

Alexia laid on the magnificent queen sized bed exhausted,she closed her eyes trying to relax before the main school actually started. Who new that arranging your clothes into the school wardrobe was going to be that difficult, she felt sorry for those with more than 4 luggage's except they just made their butler do it.

Her phone vibrated and she saw a text message on it.

Maddie:omg(1) where are you,am in my room this is amazing.

Alexia:let's meet in the place where we gathered for the first time.

Maddie:kk :)

Alexia jumped out of bed and into her wardrobe to look for something more presentable to wear. She wore a purple crop top cardigan that had the inscription fuck you if you talk about me written in bold letters and a denim jeans.

"Exactly what I need to block out my haters" she muttered to her self on looking at the mirror , she left her room after securely locking the doors and keeping the key card in a flower pot she then covered it with a little bit of soil.


The bell rang and Alexia had never been so happy to a leave class, it was very difficult to adjust to sitting style and her class mates where making it more harder.

First, instead of the regular singular chair and table, it was more of two roiling chair surrounding one round table. Secondly, nobody wanted to sit with her because apparently she was the scholarship pauper girl. Thirdly,when someone did sit with her because there was no available chair,the girl made her life a leaving hell.

The girl placed her bag on the table and even brought out all her books from her bag including her laptop she placed it on the table, like what was a Trigonometry text book doing on your table in history class.


"Hurry up, am hungry Maddie" as soon as they got to the hall it was practically full of students and most of the available sit where in the back only one spare table with 4 sit was available in the front .

She and Maddie decided sit there just opposite each other.she was about take a bite from the Big Mac salad that she toiled around the fork, a hand tapped her shoulder making her put her burger down , She turned her head to see a very pretty blonde haired girl , she was beautiful , curves in the right places and model legs .

“Hey,Noobie this is my boyfriend’s table get up and get out.”

“What? Excuse you, if you want to say something to me , you better throw your bad attitude in the trash and what the bloody fuck do you mean this is your boyfriend table ? Cause I can’t really see your name or boyfriend name”.

“What?,bitch are you deaf ? do you have any idea who I am , I will destroy you.” She raised her well manicured finger getting ready for a cat claw fight.

“The nerve of this thing. See whoever you are or whatever you can do,i don't care cause I can't see your name on this table so you are dismissed”she then opened the cap of her bottle water and took a gulp .

“What? Why are looking at me like that?” She asked Maddie.

Maddie then pointed her fingers at her back , then she suddenly felt a grip on her shoulders, just like she new who it was she stood up and poured the bottle water on the person head , but instead of meeting the bitchy girl , it was

Mean while ,the water dripped from archer hair to his uniform soaking his face and the white uniform shirt , he was grinding his teeth so hard and unclenching and clenching his fist , which was getting more pale by the minute.

“Archer just calm down, just let it pass by , she didn't know.” Damon his friend whispered.

He closed his eyes taking a deep breath to look at the girl who had poured water on him but the girl was pale, practically horrified.

“Why did you_.” He wanted to ask her something, but recognition hit him, he had seen this girl some where before that’s when he remembered. This was the girl that stole his hoodie.

“You.” He yelled, “you’re the girl from the cafe, what are you doing here, are you stalking me?”

“What, am not stalking you and am not any girl from any cafe.” The girl replied.

“Yes you’re the one and where’s your friend who poured tea on me?”. It was Damon speaking now.

The whole cafeteria gasped at the mention of someone pouring something on Damon.

He looked around checking to see the other girl who had poured him tea.

“She does not attend this school.” The girl interrupted Damon’s search.

Archer looked like he was ready to kill someone but he walked away.


Instagram audie.et

Tik tok @cloudi_b