
He was a gentleman

still in shock about the beautiful scene Kyle had prepared for her she managed to utter a word since she got her.

"it's beautiful

standing right beside her this whole time watching her reaction to his surprise made him pleased with himself and he was very happy he did it and would continue to do it as long as it's get to keep that pretty smile on her face.

They were by the ocean he chose to bring her here because she talked about how much fun she had with her dad during the summer and he wanted to live a moment with her like that and the ocean was her happy place, she would talk about running away to leave with the mermaids in the sea when they were younger.

The scene was much beautiful than he had expected seems like the workers here were really good with their job. A beautiful dinner table was prepared with scented candles surrounding most of the areas making the surrounding smell good rose flowers were all over the place and some were led out like a carpet for her to walk through glooming lights were place at the upper head of the dinner table and slow music was already playing just for them and the upper side of the beach was created into a beautiful room clearly for them to spend the night it was so pretty she couldn't wait to fall asleep right next to him.

Taking her hands Kyle placed them on his chest making her feel his heart beat and that they were only going to beat this way just for her, he kissed her hands and brought them down slowly and the music stopped for a while which he didn't pay attention to cause he had given them a hand gesture for them to, this quite surprised Ava as she wasn't ready for another surprise.

"Ava, you are most loving person I've ever met in my entire life and my life seems to getting better with you, every day and minute i get to spend with you makes me thank God for bringing me to this earth i don't know what life Will be like without you in it and I never wish to know Kyle chuckled lightly then continued, it's may seem a bit to much about what am saying to you but it's not to me words can't explain how you make me feel and i want to spend the rest of life knowing that you are right to me. "inhales deeply

"Avani Smith, will you love to be my girlfriend? Kyle asked confidently fully prepared for this moment.

Ava had a slight smile this whole time Kyle was talking to her but hearing those words that she'd wish to here for a very long time from Kyle made her smile widely and her face immediately turn red which she didn't bother to hide this time around

This was the best surprise of her life and she was so glad it was with Kyle her boyfriend.

"yes Kyle i would love to be your girlfriend Ava said shyly but with a little confidence.

Kyle picked her up instantly as soon as he heard

those words his ears has been longing to hear.

"I love you Ava

"I love you Kyle she slowly lowered her head to his and place a kiss on his lips taking him by surprise seems like you are not the only with surprises here tonight Ava chuckled as she let herself down from Kyle's hands.

He had just got back from the kiss his girlfriend just gave by surprise, he had kissed a girl before but not as any relationship stuff it was during a game his friends drag him into it was called "truth or dare or something like that but the kiss he just had with his girlfriend now seems nothing like that it was different, loving and very calm he could clearly tell that it was her first kiss since she couldn't look at him in the eyes after the kiss and hurriedly got down from his hands.

"Am hungry Ava said snapping Kyle away from his thoughts, he smile at her and took her hand as he led to the dinner table prepared specially for them.

They both sat down as the waiter approach them and took their orders and returned with their meals in few minutes, they ate in silence with different thoughts running their minds most of which how the night was going to end".

Kyle couldn't believe he was sitting right in front of his girlfriend the girl of his dreams and he couldn't but smile through out his entire meal. It was time for desserts and the waiter brought them a cherry pie cake with some sweat treats all of which were Ava's favourite treats. Ava decided to break the silence she didn't want dessert to be as quite as dinner.

" so what was your inspiration about tonight Ava asked

"you Kyle replied quickly as if expecting the question

"how Ava said

Kyle dropped his fork and stood from his seat and took hands taking her to ocean, he took his jacket off and placed it on her back feeling that it was much cold out here.

Kyle told her about his surprise inspiration which was her and that he never really forgets any detail she told him about her self and when she told him how much fun she had with her dad during the summer when they were at the ocean and how she loved talking about the mermaids when she was little and how she loved to spend the night at the ocean even if it just once. Ava couldn't help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world for having someone like Kyle in her life and she was forever grateful because he was a blessing to her life.

They both stood watching the ocean waves and feeling the cold breeze around their body for some time before he led to the room prepared for them to sleep.

At this point he didn't know what they were to do once they got to the room were they going to fall asleep immediately or stay up all night talking about different things. well whatever it was he was soon going to find out because they had just reach the room and he opened the silk material used as a door for her to get in and went in afterwards....

Seeing the clothes laid on the bed for them to change into Ava took the feminine one and face the end of the room to get changed, she took her shoes off first and then heading for her top she was halfway through getting the top off when it got stuck with her earrings and seeing her struggle to get her top off Kyle couldn't help but be a gentleman, he walked up to her and release the earrings from the top and helped her get them off seeing that he was few inches from her breasts she couldn't help but blush and he quickly left to get changed also....