The most beautiful woman of Estania was only clad in a gorgeous, seductive red nightgown. She looked captivating while staring at his lips and snaking her arms behind his neck. The bed was right behind her. One push from him would render her trapped between him and the sheets. Just the thought of it was driving him mad with longing and desire. "Then why are you hesitating?" The woman asked with a taunting smile. Her sweet voice intermittently echoed in his ears as she rained small kisses on his neck. "Hurry up, Knight Brandel. Take me. Make me yours." 'So I can be bound with you forever...' In the end, Brandel let himself succumb to her seduction. The next thing Melissa knew, he was kissing her and staring at her passionately. He was looking at her, like a predator hungry for his prey. "Milady, I hope you won't regret turning a knight into a hungry beast." ... After being betrayed and killed, the reincarnated Vampire Countess Melissa Edevane only vowed to do two things in her newly gained life. Take revenge on all the corrupt vampires in the Empire of Estania. And make Brandel Laxon, the human knight, not her pet, but her husband. With the first being her priority, she thought that it would be impossible to do it without forging an identity that would help gather reliable allies. 'Alright. From now on, I will simply be called Tyche.' Tyche, the goddess of fortune. Melissa vowed to be the source of fortune for her loved ones and a source of misfortune for the oppressors of her previous life. ... DISCLAIMER: Pic not mine

Sei1997 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Stardust Soccer Academy

Dante could never forget that day. He could still feel the vibrations from all the cheers coming from the audience. It was during the Middle School Soccer Cup final match. A prestigious tournament in which almost every middle school from the entire nation would participate but only the top 16 would be chosen for playoffs. Dante's school had made it to playoffs that year with him being their ace sticker, scoring a total of 37 goals before even making it to the playoffs. He was labeled a young prodigy and along with his team, was expected to go all the way this year and win the whole tournament. During the tournament, he showed impressive techniques and clever tactics to outplay and maneuver around his opponents, scoring tons of goals and making it all the way to the finals. Only one game stood before Dante and the glory. However, that was when disaster struck. The opposing team was back to back to back champions playing to defend their title and continue their win streak for another year to come. The tension in the stadium was high and nobody could predict the outcome of that match. After a long and exhausting match, Dante was only able to score a singular goal with the opposing team having scored 2. He was exhausted from carrying the entire team on his back for the entire match by attacking and also defending as his team had become dependent on only him to carry them through and weren't able to match the opposing team themselves. With only a couple of minutes left in the second half, Dante became more and more desperate. Desperate to live up to the expectations of everyone, Desperate to not let his family and friends after coming so far, Desperate to... WIN. A spark ignited from within Dante's body as he put his legs into overdrive. He became faster than before, sharper than before, he had become a completely different person, a monster on the field. [Phantom Tackle] He skillfully tackled the midfielder using one of his techniques before he could make the pass and stole the ball. Sprinting full speed ahead toward the opposing goal with only one thing on his mind... WIN! Everything became a blur for Dante as all he could focus on was the ball. He dribbled it closer and closer to the goal and was ready to shoot when all of a sudden 2 defenders appeared out of nowhere and tackled him to the ground. "AHHHHH!" Dante screamed in extreme pain and agony as he held his leg while rolling on the ground. The referee called the game to pause and the medics quickly arrived to take a look but with one look they could tell that Dante had broken his leg. Dante was pulled from the game and the defender that had broken his leg was given a red card; however, it didn't matter at that point, as Dante's team lost the match 1-3. *************** It took Dante 6 months to fully heal his leg and almost a year before he was able to play again. However, during his recovery, not once did any of his teammates come to see him and all the love and support that he used to receive from his school disappeared after he had humiliated them by losing the final match. Everyone put the blame on him even though he was the that worked the hardest and suffered the most and this eventually broke Dante. After returning back to his school, Dante swore never to play soccer again and would rather focus on his studies and pursue a normal career. With that Dante's love for soccer and the spark that had been ignited within his body died down and laid dormant as he finished middle school and was finally starting high school. However, as fate would have it, Dante's life was about to be turned back around and nobody could have imagined the series of events that took place after the return of the young prodigy, Dante Rossi. *************** If you like this novel then please consider adding it to your Library! Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/JUqTwMhj Follow me on Instagram: @the.real.kingu

KingU · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Irradiated Wolves

Zione knew the of the World Before. The World Before had been chaotic and doomed to fail. It was the human's own fault - their greed and selfishness had corrupted their hearts and made sluggards of their minds. That was why most of the world now was barren - irradiated so bad that most of the greenery and life on the planet had died. She was alive thanks to Dr. Orange and a horde of researchers and scientists, at a single lab bored deep into the heart of the Smokey Mountains. All that was left of a top secret U.S. military experiment, the base's scientists had been lucky to be zealous about their work. Only they, and the permanent lab personnel assigned there 'round the clock, were at their work stations when the End came. They continued their work, even years after. Zione knew -she- was the work they had been so zealous for. She, and numerous other hybrids created after the breakthrough, were capable in ways that their creators were not. They were stronger, faster, and immune to the degradation of harmful radioactive waves due to the nature of the genes they were spliced with. Wolves. They could run for days, and never tire. Hunt down prey for miles. And take down the most ferocious beasts of the Wastes. ...At least in theory. So when Zione and her pack are sent out to cross to the western ocean and back for reports on how the land is faring in the wake of ultimate destruction, she doesn't hestitate for a chance to unleash like she was built for. She is a genetically engineered lycan queen, sum of all experiments before her. Capable of a monstrous form just as big and bad as any nightmare that comes her way, she is the single strongest wolf in the cluster of experiments bred there. Of course, she has a number of suitors. Her pack works just as any pack of wolves does, lead by an alpha pair who takes care of the rest. But when Zione realizes that the voice in her head is the ancient diety of the real werewolves that lived hidden amoung humans in the World Before, telling her her fated mated is elsewhere, she doesn't know what she inadvertently is getting herself into. After the scientist release the werewolves with dire warnings of what will happen if they fail, she'll lead her pack through badlands, an underground railway, treacherous secrets, surprise tribal combatants and a devious new strain of psychopaths, plus more, as she learns in this new no-holds-barred, utter insanity of a nuclear apocalypse what it means to be the savior of all mankind ~ and if that is worth giving up everything she has found her own heart longing for.

Zythanite · 都市
3 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating