
Sheldon cupper(SI)self insert

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What is Sheldon cupper(SI)self insert

WebNovel で公開されている、Marcelo_Xavier_3880 の作者が書いた Sheldon cupper(SI)self insert の小説を読んでください。...


7 タグ

Ebony Tomb

Haunting and Eerie; is the presence that the Ebony Tree gave to Kaileen Begonia, as it's ambidience made her blood thrilled and her heart beat tensely pumping ... she couldn't help but remiscend through her childhood as she used to read beneath it's corrupted features, sitting on her back against its flesh like texture while her head looking down and relaxed; consintrated on the books... feeling rather satisfied from the comfort it gave. yet now she couldn't help herself feeling scared from that past feeling, as she shudders and pales from its unnatural vibe... yet feeling a little weary of not being able to enjoy those days once more. After leaving her life as a book worm ultimately changing herself to live a chatty and open lifestyle with her new found group of friends. She became a little more conscious at this moment as the group pass by this area bringing back nostalgic feelings deep within herself. until she was interrupted by a nudgging shoulder and a booming voice from a familiar pink sweater with frills. Gwen: "Hey Kaileen where yah starring at ?? is there a cute boy behind that tree?? Ohhh don't tell me that your horny enough to fuck a tree!! hahahah" Kaileen: " Wha - Shut it, it's not that .... please people will hear you!" she said while now looking around the surroundings only to be bewildered from the fact that only her group was passing by... Jane: " Oi chill love, ya m8 s just messing around why are you so cranky so suddenly?? it ain't cha style" Wei Lingxi: " Hehehe noice, that's a good one Gwen!!" Kaileen: "oh lets just walk faster we will be late for the party!" she covered her facade. Mira: " Yeah this place gives me the creeps let's go girlz" Yeah everybody exclaimed joyfully in their own way. **************************************************** as the group of girlfriends pass by ..... a gurgling grotesque sound started to be heard from the area ..... while a piece of crimson and saggy flesh drops down from the Ebony Tree, landing towards the Tombstone beneath it ..... causing the grave to crack upon impact, slowly did its branch twitch unseen from the naked eyes....

Mordanis · ホラー
1 Chs

The number one favorite wedding in history. Good morning, Captain

[ new article: Rich Family's wedding pet, young master Liang's baby sweet wife ] He was the youngest captain on an international flight route. He was calm, wise, and handsome Under the bed, his messy clothes were scattered all over the ground. "GET LOST! " She kicked him. "Baby, didn't you say you were hungry? I was just obeying your wishes... " he smiled evilly and grabbed the little foot that was flying towards him. She was so angry that she was speechless, but his eyes were full of love. * * * He was the youngest and most handsome captain. At the same time, he was also the beloved son of the Chairman of NEPC International Airlines. With his own abilities, he was promoted from a flight attendant to a captain. He was only thirty years old. She was a flight attendant on the Far Eastern Airlines. They hid the fact that they were married and lived a life of collusion. * * * * The flight attendants were all afraid of him. Those who did not know the truth even asked her to fly with him. "I'm not going... " she refused desperately. That colleague looked at her pitifully. "Why? Are you not going to help me? " "You're married, and I'm not. WHO'S SAFER? " She said shamelessly, going against her conscience. After saying that, she regretted it. "If you're not married, then you'll lie on the same bed with me every night. Are you a mistress? " That night, she was chased out of the bedroom and slept on the sofa for the whole night. If I love you, I won't be like a climbing kaleidoscope, using your tall branches to show off.

LOLITA IN D key · 都市
259 Chs


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating